Rival Love : ClockBox

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A/N Does anyone else ship these two? I mean, of course no one else does, because it's a ship that I came up with myself, and these two are Rivals, but one night in 2018 I thought to myself, wouldn't it be Cute if Clock and Boombox were a Couple in Object Overload? It sounded like a really Cute Idea, and even the Execution is really cute too! :3 So, I decided to write a One Shot about these two! So Enjoy! :D

One evening, after the 7th Episode of Object Overload, Clock was just sitting under a tree like he normally does. The difference today however was that he was feeling really sad. Now, Clock isn't really an Emotional Person, and usually doesn't Express is feelings most of the time. But thinking about how he acted for last few Episodes really got him thinking about how he hasn't been very nice lately, and that he's been doing his team no good.

He remembered Episode 6 where he Yelled in Casey's face which made her Cry. Now although Clock DID apologize to her in Episode 7, and Casey was cool with it. He still felt very sad about how he has Been acting to everyone, because Yelling at Casey was just the Tip of the Iceberg when it came to Clock treating people badly, like Losing a Challenge and a few other things.

The WORST Thing Clock has been going through however, was his Rivalry with Boombox, she was the OTHER Team leader and her team had been doing a lot better than Clock's team, so whenever her team won a challenge, Clock would get super angry and call her names, whenever she wasn't around or was around. He'd also Yell in her face during these times too. The bottom line, is that Clock And Boombox had a HUGE rivalry with each other, and they couldn't take care of it!

Then, while Clock thought about it even more, his Heart sank. You see, it wasn't always like this.

Back when Clock and Boombox were very young, they were actually Best friends and they always hung out with each other. They were Best Friends during their Childhood, but when Object Overload started in 2013, things started to take a turn for the worst. When they were both team Captains for two DIFFERENT teams, they realized that they were in a fierce competition for 1 Million Dollars with Many more other Objects. Then, Clock and Boombox became Enemies and were never friends again after that, and they REMAINED that way for 6 years!

Clock was the saddest he'd ever been in a long time, and thinking about it only mad him more sad.

Meanwhile, Boombox was walking by not very far from the tree Clock was sitting under. But while she was walking, she saw Clock sitting under a Tree feeling sad. Now Boombox was a very caring contestant, who cared for any of her friends. Especially if they were feeling sad. So she was curious, and decided to go sit down beside him.

Clock noticed Boombox and asked her what she was doing.

"O-Oh, H-Hi Boombox. What are you doing here?" Clock Said trying to take his Tears away.

"Just, wanted to come and see how you were doing, because you looked a little sad." Boombox told him.

Clock told her about how he was feeling and that he was regretting EVERYTHING that he did in the past and wished he could just take it all back.

"Boombox, I'm sorry for yelling in your face and how I called you names, and just how I've been acting in GENERAL for the past few years... I'm really sorry."

He then told her about when they were Younger, and how they were Best Friends and how everything was perfect for them before Object Overload started.

"Do you remember when we were a lot Younger and how we were, like, THE BESTEST FRIENDS EVER and how, nothing went wrong for us? I really miss those days..." Clock told her.

Boombox listened to every word Clock said and she Understood what he meant.

Clock Sighed. "I just can't wait until we get to The Merge." Clock said. "So we can be Best Friends again, just like the good old days!"

Boombox looked at him and smiled, she also remembered how she and Clock were best friends many years ago too. And she ALSO, wanted those days back, so she thought of a solution. "We can be best friend again NOW." She said to Clock trying to cheer him up.

"Huh?" Clock asked curiously.

"We can be Best Friends NOW." Boombox replied. "Just, let's try to keep it a secret between US, okay? Because, I think the other team members might get mad at us." She said laughing a little.

"Wait, You- You REALLY forgive me?" Clock asked her.

"OF COURSE CLOCK!" Boombox said to him. "I forgive you! I'll ALWAYS forgive you! We can't let a little competition and Rivalry ruin our friendship! Let's go back to the Good Old Days and BE Best Friends again!" Boombox said trying to Convince him.

Now Clock started to cheer up a little more. "OKAY!" Clock said. "I REALLY want to!"

"YAAAY!!!" Boombox said as she jumped in the air. 

"Awesome!" Clock said to her.

"Don't worry Clock!" Boombox said as she held his foot. "Everything is gonna be okay from now on!"

"Your right!" Clock said as he smiled at her. Boombox smiled back at him. Clock also Blushed a little as Boombox was holding his foot. But he felt much better!

So Clock and Boombox just sat under the Tree for about 15 minutes, just being quiet and enjoying the nature around them. Boombox was still holding Clock's foot and Clock was still blushing. And then he noticed that Boombox was also blushing. They then looked at each other and smiled. Trying to I gore their blushing even though they could see it.

All was quiet for a few minutes. But THEN, something happened! Something that would change Clock and Boombox's lives FOREVER! And the thought hit them both at the same time! They realized that something TRUE had happened to them! And they couldn't help but agree with that thought!

Clock And Boombox had fallen for each other. They loved each other. And they couldn't do ANYTHING else but agree! 

Now after realizing it, they still stayed silent for a few more minutes, before Boombox finally got the courage to speak up.

"Clock." Boombox said as she broke the silence. "I know this may be EXTREMELY weird since we're both on different teams but I..... I like someone..... Someone who I've been with my WHOLE Entire Childhood! And THAT can only be one person!"

Clock then looked at her. "Wait, what do you mean?" He asked.

"Don't you already know?" Boombox said in a Cute Flirty voice.

Then Clock realized. "WAIT! I do know!" He exclaimed.

"And that person can only be, ME!!!"

"YES YOU GOT IT!!!" Boombox said to him.

"Wait Boombox do you REALLY have a Crush on me?" Clock asked feeling a little nervous.


"Oh!" Clock said. "Well you know what? Same here Boombox! I like you too! You're so Cute and Beautiful!"

"Well YOU'RE Cute and Hamdsome!" Boombox said in her Flirty voice.

Clock And Boombox's blushing started to become more red at this point.

Then they caught each other where they were going. So they stood up, and stepped Closer and closer and closer! And finally, THEY KISSED!!!

Clock and Boombox's Cheeks were as Red as Candy's stripes!

"I LOVE YOU CLOCK!!!" Boombox said as she kept on kissing him.

"I love you too Boombox!" Clock said to her.

They kept on Kissing and Nuzzling each other since they don't have arms, so they can't hug.

When they finally finished and sat back down, they were as happy as ever! The Happiest they had ever been in their Lives!

"I love you Boombox!" Clock said.

"I love you too Clock!" Boombox replied.

"I'm SO happy we're back together, and not only that, but we took our Relationship even FARTHER! And now we're a Couple! And this time, we're gonna let NOTHING separate us! We'll be together forever!"

"Yeah!" Clock said.

"Let's just keep it a secret between Us, and not let anyone else know Okay?" Boombox told her new Boyfriend. "Because, They'll probably get mad at us!" She said Giggling.

"Yeah, you're probably right!" Clock Said. "Don't worry, WE'LL keep it a secret until the show ends!"

They then smiled at each other. Then they leaned back against the tree they were sitting beside, and Boombox decided to lean on Clock. They were still blushing and smiling at each other. Then they closed their eyes enjoying the nature around them.

"I love you!" Clock said to Boombox.

"I love you too!" Boombox said to Clock.

They then smiled at each other and closed their eyes. 

Today was they best day of their lives! They now have each other, which is all they need! And now, nothing is gonna separate these two and nothing will EVER ruin their lives again!

A/N Awww! What a Cute Ship! :3 Well, I'll see you guys in the next One Shot! I love you! Bye!

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