Episode 6 : The Story Of Jimmy Lee Gray

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DISCLAIMER : If you're under the age of 13 or if you're sensetive to murder, rape, and scary stuff, I recommend you don't read this for your own safety. Also, credit to The YouTuber, Horror Stories and Wikipedia for the information. Enjoy.

Jimmy Lee Gray was an American Serial Killer who lived one of the most troubling lives in human History. Because of his calmness and quietness, no one could've expected the nightmare he would turn into.

Jimmy Lee Gray was born on September 25th 1948 in Whittier California and had a very troubled childhood as he came from a broken home and was severely abused by his mother, Verna Smith which caused him to be a loner and have a violent temper and little did anyone know what on Earth that violent temper turned him into as he grew up...

In the fall of 1967, after 18 years of living with an abusive family, he had a dispute with them and moved in with his girlfriend, 16 year old Elda Louise Prince and her family in Parker Arizona. They were a very nice family as they let him live with them and treated him as one of their own family members. But little did anyone in the family know that within a few months of living with them, that they're decision to let Gray live with them would be the BIGGEST mistake they EVER made in their lives...

On January 5th 1968, Elda was supposed to leave school early for a doctor's appointment, but when her mother, Opal went to pick her up at 4:30, instead of seeing her daughter, a receptionist told her that she never showed up, which obviously made her very confused, but she assumed that she took the school bus home like she usually did and went back home, but she became even more confused when she found out that the school bus left without Elda. Opal started getting worried and alerted the police about her missing daughter, hoping that she was alright.

Opal and her family, including Gray were very worried about the news and quickly went to the sheriff's office to help them look for Elda and they immediately began searching for her, but during the search, the sheriff noticed that Gray's shoes were dirtied up and had water and mud on them and became suspicious and took him into questioning the next day.

Without hesitation, Gray confessed to murdering his girlfriend and he lead police to her body in a coulvert next to The Colorado River where his dirty shoes matched the area.

Gray also confessed to murdering Elda, telling the police when they were walking home from school, Elda made fun of his sexual impedence, which caused Gray to lose his temper and horrifically strangle the teen and slit her throat.

After confessing everything he did to Elda, the horrified police quickly arrested Gray and he was charged with 2nd Degree Murder and was sentenced to 20 years to Life In Prison. Despite Gray's terrifying murder, he was paroled after serving only 7 years. Gray's trial judge disagreed with his parole and was worried because he thought he was still a dangerous man and Prince's family fully agreed with the judge. Despite the judge and The Prince Family's concerns however, Gray was released after serving only 7 years in prison. Unfortunately, this would be a big mistake that the government would deeply regret for the rest of time...

After Gray was released, he bought himself a Red Volkswagen and moved to an apartment complex in Pascagoula, Mississippi where The Scales Family lived, including their daughter, 3 year old Deressa Jean Scales. Tragically, this gave Gray a terrible idea that no one was prepared for...

On June 25th 1976, Gray lured his neighbor, Deressa into his car so he could take her to his apartment to play with his Kittens. Deressa happily agreed and hopped in his car. Sadly, this would be a huge mistake that would completely change the lives of The Scales...

Instead of taking Deressa to his apartment to play with his Kittens, Gray kidnapped the three year old and drove her to The Mississippi Gulf Coast, 20 miles from her home.

Deressa's parents immediately panicked when they realized their daughter was gone and reported her missing at 5:00 PM that day and a massive search began for her. Deressa's neighbors reported to the police that they saw her that day with a man from the apartment complex in a Red Volkswagen.

Because Gray lived in the same apartment as The Scales and had a Red Volkswagen, he was also away that day and he was a convicted murderer, they immediately became very suspicious about him and their suspisoins only grew when Gray returned to the apartment and Police and everyone else noticed that the bottom of his pants were wet. At first when the Police began questioning Gray, he told them he was swimming in the apartment complex's pool, but the suspicious authorities did not believe him one bit and continued to question him.

