Chapter 5: Bonding

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Last time Noel and Flare take Daichi to Hololive HQ to meet A-Chan and Sora to figure out what Daichi's powers are. Although Roboco did see a large amount of brain activity from Daichi when he used his power. Now the young boy is starting to adjust to his new life.

Things had certainly changed around the Shiranui-Shirogane household after Daichi was brought to Hololive HQ to figure out what exactly his ability was. Daichi was starting to adjust to living with Noel and Flare after he finally let his guard down. The boy in question was still sound asleep in his bed while both his moms were already up and beginning their days. Daichi slowly started to stir as he slowly got up and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes as he looked around his bedroom. His room had changed a bit since he was taken to Hololive HQ to figure out what exactly his floaty truck was.
           Daichi had his own Nontendo Flip, since Noel and Flare needed theirs for for their streams. Daichi also had a jar of bouncy balls just in case he lost the one he always carried on him. A few other toys were also in a small chest in the corner of his bedroom for storage. Daichi still didn't have a lot of decorations, but that's because he still didn't know anything he would like to have decorate his room. Daichi then spotted a pile of colored blocks on the floor a few feet from his bed. "I should try again, it wouldn't be good if I don't get a handle on my floaty trick." Daichi thought to himself as he stared at the blocks.
              Daichi had been trying to practice his floaty trick ever since his meeting with A-Chan and Sora. He felt bad for hurting Noel when he got upset, even though the Knight said it was fine. Daichi's pupils turned blue as all the blocks floated into the air as they all started to stack on top of each other. Daichi could feel sweat running down his forehead as he shakily levitated the last block to the top of the stack. Unfortunately Daichi felt his control slip as the last block fell and knocked the entire pile over as Daichi let out a tired sigh.

"Dang it! Guess I'll just have to keep trying." Daichi mumbled to himself as he sighed before dropping off the bed. "I better go downstairs before Noel starts to worry." Daichi thought to himself as he started making his way downstairs.
            Daichi didn't have any issues levitating objects as long as it wasn't to big, big objects were really hard to lift. Another thing that Daichi learned was hard, was trying to stack or put things together with his floaty trick, that took a lot more effort. Daichi slowly walked down the stairs as he could smell something coming from the kitchen. Daichi yawned, but didn't stop shuffling his way down the staircase. "Maybe I should try and use my floaty trick as much as possible so I don't hurt people with it." Daichi thought to himself as he finally made it to the bottom of the stairs.

In the Kitchen
Daichi rounded the corner as he saw Noel cooking breakfast as usual, while Flare was busy getting a cup of coffee. "Good morning Noel, good morning Flare." Daichi mumbled before yawning again as he climbed into on of the chairs at the island. "Good morning Daichi! Did you sleep well?" Noel asked as she smiled at her son before setting a plate of French Toast down in front of him. Daichi took a bite of his breakfast before looking up at Noel. "I slept fine, still can't stack those blocks with my floaty trick yet." Daichi said in a slightly downcast tone.
Noel and Flare both looked at each other with worry present on their faces. The Knight and Half-Elf knew their son was trying his hardest to get a better handle on his abilities. Flare grabbed her cup of coffee before sitting down next to Daichi and gently petting him on the head. "It's okay Daichi, no one ever has a handle on their abilities when their a kid. When I was your age I could barely cast my wind Magic correctly." Flare said in a comforting tone as she tried to put Daichi's mind at ease. Daichi stayed silent as he thought over Flare's words.
             "Does it get easier?" Daichi asked as he gave Flare a curious look. Flare smiled as she gave him another comforting pat on the head. "With time and practice it does, your still just a kid so don't feel bad about making mistakes." Flare said before they both went back to their breakfast as Noel joined them. The family finished eating their breakfast before Noel collected the plates and put them in the sink. "Did you enjoy it Daichi?" Noel asked as she turned to her son with a curious look. "Yes, thank you Noel." Daichi said as he was about to leave the kitchen.
             Daichi noticed that Noel seemed a little out off by his answer. Daichi stopped in his tracks as he thought about what he should do next. "Waffles." Daichi said as both Noel and Flare turned to look at him in surprise and confusion. "What was that Daichi?" Noel asked as she gave her son a curious look. "You asked me what my favorite breakfast food was when I first came here. It's waffles." Daichi said gently as he couldn't hold eye contact when a large grin spread across Noel's face. Daichi quickly exited the room before the Knight or Half-Elf could say anything else to him.
           Flare couldn't help but let a grin spread across her face as she saw how happy her wife was. "Would you relax Noel? He just told us what one of his favorite foods are." Flare said as she let out a small giggle. Noel turned to look at her wife, goofy grin still plastered on her face. "It doesn't matter Flare! Daichi's finally opening up to us, how could I not be happy?!" Noel asked as she grabbed the Half-Elf's hands in her own as she her smile only grew larger. Flare let a smile of her own grow as she loved it when Noel got so enthusiastic about something.
           Flare was happy that Daichi was starting to open up to them as well, but there was another issue that was currently bothering her. "I'm more concerned with Daichi pushing himself so much with his powers, one of us should probably talk to him about it." Flare said as Noel's expression also grew serious as well. "You have a stream later right? I could talk to Daichi." Noel offered as Flare thought it over for a couple of minutes. "Alright, but be careful, remember last time Daichi got stressed out." Flare said as the event with the silverware when they first witnessed Daichi using his powers.
                 Noel remembered considering she ended up getting hit with bent silverware when she tried to calm him down. "What about the others? Marine, Rushia, and Pekora have all called us asking when we planned on introducing Daichi to them. Should we tell them no?" Noel asked as she didn't know if introducing their Genmates to Daichi was the best idea. "We should let Daichi decide, after all he should get a say in something involving him." Flare said as Noel nodded her head before they both set to work cleaning the dishes before starting the rest of their day.

