Loving In The Moonlight : YarnSign

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A/N : I suggest you all listen to Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata while you're reading this. XD

A/N : Now this is a Ship Idea that's honestly been with me ever since the Summer of 2018 honestly! But I didn't really think TOO MUCH About it until a couple days ago when I was looking at some stuff about these two and I realized that for me, this Ship is actually Really Helpful Because I always feel sad about their relationship in the show. So this Ship is really helpful if you want something to cheer you up about these two. Also I've been Listening to Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata for a whole Month and I'm just SO In Love with it! It's SO Beautiful! I thought a Moonlight Themed One Shot would be LOVELY And now that I REALLY WANT To write a Love Story about these two, I may as well do it with these two! So without further ado, let's get on with the Story!

Stop Sign was sitting on a Bench Located next to the Beach on Con E Island. It was a Bright Night as the Moonlight shown all the way across the Ocean and Land. Stop Sign looked up at the Moonlight and noticed how beautiful it was. Which he wished his life was like.

As you all know, Stop Sign got Eliminated in Episode 8 of Object Lockdown. Now of course he was very Angry but surprisingly, he was Also very Depressed at the same time, and that's not very common for him, Usually he'd just get really Angry over things because of his big Ego. But he would always Let out his Sad Emotions only In Private because he thought it was Silly and Immature.

Even though Object Lockdown Season 1 was Cancelled a whole Year ago, It didn't matter to him. All he could think about was his Downfall in Episode 8, and also, his Relationship towards others in the show.

Because of his Giant Ego Stop Sign never really had Any Friends in Object Lockdown, Except for Umbrella, and He Recently became friends with Berry. But towards everyone else, they thought he was just a Nightmare. While some people didn't find his Ego to be THAT Bad, a few others thought that he was a VERY Terrible person indeed and NEVER Wanted to be around him. Usually, He'd often Yell, Shout or even Physically Harrass people if he wanted to! But that was quite Rare and only came out during the WORST Situations.

But of course, THE WORST Person he EVER Had to deal with was Yarn. Yarn was an inexperienced Contestant. She was the Youngest Contestant on Object Lockdown. She was often Scared and Frightened of things. In Episode 5 she made friends with Hot Sauce and they Surprisingly formed a very Close Relationship, and helped each other out a lot during all the Challenges.

Now from Episodes 1 to 6, His Personality didn't seem to be too bad, but Episode 7 brought out the VERY worst of him! Episode 7 was an Episode that brought out a NEW Sign Of Him that NO ONE Ever saw before. 

This time he wasn't just Pushy and a bit Yelly, Oh No, he was a Total Straight Up JERK HEAD Who got upset over EVERYTHING The Team did, EVERY SINGLE Time his Team messed up on something, he'd always YELL In their Faces and say VERY Nasty things to them!

But of course, out of ALL Of them, Yarn got the WORST Treatment, Just like everyone else, Everytime she messed up on something, Stop Sign would Yell in her Face and call her Names. But because Yarn was way more Emotional than anyone else on the the show, she ran away Crying. Hot Sauce tried to Stand up for her by talking to Stop Sign but he just argued BACK With Hot Sauce saying that She was just being an Annoying Influence!

That was what Episode 7 was lik for him. Of Course though, Episode 8 didn't go any better, because the very next Episode, He was Eliminated along with Umbrella, with 1'205 Votes! A new Record for the show at the time, and that was the End of Stop Sign in Season 1 of Object Lockdown.

Now even though Episode 7 was all the way back in 2017 and Episode 8 was back in 2018, Stop Sign still felt Devastated over how he did. His Giant Ego lead to his Giant Downfall.

Stop Sign let out a long slow Sigh. "What am I doing with my Life?" He said quietly.

Now the thing is though, Stop Sign was actually WAY MORE Upset about his Relationships than his Elimimation, because of course, Friends are way more important than winning a competition, so he tried to Focus MORE On his Interactions with People, and The more he focused on that, instead of the competition, the more sad he got, although he didn't Cry, because He thought he was too Mature to Cry.

But Regardless Stop Sign was the saddest he had ever been in his whole life! He looked back up at the Moonlight to try to calm himself down. He thought everything was Hopeless at this Point. 

But Little did he know, what would happen Later throughout the Night would change EVERYTHING About him!

Coincidentally, Yarn was taking a little Night Walk by the Coastline, it wasn't even Cold outside. It was just a nice warm Night. Since she had a curiosity in a lot of things, she noticed the Pretty Moon up in the Sky and Gazed up at it, the Moonlight Sparkled in her Adorable Eyes. She thought it was the most Beautiful thing she'd ever seen in her life, and she's seen MANY Beautiful things in her life so this really is saying something!