After several questions, Gray turned himself in and confessed to raping and murdering the toddler. Gray told the Police that he took Deressa for a ride to the countryside and he also touched the little girl. He also told them that she had wandered off by herself and fell into a shallow ditch and he pulled her out of the ditch and she was still breathing. Gray then put the girl in the trunk of his Car and drove back to his home, but on his way back to the apartment, he stopped at a bridge over Black Creek and picked Deressa out of his trunk and threw her into the Creek...

Gray then led the Police to her body at 3:30 AM the next day on June 26th. Scales' body was quickly recovered and examined by autopsers. The autopsy examiners found out that Deressa had been gagged with her own underwear, raped, and suffocated by being held down in a ditch full of mud...

The heartbreaking discovery shocked and terrified the community and the whole world as Gray was quickly arrested and taken into Police custody for the 2nd time.

This time, Gray was charged with 1st Degree Murder and without hesitation, it only took The Jury 1 hour to sentence him to death by Gas Chamber and in the meantime, he was sent to The Mississippi State Penitentiary.

However, The Supreme Court Of The United States actually reversed Gray's verdict and he was given a new trial in 1978. Not wanting to be put to death, Gray attempted to persuade The Jury from giving him The Death Sentence, but they took no word from Gray and believed Death was the only thing he deserved. Even though numerous appeals were made by Gray, his family, his Attorney, and The Reverends and Chaplins he befriended during his time at The Mississippi State Penitentiary, The Death Sentence would still remain the verdict.

During Gray's next 7 years at The Mississippi State Penitentiary, he was described as being sensitive, shy, gentle, bright, troubled, and deeply remorseful for his killings. Revered Joseph Ingle, one of The Reverends at Gray's Prison who was Gray's Spiritual Advisor loved and treated Gray is if he was his own Brother and described him as : "A devout Christian who committed crimes, and was intensely aware of his responsibilities and actions and sought the help in getting the he needed to keep himself from ever committing those actions again.".

As soon as Gray was sentenced to death, everyone wanted him to be executed as soon as possible, but a series of appeals delayed the execution for 7 years.

It wasn't until 7 years after his second murder on September 2nd 1983, Gray would finally be put to death once and for all. However, on the day of Gray's execution, Gray's lawyers pleaded and actually begged The Supreme Court Of The United States to delay his execution once again in order to file an appeal on two questions that were never addressed during any of Gray's trials. His sanity, and whether the use of The Gas Chamber constituted Cruel And Unusual Punishment.

Gray's lawyers from The Southern Poverty Law Center argued he was mentally insane and he was never given any psychiatric evaluation to determine what kind of help he needed or if he was even ready to be released during his 7 years in prison for his first murder.

Gray, his lawyers, and his family desperately wanted to change his verdict from The Death Penalty to Life In Prison Without Parole. However, The Governor Of Mississippi at the time, William Winter had two worries about their demands. The first worry Winter had was Gray had committed two murders and not just one, and he was worried it could easily happen again and his second worry was if he did change his sentence to Life In Prison Without Parole, a future Governor could change his sentence to Life In Prison With The Possibility Of Parole. William Winter agreed with everyone demanding Gray's execution and thought it was the right thing to do.

After Psychiatrists studied Gray during his 7 years in Prison, it was revealed that he was severely abused by his mother, Verna Smith and he always had hateful rage towards her his whole life. As a matter of fact in 1977, Verna actually urged the government to put Gray to death along with everybody else

The rest of Gray's family on the other hand, were strongly against his execution, especially his Maternal Grandmother who said : "I hold Jimmy's mother and The State Of Arizona to be just as responsible as Jimmy.".

