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Silence cut through the banquet hall, like a knife across a calm body of water. It rippled through the entire hall, no one dared to speak a word. When King Roulf stood, everyone hushed like the sound of the wind. The king stood tall, his broad shoulders back, his brown hair long, and his beard, short, but nothing more than the look of pure power. Not a smile became on his face. It was a serious time, apparently. The queen patted her hand onto her sons, smiling with graciousness, graciousness I can't seem to muster at the moment. I watch how the queen and her son interact. They seem so close. I watch them as the king reads something off a slip of paper.

"My fellow, Lords and Ladies, the time for despair is no longer among us! My son, Prince Leon, is no back from his five-year leave of absence. While his time away, he had worked for the Empire as the Keeper of #107, but we all know her as North Barrington daughter of Sorren and Madeline Barrington. My son rescued her and found out much-needed information. Lady North was only taken because of her genetics. Lord Sorren and Lady Madeline knew that their daughter had a secret within and shared it with me and my dearest wife," he paused, and I looked around at the reactions from the table. Some were staring at me, some at Leon, most still at the king. "We then decided we need to see if there were any more children like her, we found few and were able to save them from the Empire's brutal attack. Lord Sorren and his team were able to make a concoction that inserts a tracking device, so we can keep tabs on our Genetically Suppioriored. We must take the time to thank all those who lost their lives in the war of the Empire. But without furtherance, Queen Avinia and I will share the new betrothals." He exclaimed, now most were looking back and forth between Leon and I's bowed heads.

I could only hope that no one would be betrothed to me. Only a day in and all I have seen so far is how brutal this Enclave is. I know to keep my thoughts to myself as it is the only way to stay free, and stay alive. I have heard so many things about the Empire too, its ways too gruesome to explore as the king had put it when I was with my father when they were talking. I watched as the king and queen called up a boy and a girl, they laughed and flushed at each other, then either the queen or king told them they were betrothed. After an hour it became boring. Everyone falls in love with who they were betrothed to on the spot. My hand was on the side of my face and my elbow resting on the table. Only Leon and I were left at the table beside all of the older Lords and Ladies. The other girls and boys that were sitting at the table all went with their betrothed to go dance.

My eyes fluttered open and shut, but eventually, I became too bored to even sleep. The king and queen paused for a brief chat, my father who was among those who were listening. They talked for a few more minutes, it was all hush and then they sat down. The king wrapped his hands together and placed his chin on top of them.

"The queen and I propose an idea of sorts. We know that Lady North is new to our ways, so what better way to help her learn our ways than my son?" He paused and everyone looked at each other, with confused faces. That's when I saw him. Dark brown hair and green eyes. He was seemingly young but his posture made him stand tall. He looked to be only a year older than me maybe two. He looks like Leon but with brown hair. I watched as he walked up behind Leon's mother, the queen, and placed a hand gently on her shoulder. She smiled up at him and patted his hand. The king began talking again, "My youngest son, Prince Kale Castlex will be betrothed to Lady North Barrington. She will learn our ways and become Princess North Castlex," 

I sat there, my mouth gaped open. Him? Over there? Im supposed to marry him? He wasn't ugly or anything, its just, may father said. Oh, he said, 'no one as far as I know has taken a liking to you.' I guess this wasn't a part of my fathers plan. Kale seemed to have more of a private and timid type of personality. I guess I will actually get to see what he like since we will be spending quite a lot of time together. I wasn't upset, I was more confused than anything. I knew Leon, well I thought I did. I glanced over to see Leon's reaction. A scowl was plastered onto his face. His mother patted his hand and leaned her head on to Kale's. Leon and Kale looked like brothers, with a few minimal changes. Kale looked to be around my age, maybe older. Leon was at least 20. Kale and Leon were both way taller than me, pushing by at least a few large inches. My father gripped onto my hands and I looked at him. He mustered a fake smile,

"Im so sorry, my riverlilly," He said, his voice seemed sad but his eyes radiated with proudness and happiness.

"Father, it isn't your fault. I will just do what has to be done," What always has to be done, and what I always have to do.

I stand up tall, my shoulders back and my head high. I scooted my chair out and approached Prince Kale. I wondered if he knew his name was a type of plant. He removed his hand from his mothers and walked slowly over to me. We walked in sinck. When we stopped walking we were only inches apart. He knew I wasn't going to make the first move. We watched each other for a few minutes.

"Lady North, I am Prince Kale," he says, sticking out his hand.

"Prince Kale, I am Lady North," I say, placing my hand onto his.

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Chapter Question: Who expected that?

Opinionated Question: Favorite place in the whole world?


Word Count: 1,065

Started: Feb. 26th, 2021

Finished: Feb. 26th, 2021

Edited: ######


The drama has spiked!!

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