Anyways, she kept on walking By the Sea Shore and was having a lot of fun. She even Bounced a little as she moved on. Everything seemed to be going normal for her, that is until she saw Stop Sign Strangely sitting on a Bench. 

At the time, she had completely FORGOTTEN About their Relationship from 2 Years ago, so this time she actually wondered why was he sitting in such an Unexpected Area at this time? Yarn felt like there was something going on with him, so she decided to take her chance and walk towards him.

Yarn Quietly, slowly walked towards him. All the same, Stop Sign heard footsteps coming from his Right, he looked up and saw that Yarn was walking towards him.

The Metal Octagon was Surprised, and for a lot of reasons too, first of all, Yarn usually goes to bed at 8:00 PM, so what was she doing here at this time? Second of all, Stop Sign was surprised in general that Yarn was walking to him, why was she? Did she feel something was wrong? The Metal Octagon couldn't tell. The only thing he could do was ask her, so he eventually Opened his Mouth and let his words out.

"Yarn?" He asked Quietly.

The Purple Yarn Ball smiled. She was happy he noticed her. "Hi Stop Sign." She said waving her arm.

"What-What are you doing here?" He asked her. "It's 8:00 O' Clock, shouldn't you be in Bed?"

Yarn looked up at him. "Well since the Sky looked really Beautiful, and since it's quite Warm out tonight I decided to take a little Walk, Heheh." 

"Oh..... Well I didn't know that." Replied the Red Octagon.

Yarn Giggled, which was common for her, she usually Giggled at everything.

But Yarn Wanted to know more about why he was here. "So." The Yarn Ball Spoke Up. "Why are you sitting here all by yourself?"

Stop Sign was surprised she still hadn't brought up their Relationship from Episode 7 and 8 yet.

He then looked her in the Eyes and spoke up. "Well, It's Simple. My Recent Life."

Yarn stood there Confused. "What do you mean?" She asked him Innocently.

Stop Sign Sighed. "Episode 7 and 8, they just.......... Practically Destroyed me.........."

"How did they?" The Ball of Yarn asked him again.

"Don't you remember?" Stop Sign asked her. "They all envolved YOU."

Yarn was Surprised. "They all envolved me?" She asked him.

Stop Sign Nodded, and then Sighed. "But it wasn't your fault... It was all mine... ALL That Yelling, and all those names I called you..... They all lead to my big downfall..... You remember episode 7 right? When I was just a Total Jerk to everyone and yelled In everyone's faces and called them all names..... And said very nasty things to them? I just wanted the best for our team.....of course, I should've known all along that the Harsh way is NOT the way to go..... And of course I get eliminated the next episode....."

Yarn then REMEMBERED Their Relationship and Started to feel a lot more Concerned now. "Oh, don't be sad about it NOW Stop Sign! That happened 2 years ago!" She said as she sat next to him and put her hand on his back.

Stop Sign looked at her. ".....Well, honestly I'm not really upset with my elimination..... Or the competition in general..... The thing I'm upset about the most is..... My Relationship with everyone in the show..... Especially You."

"In Episode 7, my character just went Straight down hill and, I started becoming much more Jerky, Bossy and Critical, I'd always Yell and Shout at people, and..... And you..... Got the worst treatment..... Not Only did I severely Yell at you, but I even called you Names too!"

Then Yarn remembered even MORE about Episode 7, and that this time, Stop Sign was REALLY Speaking the truth to her!

Stop Sign Leaned back against the Bench. "I've had this giant Ego my whole life.... But in Episode 7 I... just took it to a Whole New Level of This Terrible Attitude! And........ I just wish I could take it ALL BACK! 

Yarn Gasped. She'd never seen Stop Sign, let alone ANYONE Else in her life before like this at all! Now She DEFINITELY Knew that Stop Sign needed help Cheering up.

"Yarn..... I know I haven't Apologized for 2 Years but..... I'm Sorry! Believe me I'm SO Sorry! I really am Telling the Truth this time!" He said to her.

As soon as he said those words to her, Yarn smiled. "Yes!" She said as she started to get a bit Teary. "Of course I forgive you Stop Sign!"

Stop Sign Smiled a little with Hope now. "Really? You do?" He asked her one last time.

"It's NEVER To late to say sorry for me!" Yarn said to him. "I'm just so Glad that we're FINALLY Friends again!"

She then jumped into his Arms and let out a few Sniffs and Tears.

