Prologue Part 1

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It was quiet one late afternoon. A long winding road slithered in and out of a thick forest like a river. Slowly sinking towards the horizon, the sun's light shone brightly through the many trees in the area. Leaves red and yellow were blown off their branches. They proceeded to twirl and flutter towards the smooth pavement of the road just as a rusty pickup truck came barreling down.

"Honey, maybe you should slow down. We've never been on this road before," Gidget spoke softly, placing her delicate hand on her husband's shoulder. His hands gripping the steering wheel, Max replied back casually, "Don't worry, we're fine. Look, endless wilderness and not a soul in sight. This is going to be the greatest camping trip ever." Letting out a soft sigh, the young lady peered over her shoulder. Sitting in the backseat was their five year old son. Smiling, she asked softly, "You okay Norman?"

"Yes Mommy," Norman replied, looking up from the book he was trying to read. Really, it was one of his mother's history books. She taught world history in high school so there's that. The little boy loved to read. There was just one little problem though. He didn't know many words and he was struggling to read this. Plus, the pictures weren't helping. Looking back up at his mom, he held the book out to her and pointed at a picture of a statue head as he whimpered quietly, "Who's this?"

"Looks like he found your history books," Max remarked, "I told ya not to bring them."

"Oh hush, keep your eyes on the road," Gidget scolded, lightly punching his arm. Turning back to Norman, she glanced down at the picture he was pointing at. Reaching back, she gently ruffled the soft hair on his head as she answered his question, "That there is the second emperor of Rome Tiberius. He was said to be brave, noble and wise." Glancing back down at the page, Norman remarked, "Cool." His mother smiled at that. Patting her son on the head, she murmured, "You're such a good boy Norman."

"DEER!" Norman's father cried, swerving the car. Both Norman and his mother looked up to find nothing. Punching her husband in the arm again, Gidget shouted, "Not funny!" Laughing his head off, Max retorted teasingly, "Yeah it was." He leaned over and gave his wife a loving kiss as an apology. While he was doing that, he accidently moved their truck into the opposite lane. At the same time, a van raced around the corner up ahead.

A huge crash followed soon after.

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