Despite the countless number of appeals against Gray's execution, everyone else was still highly anticipating it. Richard Scales, Deressa Jean Scales's father said to everyone interviewing him : "I'm glad it's happening. It should've been done years ago. Even in Prison, he was able to talk, breathe, and laugh. And he had taken all these things away from my little girl... He didn't have the right to continue living.". Opal Prince, the mother of Gray's first murder victim Elda who was also the director of The Rabies Animal Control in Mohave County, was arguably the most excited for Gray's execution as she held the day as : "Our Big Day!" And said to everyone interviewing her his execution was overdue. "It should've been done in 1968 in Arizona. I know I come on hard, but this is a hard thing. With all the jail overcrowding, let's get rid of people like him and make room for the people who can be rehabilitated. I've put better Dogs to sleep than that man." Prince told Gray's prosecutors more excited than ever. Despite all the appeals and urges by Gray's supporters, everyone else happily won Gray's Penalty choice and everyone was really excited for the man who ruined their lives to be erased from The Earth.

On this day, 39 years ago, on September 2nd 1983, 23 days before his 35th Birthday, it was finally time for Jimmy Lee Gray to be put to death once and for all. He was joined by 6 of his Ministers who befriended him in Prison for his last meal, including Reverend Joseph Ingle. Gray's last meal consisted of Rice, Enchiladas, Tacos,  Refried Beans, Burritos, Salad, Strawberries, and Milk. He shared his last meal with the 6 Ministers who also bought Gray a Pizza. After his last meal, The Ministers gave Gray a Prodestant Communion for their last moments with him.

Meanwhile outside of Governor Winter's Mansion, many Anti Capital Punishment Activists held a peaceful protest for Gray with candles. Despite their last efforts however, they were completely ignored and everyone else was getting excited for Gray's execution.

Just past midnight at 12:01 AM, The Warden Of The Mississippi State Penitentiary escorted Gray to The Gas Chamber and 7 minutes later at 12:08 AM, he was strapped into the chair while he kept his head bowed and his eyes closed and occasionally whispered to himself. During his last moments alive, he apologized to everyone for the crimes he committed. 4 minutes later at 12:12 AM, the door to The Chamber was sealed and The Executioner, Thomas Berry Bruce who also worked as a School Custodian turned the lever of cyanide crystals underneath Gray's chair to turn into acid.

After Bruce turned the lever on, a white cloud of toxic gas started to rise inside The Chamber as Gray took a deep breath. His head then slumped and he appeared to be unconscious, suddenly, Gray's head jolted right up and he began to convulsate. The Chamber Chair did not have a head restraint, so Gray started to slam his head into The Chair's Metal Pole as he was convulsing and moaning 11 times, making loud clanging sounds and causing the entire Chamber to shake. His face was contorted and his hands were clenched. 8 minutes later, The Prison's Warden escorted everyone viewing The Execution outside The Chamber as Gray kept convulsing. Gray eventually turned to the side with his eyes opened with his pupils rolled back. Doctors who were monitoring Gray during his execution learned he was unconscious after 30 seconds and was dead within 2 minutes. Prison Officials claimed he died of Cardiac Arrest at 12:15 AM and all of Gray's unnatural movements stopped at 12:21 AM.

Jimmy Lee Gray's execution is known for being one of the most botched executions in History due to Gray's unnatural movements during the process. Gray's family and attorney, including the leader of his attorney, Dennis Balske believed that Gray had suffered a painful and inhumane death. "Jimmy Lee Gray died while banging his head against a metal pole while reporters counted his moans." Balske said. It is also believed that Bruce was drunk at the time of the execution. However, Gray's Doctors who were monitoring his heart during the execution argued it was a humane death since the convulsions were normal.

Gray's execution caused a lot of controversy on whether or not The Death Penalty was a humane punishment or not. This was also during the time when The United States began using Lethal Injection as a main method of execution punishment on Death Row Prisoners and The State Of Mississippi jumped on The Lethal Injection Bandwagon after passing a legislation nearly 10 months after Gray's execution on July 1st 1984.

After Gray's execution, the Ministers he befriended took his body to their Church to bury him and give him a private service. Everyone else was very happy that he was no longer living on Earth with them, but even though he was gone, their loved ones were also gone because of him, and over the years, everyone else just had to move on with their lives and leave their horrific Stories with him in the past...

To this day, 39 years later, The Story Of Jimmy Lee Gray remains as one of The Scariest Stories in History...

The end...

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