Stop Sign Noticed her Crying. "Are you Ok Yarn?" He asked her.

"Yep! Their Tears of Happiness." She told him as she Buried her Face into him. She was VERY Happy!

Stop Sign Smiled more and even Hugged her Back. Finally his Terrible Relationship with Yarn was over, and now, all that was ahead of them was the Relationship of a Joyful world for them! They Hugged each other for a few more seconds.

After they let go of each other, Yarn slowly took out her Hand. "Friends?" She asked him.

"Friends!" Stop Sign said as he Shook her Hand happily.

And then... Something Hit Yarn... something she wasn't very Experienced with... Blushing! Her Cheeks suddenly Turned Red. She knew it was because her hand was in Stop Sign's. But that was all she really knew, she didn't know anything else about why she was Blushing. Stop Sign didn't seem to notice though, as he was more focused on themselves. So she just decided to let it go.

After that, they turned forward and looked up. The Moon was still shining Very Brightly in the Sky.

"Wow! The Moon's Very Pretty Tonight!" Said Yarn.

Stop Sign looked at it with her. "Yeah!" Stop Sign Said back, but then he suddenly lost control of his words. "But not as Pretty as you..."

The Moment he said that his eyes widened and he surprisingly Blushed. Which was REALLY Rare for him! Stop Sign Only Blushed like a few Times in his Life before, so It was SUPER Rare for him!

Yarn Blushed even more! But even though She was Blushing even more, she actually found it Really Sweet at the same time.

Stop Sign Looked at her with worry. "S-Sorry... I-I didn't mean to-"

Yarn Quickly Cut him off. "Why? There's no need to be sorry! That was honestly..... Really..... Really Sweet of you!" She told him.

Stop Sign Started to Blush More as well. "Really?" He asked her.

Yarn Nodded. "A lot of people feel that way about me, and it makes me feel very appreciated!"

Stop Sign Smiled back at Her.

 Because As he started spending More time with Yarn, the more he realized how Pretty she was! The Purple Color on her was Absolutely Gorgeous, and her Eyes were so Beautiful, they were even more Beautiful in the Moonlight, the Sparkling in her eyes made her look so Beautiful that you would DIE from too much Cuteness! Stop Sign also thought it was Cute that she had a String on her Back, kind of like a Tail. And Finally her voice. There was LITTERALY NO other way to describe it other than Cute, Adorable, Beautiful and Pretty. 

As the more Stop Sign realized how Beautiful Yarn was, he thought of something that he had NEVER EVER Thought of before, and he thought he would NEVER Think of it at all in his LIFE. But, wouldn't they go great together as.... A Couple? Although Stop Sign knew that would never happen because, Everyone KNEW She was Already in Love with Hot Sauce, but he thought of what it would be like.

Of course because of how Pretty Yarn is he thought it would be the Sweetest thing ever, just Imagine how perfect their lives would be! But unfortunately, he could ONLY Dream about it, at least for now...

Because LITTLE Did he know, Yarn was actually thinking the EXACT Same thing as him! Except For Her, she had more Belief. Yarn thought they would go PERFECT Together, as they're now a lot more Kind to each other, and even though she was also in Love with Hot Sauce, Stop Sign's Sweetness Turned her Love Mode on to him too! She thought she could go perfectly with multiple Boys she really Loved. And she honestly felt true about it, She Really Loved Stop Sign! And Even though she wasn't very Experienced with a lot of things in her life, she DID Have a LOT Of Experience in Love! And she WAS Going to Confess to him tonight, talk him into the whole thing, and tell him about ALL Her feelings! But she had to wait for the right time, they had to get a little more CLOSE.....

Yarn Then Leaned on him and Closed her Eyes, Stop Sign Smiled and Pet her head, he was very lucky to be spending the night with the Sweetest and Cutest Girl he ever knew.

He then put his arms around Yarn which made her Blush more, and he was Blushing too! They stayed that way for about 15 minutes as they Closed their Eyes and Relaxed in the Beautiful Moonlight.

Then at 9:30 PM, they Opened their eyes. Yarn let out a Yawn, Stop Sign thought it was the Cutest Yawn ever.

Stop Sign Smiled at her as he looked up at him. "You tired?" He asked her.

Yarn Nodded.

So Stop Sign Got up. "Well, I guess I'll carry you to Bed then!" He said still Blushing.

He was about to Carry her to Bed when Yarn remembered that she had a Confession for him and she now KNEW that this was the right time!

"Wait Stop Sign!" Yarn said completely opening her eyes.

"What is it?" Stop Sign asked her.

"I have something Important to Tell you." Yarn told him fully awake.

