Episode 12 : The Story Of Timmothy Pitzen

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Hello, my friends. It's your detective, Noel. Today, we are taking a very close look at The Story Of Timmothy Pitzen. One of the BIGGEST Unsolved Mysteries of the 2010's. I've known this Story for 2 years and it has always been STUCK in my mind. It's undoubtedly one of my all time favourite Mysteries and I hope you'll enjoy what I have for you today. Credit goes to Wikipedia and two of my favourite YouTubers, Horror Stories and Nick Crowley for the information. I beg you to go Subscribe to them because they are some of the best and coolest YouTubers ever. Now let's take a look at The Story Of Timmothy Pitzen.

On this day, 11 years ago, in Aurora, Illinois on May 11th 2011, a sweet and adorable 6 year old child named Timmothy James Pitzen was dropped off at school by his father, James Pitzen and he was excited as ever to have another fun day at school as he always did. However, instead of another fun day at school as Timmothy, James, and the whole world thought, what would happen that day would become one of the BIGGEST unsolved mysteries of the entire decade...

Timmothy James Pitzen was born on October 18th 2004 in Aurora Illinois to his parents, James Pitzen and Amy Pitzen. They were the sweetest and happiest family you could ever have met and they had a wonderful life together. Unfortunately, none of them, nor could anyone in the whole world have thought that this happy and sweet family would take a very DARK turn...

On this day, 11 years ago, in Aurora Illinois on May 11th 2011, Timmothy Pitzen was dropped off at school by his father, James and he was excited as ever to have another fun day at school as he always did. However, at 8:00 AM, Timmothy's mother, Amy unexpectedly arrived at the school to pick up her son early because she told him and the school that there was a family emergency. Little did anyone else know however about the nightmare that was about to begin and spread all across the city of Aurora...

Later that day, James Pitzen arrived at the school to pick up Timmothy because he had no idea that his wife actually picked up their son early and he was told that Timmothy was picked up early by his mother not long after he arrived that morning. James was confused when he was told this because his wife never told him that she picked up Timmothy early, so he called Amy so he could figure out what was going on. Unknowingly to him however, Amy didn't answer, which only confused him more.

At first, James assumed she was mad at him about something, so he decided to give her some time to cool off and calm down for the rest of the day. The next day, he tried calling her again, but she did not answer him. This time, James started to get concerned about what was happening with his wife and son, so he alerted the police about them missing.

Shortly after the police started investigating what was going on with the Pitzen family, Amy called several members of her family, including her mother and James's brother saying : "We're fine. We'll be home in a day or two. I just need some time to think about and figure out how to approach this." And "Timmothy is FINE. Timmothy belongs to ME. Timmothy and I will be fine. Timmothy is safe." As Amy was calling and informing her family about her and her son, Timmothy was heard in the background and even talked to one of his family members on the phone and didn't seem troubled at all even though no one had any idea what she and him were doing. Even though they now knew Timmothy and Amy weren't in any trouble, this only made James and the rest of the Pitzen family even more confused since none of them knew what Amy was talking about or what she was planning and because she was calling and informing everyone about her and Timmothy's whereabouts except for her husband. Things were already starting to get strange with the Pitzen family, but none of them knew that there was MUCH WORSE to come...

At 12:30 PM on May 14th 2011, a maid working at The Rockford Inn Motel discovered Amy Pitzen's dead body on the bathroom floor of her motel room. After taking a deadly dose of antihistamines, the 43 year old slit her throat and wrists with a knife.

Timmothy however, was nowhere to be found...

When the Pitzen family learned about this horrific discovery, the Pitzen family was absolutely horrified and heartbroken that their beloved Amy killed herself, and Timmothy was missing.

Amy left a suicide note apologizing for the mess she created for her family, and promised that Timmothy was safe with people who loved him and that he would never be found by anyone. Before she took her own life, she sent a letter to her mother saying : "I've taken him somewhere safe. He will be well cared for and he says that he loves you. Please know that there is nothing you could've said or done that would've changed my mind.".

After this horrific news spread all over Aurora and the entire world, police began another investigation on the Pitzen family and they found out that after picking her son up from school after 8:00 AM on May 11th, Amy and Timmothy drove to an Auto Repair Shop where Amy dropped her SUV off for repairs. One of the employees at the repair shop took the mother-son duo to a water park as well as The Brookfield Zoo, while they waited for their SUV to be repaired. They returned to retrieve their SUV after the trip at 3:00 PM before driving to The Keylime Co Resort in Gurnee, Illinois. They were spotted the next day on May 12th on security cameras at The Kalahari Resort in Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin. Amy also bought Timmothy candy and toys during the trip.  The next day, at 1:00 PM on May 13th, Amy realized that there was a lot of investigation with her because her family was confused and wondering where she and Timmothy were, so she called her family telling them not to worry and everything with them was fine. After calling and informing her family, Amy's cell phone signal disappeared shortly after...

She was last seen at 7:30 PM when a camera at a dollar store recorded her walking in and out of the store to buy some paper, a pen, and some envelopes for suicide notes.

This leaves a 120 mile and 6 hour time period for her and Timmothy between Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin, and Rockford Illinois. Police never recovered Timmothy's backpack, toothpaste, toys and clothing. They also couldn't recover Timmothy's car seat during the investigation, but it was later found at Amy's mothers's house. This led some to speculate that Amy had given her son away to unknown people...

