Prologue Part 2

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Jolting awake, Norman's eyes shot open. He was still buckled safely in his seat in the car. His head was pounding and he was cut up and bruised but other than that he was okay. Drawing in shaky breaths, the five year old boy looked up at the front of the pickup truck. It was then he noticed that the front half was gone. So were his parents. Nearby was the van that crashed into them. It now teeter totted on the side of a cliff, flames quietly blazing inside.

Norman was all alone.

Frightened, Norman scrambled to unbuckle his seatbelt. Getting out of the back half of his family's pickup truck, he looked around. He was on the edge of a cliff. A fire burned down below, caused by the other half of the truck. There was no one else around. There was also no sign of the road. Instead, there was a steep hill with broken trees left and right. The leaf covered ground was littered with pieces from both cars. A full moon shone high up above.

Shivering a little from the cold autumn night, Norman headed back to the half truck. Finding his backpack, he picked it up. Looking inside, he pulled out his blanket and wrapped it around himself. Then he pulled out his flashlight and turned it on. Looking up at the steep hill, he sighed quietly. If he was gonna find his parents or anyone, he was gonna have to find the road first. With that in mind, he began the long and difficult climb up the slope.

An hour or two or maybe even three had passed. There was still no sign of the road. At least Norman was no longer climbing up the hill. He was now on decently flat ground. But he had no idea where he was. And it was getting colder out. The little boy could barely feel his hands and feet. It sure didn't help that he had lost his left shoe during his climb. His stomach growled hungrily for food. The candy bar he had in his backpack was now a distant memory.

Tears brimming in his eyes, Norman sat down on a log. Bringing his knees up to his chest, he buried his face into his arms and sobbed. He wanted his mom and dad. Where were they? Why was he all by himself at the crash site? Crying his heart out, the five year old boy laid down on the log with his head resting on his hands. He felt so alone right now. He just wanted somebody to come and find him. Luckily, his wishes were answered but not the way he was hoping. The child jumped when a pack of four black wolves emerged from the forest.

"Nice doggies?" Norman whimpered, shaking with fear now. He gripped his blanket and backpack tightly. His eyes frantically looked around. He couldn't focus on one wolf. All four were snarling and growling as they slowly advanced towards the small child. Norman was completely defenseless. He had no weapons. Plus, his flashlight was dying. Soon, he would be engulfed in darkness, alone with the wolves. His heart pounding rapidly in his chest, the five year old squeezed his eyes shut and waited for the worse to happen.

A thundering roar echoed throughout the forest.

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