In the Living Room
Daichi was on the couch playing his Nontendo Flip as he was still trying to beat one of the final levels of Adept Battlefields. Daichi was planning on playing other games that Noel and Flare had, but he needed something that would force him to think about anything besides his floaty trick. Unfortunately Daichi wasn't able to concentrate due to everything that's happened over the past few days. "Noel and Flare said my floaty trick is just a form of magic, but it doesn't feel like magic." Daichi thought to himself as he once again was greeted by a game over screen.
            Daichi sighed as he was about to hit the retry button when he felt the couch shift next to him slightly. Daichi looked over to see Noel sitting next to him. "Can we talk Daichi?" Noel asked as she waited for her son to respond. Daichi turned off his game console before turning to look at Noel. "Sure, what do you need Noel?" Daichi asked as he gave the Knight his full attention. "You do know that it's fine not fully understanding your powers right?" Noel said in a gentle tone as rested a hand on Daichi's shoulder. Daichi remained silent, but Noel noticed that the seven year old had started to shake.
              "Daichi?" Noel asked with concern present in her voice as she watched the child. Daichi mumbled something that Noel couldn't quite hear from how quietly he had said it. "What's wrong Daichi?" Noel asked as she hoped the boy would repeat himself. "It's not okay!" Daichi snapped as Noel was slightly taken aback by the child's sudden outburst. "What do you mean Daichi? Of course it's okay for you not to have perfect control of your abilities." Noel said as she gave his shoulder a gentle squeeze in hopes of putting the boy's mind at ease.
              "No! It's not! M-My floaty trick hurt you! You and Flare have been so nice and I hurt you! But neither of you are mad at me!" Daichi said as tears started to run down his face. What the boy didn't realize was that his pupils had turned blue and objects in the room were starting to float.

Noel noticed the objects were starting to shake violently and that was certainly not a good sign at all. Noel gently picked Daichi up before setting him in her lap. "Daichi, it's okay. You didn't mean to hurt me, you were scared." Noel said in a soothing tone as she rubbed circles on Daichi's back.
          Daichi buried his face into Noel's shoulder as he let himself cry while Noel did her best to sooth him. "Daichi, listen to me. It's okay that your still learning, that means you'll probably make som mistakes. Sometimes people might get injured if their nearby, but that's okay, Flare and I will be there to help you every step of the way." Noel said as Daichi started to calm down slightly. Daichi then looked up into Noel's eyes, his slightly red and puffy from the crying. "Y-You promise not to get rid of me?" Daichi asked timidly as he was afraid of the answer he would receive from the Knight.
Noel was once again taken aback by Daichi's statement before she gently tightened the embrace she currently had him in. "Daichi Shiranui-Shirogane, there is in no way or circumstance would Flare and I ever abandon you! Now I don't want to hear that kind of talk from you ever again young man. Do I make myself clear?" Noel asked as she gave Daichi a stern look. "Yes Ma'am." Daichi said as he knew that Noel wasn't one to lie to people. Noel's expression immediately softened as she gently ran her fingers through Daichi's hair while he leaned into her slightly.
              "Now Daichi, Flare and I felt you should make this decision for yourself." Noel said gently as the seven year old gave her a curious look. "Our fellow Genmates, I guess you could say their your Aunties. They all want to meet you, but we also know how hard these past few days have been on you. So if you don't want them to visit that's fine." Noel said as she gave him a reassuring pat on the head as the seven year old started to think over what the Knight had just told him. "Should I meet new people? What if their mean or afraid of my floaty trick?" Daichi thought as he felt himself start to get nervous again.
              Noel waited patiently as Daichi thought over his options. "If Noel and Flare trust them, then I should at least give them a chance." Daichi thought to himself as he finally made his decision. "I wouldn't mind, I'll have to meet them eventually right?" Daichi said as Noel gave him a small smile. "Alright, then Flare and I will invite them over in a day or two from now. Speaking of Flare, she should almost be done with her stream. What do you say we meet up with her and get lunch?" Noel asked as Daichi gave her a nod in agreement before they both went off to find Flare so they could go eat lunch.

So Daichi is starting to let Noel and Flare in more and more! As always this is a side story in lightningstormtc KFPverse, this one is connected with Takamori Adopts a Child. I recommend you check out the KFP stories in the reading list. As always leave your thoughts and opinions in the comments! How will Daichi handle meeting the rest of Hololive's Third Generation? Will he be able to remain calm? What is the full extent of Daichi's powers? Find out in the next chapter of NoeFlare Adventures in Parenting!

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