Episode 6 : The Story Of The Kinross Incident

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Hello, my friends. It's your detective Noel here to tell you the Story of one of my favourite Mysteries. The Kinross Incident. I've known this Story for 2 years and it has highly fascinated me to no end and it has to be my favourite UFO Story ever. What I think is even cooler about it is that it happened the day after my Birthday, and it's something to look forward to even when my Birthday is over. Credit to the YouTuber, Horror Stories and Wikipedia for the information. Now that I'm done with all my Birthday Partying, let's sit back, relax, and enjoy The Story Of The Kinross Incident...

On this day, 70 years ago, on the night of November 23rd 1953, many people at Sault STE Marie, Michigan spotted and reported an UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECT flying over restricted flying areas along The American-Canadian Border over Lake Superior. The Kinross Air Force Station ordered 27 year old First Lieutenant Felix Eugene Moncla and 22 year old Second Lieutenant Robert Wilson to investigate the strange UFO in the sky that night. AND THAT'S WHEN IT ALL WENT WRONG...

On this day, 70 years ago, on the night of November 23rd 1953, many people at Sault STE Marie, Michigan spotted and reported an Unidentified Flying Object flying over restricted areas along The American-Canadian Border over Lake Superior. People at the Kinross Air Force also spotted the strange UFO and were just as puzzled as everyone else, and immediately needed someone to go investigate it.

This incident happened when The Cold War was getting worse, so American Jets were often told to investigate unknown crafts to see if they were allies or enemies.

The Station commissioned 27 year old First Lieutenant Felix Moncla and 22 year old Second Lieutenant Robert Wilson to investigate the strange UFO in the sky. Moncla and Wilson, flying at 500 miles an hour at the time they received the order, agreed to the station's orders and descended from 30,000 feet to 7,000 feet at the UFO's flight altitude in their F-89 Jet and started flying towards it. The station watched Moncla and Wilson's jet curiously fly over to the unusual object before the two objects had merged on the radar screen.

But suddenly, Moncla and Wilson's jet had VANISHED, the station lost communication with them, and the mysterious UFO took off into the night sky over Canada and rapidly vanished off the radar screen...

Shocked beyond belief about what in the world just happened, The Kinross Air Force Station immediately ordered a search team to search for the two men all over Lake Superior. Rescuers scoured all over the American and Canadian shorelines, but no remains of the jet or the pilots themselves were ever found...

At first, the Kinross Air Force Station did say and report that the pilots were tracking a UFO that the Air Force had no knowledge of, however, the station later back tracked on that saying that they actually knew the object the two men were chasing, which was a Canadian jet, not a UFO. Shortly after this though, the Royal Canadian Air Force disputed the theory that the UFO the two men were investigating was a Canadian aircraft.

After the disappearance of the two men, theories began running wild about what in the world happened that night. The Kinross Air Force Station came up with a theory that the pilots might have crashed into Lake Superior that night because Moncla did experience Vertigo from time to time. But most people dispute this theory and find it highly unlikely and comical because if Moncla was known to experience Vertigo, why would The Kinross Air Force have him on duty flying critical missions?

John Tenya, a researcher from Royal Oak, Michigan told people that an Air Force Communications Officer claimed to have heard Moncla's voice over the radio long after it was reported that he and Wilson had vanished, but didn't ask him anything or do anything about it in general because he didn't really know what was going on at the time. But this theory along with every other theory about the two men's disappearance was discounted by Air Force Investigators because they believed that the aircraft had crashed and it would be impossible for Moncla and Wilson to still be flying around. The Air Force Investigators at the time stuck with the theory that Moncla and Wilson's craft failed and crashed into Lake Superior due to Moncla suffering from a Vertigo Episode and that was the general narrative for what happened that night...

Following the unusual accident of the two men vanishing, it would be a month before Moncla and Wilson were listed as officially "dead" by The U.S. Air Force. Surprisingly though, The U.S. Air Force did not hold a memorial for the two men, even though it was customary to hold memorials for members who died during missions and for people who died in general. Even though The U.S Air Force didn't conduct a memorial for the two men, Moncla's Widow, Bobbie Moncla did receive an American Flag from the Air Force to express their condolences for her. But everyone wondered why the Air Force never held a memorial for the two men.

15 years after the mysterious incident in 1968, prospectors near The City Of Sault STE Marie, Michigan, found wreckage of a Ket along the rocky and remote Lake Superior shoreline. The Newspaper account of the discovery as well as many other people theorize that the wreckage was Moncla and Wilson's lost F-89 aircraft. However, inquiries to The Canadian Government and Civilian Agencies about the found wreckage have proven fruitless. To this day, it still hasn't been confirmed whether or not the wreckage did belong to Moncla and Wilson's F-89 aircraft or not...

However, there is one last element about this story that makes it even take an even more mysterious turn. Coincidentally, an F-89 from a training mission from Truaxfield crashed near Madison Wisconsin not very far from Sault. SGE Marie Michigan, on the same night Moncla and Wilson's F-89 disappeared...

53 years later in 2006, an email from a man by the name of Preston Miller was sent to UFO researcher Francis Ridge. The email claimed that a group of Michigan divers had discovered Moncla and Wilson's F-89 at the bottom of Lake Superior, in the approximate location where the jet had disappeared from radar. However, the claim was later found out to be nothing more than a hoax.

Leoni Shannon, Felix Moncla's older sister, said the mysterious tragic incident deeply affected her family. "My Mother was never the same..." She said. "He was her only son and her only child besides me... She tried to put up a brave front, but you knew it was devastating for her... After that incident, I was constantly looking in the sky every night... I never saw anything... It's a puzzle..."...

Over the last 70 years, there have been many theories about what happened to Moncla and Wilson that night. Some people suggest that Moncla suffered a vertigo episode and he and Wilson crashed into the Lake. Most people suggest that the Kinross Air Force was responsible for Moncla and Wilson's disappearances and tried to cover it up as much as they could, due to the fact that they kept backtracking and contradicting themselves, and their Stories didn't add up. Other people suggest that Moncla and Wilson were abducted by another Air Force who were enemies with the Kinross Military and murdered them. Other people suggest that Moncla and Wilson crashed into the jet that crashed near Madison, Wisconsin and they crashed into the Lake. The last theory people suggest is that Moncla and Wilson were abducted by Aliens because nobody knew what the UFO was they were chasing.

70 years have passed since that mysterious night, but even 70 years later, we still have no idea what on Earth happened to those two pilots that night, and we may never find out...

To this day, it is still unknown about what happened to Felix Moncla and Robert Wilson that night, and 70 years later, no traces of them have ever been found...

What do YOU think happened to Felix Moncla and Robert Wilson on that MYSTERIOUS night, 70 years ago?

The end...

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