Some people believe that Amy had given her son away to people living in remote areas where they were last seen. Some people suggest that Timmothy was possibly given to a cult, or people on a farm. Some people have theorized that Amy actually had an affair with an unknown man, and she got pregnant with Timmothy from that man. Some people believe this theory because Timmothy's father, James Pitzen was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma. A condition that makes it difficult to perform reproduction. When Amy became pregnant with Timmothy, she and James found it as a miracle because of how difficult it was for James to reproduce. Some people believe however that another man impregnated Amy and she was worried that James would one day find out about the affair and that Timmothy wasn't actually his son, and she wanted to take Timmothy back to his father, and then end her own life because she could never bring herself to tell her his how her son was truly born.

Amy's cell phone, her clothing, and an eye pass device for her car were also missing. Blood stains from Timmothy were found at the back of Amy's SUV which was first eyebrow raising, but they couldn't figure out when the blood was placed there. Despite how freaked out everyone was from Timmothy's blood stains at the back of his mother's car, one of Timmothy's relatives confirmed the blood stains were just from a nosebleed that happened a year earlier.

The eye pass device revealed that Amy had actually taken 2 unexplained trips to Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin between February and March of 2011. This led people to believe that Amy was actually planning her son's disappearance for at least 3 months.

Even though Amy's suicide note claimed that Timmothy was "Safe with people that loved him.", Many people believe that she actually killed Timmothy in an act of revenge or desperation in a psychotic state on their three day trip...

Some people support this widely agreed theory because of some of her comments on her phone calls during her final days with her son such as "Timmothy belongs to ME." Shows that she was in a vindictive mindset that she probably had by her failing marriage and unstable mental condition. It's also believed by many people that Amy took her son to all those places and bought him a whole bunch of things he loved because she wanted to make their last few days as fun as possible before she murdered him. Some people also believe that may have gotten rid of or destroyed her and her son's clothing and other belongings because they had stains of blood or other evidence on them after she killed him. There's also the fact that she excluded Timmothy's father from everything she was doing during her and her son's final recorded days and she also got rid of all of her and her son's belongings they had with them and why she never explained to anyone why any of this was happening...

Most people agree that Amy psychotically murdered her own son and made up a story about him being safe so her family and everyone who knew him would remain hopeful and calm about him being gone, even though they would NEVER have closure or ever see him again...

Even though it seemed like The Pitzen Family was the most friendly and happy family you could ever meet, there was actually way more trouble than anyone thought. Amy had a history of depression and unstable mental episodes, and had a very troubled relationship with her husband. The Pitzen couple often fought with each other and they're relationship was so unstable that they both made numerous threats to divorce each other and keep Timmothy all to themselves. Amy was married three times, all of them ending in divorce, which deeply affected her depression, before she married James Pitzen. Amy also attempted suicide one time by sitting on the edge of a cliff, and taking a dose of sleeping pills and she eventually fell off after passing out, but she miraculously survived. Unfortunately, she would have to deal with more trouble for her whole life, and some people speculate that she just got to her breaking point in 2011 and she couldn't put up with life anymore and she decided to take her and her son's own lives. Historical statistics show that most parents who kill their own children either do it for revenge during a separation in a relationship or because they think death is a better outcome for their offspring. Many people believe that Amy Pitzen just couldn't deal with her troubled life anymore, and she had to end it in the only way she thought was right...

During the investigation, police found dirt, tall grass, and weeds under the rear bumper of Amy's SUV, but they could not figure out exactly what place they originated from. Many people believe that this unknown area was where Amy gave her son away as she said, or possibly killed him. Some people say she drove to a remote creek, pond or lake and stabbed and drowned her son...

Regardless of what anyone thought, The Pitzen family was absolutely heartbroken about Amy's suicide and her son's disappearance, and they were very worried and sad that they would never see Amy again, or possibly Timmothy again... The Pitzen family and the entire world couldn't do anything but move on with their lives...

2 years later in 2013, Amy Pitzen's phone was discovered on the side of the road on Route 78. Unfortunately, despite the incredible hype that Amy's phone was found and now Timmothy might actually be found, the phone didn't contain any information about Amy and Timmothy during their final days or Timmothy's whereabouts and what happened to him...

6 years later on April 3, 2019, local residents in ,  reported a teenager wandering the streets and running across  over the . When police found the shaken and distraught boy, he claimed to be Timmothy Pitzen. This gave even more hope and excitment to The Pitzen family that Timmothy was finally found after missing for almost 8 years, but their excitement and hope was short lived. The next day, the  office of the  revealed on Twitter that the boy in their custody actually wasn't Timmothy, but a 23 year old man named Brian Michael Rini. He was released from The  in  less than a month prior to his claim, after serving fourteen months on charges of  and  out of . He had a history of mental illness and had been diagnosed with  and .

Despite more than a whole decade of missing and their lives never being the same as they used to, Timmothy's family refuses to believe that Amy would do anything harmful to her son who she loved more than anything, and they still hope that even after all these years, Timmothy will one day finally return home, and they can be a happy family again. Unfortunately, the chances of Timmothy still being alive and well are very slim, and many people, including myself, believe that Amy unfortunately decided to not only take her own life, but her son's life too, because she had a very troubled life, and by 2011, she reached her breaking point, and she decided to leave this planet with the only thing that mattered to her...

To this day, 11 years later, Timmothy Pitzen has still not been found, and his story remains as one of the BIGGEST unsolved mysteries of the 2010's...

What do YOU think happened to Timmothy Pitzen during that tragic 3 day span 11 years ago?

The end...

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