"Okay. Well what is it?" He asked her again.

Yarn Sighed. "It's something that I've been thinking about this WHOLE Entire Night! So it's VERY Important."

Stop Sign Nodded in Understandment and sat back down.

Yarn Took a Deep Breath. "Are you ready to hear this?" She asked him one last time.

"I'm Sure." Said Stop Sign.

Yarn Took one last Deep Breath. "It's Now or Never." She thought to herself.

Then she told Stop Sign ALL her feelings!

"Stop Sign, ever since we became friends again tonight I've developed a very close relationship with you, something that I've always wanted to do with everyone."

Stop Sign Nodded again in Understandment.

"You're just a really sweet and nice guy." She continued on.

Stop Sign smiled a bit more. She liked What Yarn was saying to him.

Yarn then looked at him in the eyes. "And, You may think I'm crazy for saying this but it honestly IS True, I...I... I Love You!" At this point Yarn's Blush Meter Rose all the way to the top!

So did Stop Sign's! "Pardon me?" He asked her.

"Yeah!" She said to him. "Since you're really nice and sweet to me now, I wanna give you a very special treat for doing this for me. So, I wanna give you the BEST Treat that I can give you! My Love!"

Stop Sign Looked at her Amazed with his Mouth wide open.

"Please!" Said Yarn. "You have been a really nice person to me tonight, So I wanna reward you with my Love! I Love you Stop Sign! I really do Love you! So I just want to know..... Do you Love me back?" She asked him still Blushing Madly.

Stop Sign Looked at her right in the Eyes Blushing Madly too! He could not BELIEVE What she just told him! He was also confused because he thought she Loved Hot Sauce Instead of him. But this was no time to ask her that now. He knew he felt the EXACT same way about her and now was the BEST Time to make his Move!

Stop Sign Smiled even more and Kissed her on the Lips. Yarn Giggled and Kissed him Back. Then they Hugged each other very tightly.

"You're not gonna believe this but I was thinking the EXACT Same thing as you!" Stop Sign told her with a huge smile on his face.

"Really?" Yarn Said.

"Yeah! And I never even thought it would happen!" Said Stop Sign.

"Why?" She asked him confused.

"Well because..." Stop Sign Said. "I thought you were in Love with Hot Sauce!"

Yarn Blushed More. "Well I am..... But I feel like I can go for multiple Boys I really Love..... I Love You Stop Sign." She said Hugging him even tighter.

Stop Sign Hugged her again. "I Love You Too Yarn. You're so Cute, Adorable, Pretty, Beautiful, you're litterally all those combined!"

Yarn Touched her Hear with Both of her Hands. "Aw, You're So Sweet Stop Sign!"

For the next 5 Minutes they Kissed, Hugged and Cuddled in the Beautiful Moonlight.

After all that, they were very tired. It was 9:40 PM, Yarn was Lying in Stop Sign's Arms as he was holding her. She was feeling very Tired as She let out another Cute Yawn.

"You're Yawn is so Darn Cute!" Stop Sign said to her.

Yarn Giggled at him still feeling Tired. Stop Sign was feeling quite tired too.

"Well it looks like it's time for Bed for both of us, so, Since we're a Couple, do you wanna sleep with me tonight?"

Yarn Hugged Him. "I would Love to Stop Sign."

Stop Sign Smiled. So he Got up and Carried her in a Bridal Style to His Room.

As they walked all the way to their Room, There was only ONE Emotion that could be described in their Heads right now, Happiness! They Finally won Each Other's Love tonight! Everything was Perfect for them now, and Nothing was EVER Going to bring them to a Bad Relationship Again!

As they walked into their Room, Stop Sign turned all the Lights off and Put Yarn in Bed, and then he climbed in with her.

Yarn felt Warm and Cozy. "Thank You Stop Sign." She said as she closed her eyes.

"Thank YOU." Stop Sign said to her. "YOU Were the one who made my life A million times better than it already was!"

Yarn Giggled at him again.

They then looked at each other and smiled one last time.

"Goodnight Stop Sign." Said Yarn.

"Goodnight Cutie." Stop Sign said back.

Yarn Giggled and Hugged Him. Stop Sign Hugged her back as They Snuggled into Each other. They fell asleep as they Kissed and Cuddled throughout the whole Night.

The End!

A/N : Awwwww! I Love this ship More than ever now! Now I feel So much better about these two! So I hoped you all enjoyed this Really Cute Story and I hope you guys have a WONDERFUL Day! Thanks for watching and have a wonderful day! Bye! Love You All! ❤️❤️❤️

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