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Leon sat infront of me, sitting on the dark grey couch. We stared at each other, from my viewpoint he was picking at his nails. Something I had seen him do since he first became my Keeper. I ran through the moment we had just shared together. I was still in my dress, my branding peeking through. I sat on the other side of the table sitting in a chair that was deep green, almost emreald. We spoke no words, for our faces were enough to write a story. I couldn't tell Leon what he wanted to know, because I had no idea on what the answer could even be. I glanced down at my nails. They were shined to perfection. Allegra had done a great job at hiding all of the imperfections I try to hide.

I have only been at the Enclave for a few hours and now the life I had always wanted had been flipped upside down and I had no clue on how to solve this one. I had just escaped to my freedom and now I didn't know wether I liked it more at the Empire where I never knew change. Thats the only thing I loved about being held captive there. I always knew what was coming. But here in the Enclave I know nothing. I am learning as I go. There is more change here than learning I have a father that actually cares.

I didn't know if I should blame Leon, he was the one that kissed me after all, but on the other side, I was the one who kissed him back. I let myself enjoy the change, something I thought I would never do. I let myself dive in. I let myself enjoy the kiss. But then again I didn't do it, my damn body did. It made the move. I just went with it, after all it knew more than I did. Should I blame anyone? Can I blame anyone? 

The Enclave was a place that was new, it was unexplored. I told myself I just needed to spend the next sixteen years here and then I would know everything. But the Enclave just kept making me even more curious. It was a bad thing, I suppose. I couldn't make up my mind. There was always a good thing and a bad thing to go with everything. If you can only find one at the moment you will always find the other when you least expect it. I learned that from only a few minutes with Leon in this library. 

I opened my mouth, because I thought I knew what I was going to say to him. I thought that I had figured it out, why I had kissed him back. We continued to stare at each other. Trying to read each others faces. We thought we knew it all. Oh, we were so wrong. I let the image of Amara run back through my head. She had seen through all the masks I had put up. Just with a smile and her dark brown eyes, she had corrupted me into thinking I wasnt the person that I had made myself into. 

I looked into Leon's green eyes. They were filled with wisdom of everything I had been through. I think the biggest problem was that someone might love or even like me. Should I ask him? Do I really want to know though? The questions of doubt kept flowing through, like a river on steriods. 

"Why did you kiss me?" I blurted out, looking at him.

I guess it was just better to ask then think about it.

He looked up from where he was focusing his attention to. He studied me. HIs face crossed with compassion and distress. It was a battle between two very different feelings. I got to watch it play out across his face. Confusion swept through erupting the battle into flames. He tried hiding his emotions but instead he played them like a deck of cards, always in front of a crowd.

"I kissed you because, because I love you North," he said, standing up.

What could I say to top that? I wonder what my face looked like in that exact moment. I had to look up at him, as he walked over and squated down. I was still sitting in the chair leaning over. Leon cupped my cheek again, the feeling oddly warm and comforting. 

"And I kissed you, because I, I love you too Leon," I said leaning into his hand.

He kissed my forehead, stood up, and walked out of the room. Not ever taking one glace back. I sat there, in the library, puzzled. I placed my hands on both sides of face, thinking. How could love be so challenging? Why did there have to be change for love? In some ways, why did there have to be love in the first place? I sat there a few more  minutes, letting every idea get a chance to explain its self.

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I was in the middle of thinking on why the Empire liked white so much when a knock came at the door. I stood up and brushed off the wrinkles that were never there. Walking towards the door, I sighed, wondering who it could be. Was the banquet over? I opened the door and peeked out, finding my father standing in front of me.

"Oh, father, what is it?" I asked slipping out of the library and shutting the door silently behind me.

"The banquet is about to start," I looked at him puzzled," It is the part when everyone eats and then the big dance afterwards," he said taking my hand into his.

"Wait, then what was the first part?" I asked. We began to walk together, back to the Banquet Hall.

"That was just the meet and greet, to let everyone talk before King Roulf and Queen Avina announce Prince Leon and then there is the banquet and then the big dance, quite simple," He said pulling me to a stop in front of the Banquet Hall door.

"What?" I asked looking between him and the door.

"I know I just got you back my little riverlilly, but the way the the Enclave works is that when every lady turns sixteen she must become betrothed. If I had it my way, you would never get married unless you fully loved someone, but the king and queen have placed these rules so we have peace," he paused, "tonight will also decide who is betrothed to who. I talked with King Roulf and Queen Avina, they said only if they had a sons lord that was interested in you that they would make you be betrothed, but as far as I know, no one has really said anything," Father said.

My mouth gaped open, so all that betrothel crap I had to sit and listen to for five minutes, was really actually important? The Enclave did not disappoint when it came to always confusing me. Its ways were different from the Empires. I never knew much about the Empires way of things like that but, I knew more about the Empire than the Enclave. My father nodded and patted my hand. One of the guards opened the door and I watched everyone take their seats, some still frolacking around. I glanced around the table and seen Leon sitting to the right of his father. Leon looked more like him mother, Avina. With the dark black hair and bright green eyes. But he had his fathers perfect court smile and posture. Queen Avina had a kind smile, and a laid back posture, I could hear her quiet and compassionate laughs with her son.

Father and I walked down the steps with quiet thuds. I took a seat that was only five away from Leon and my father was by my side chatting with a lord he must know. It was awkward, so I sat in silence. Fingers neatly placed across my thighs, I watched and listened to everyone quietly chat. Leons father, the king was laughing a heavily obnoxious laugh, to something I don't know. Leon glanced over at me and I met his gaze. He tore his eyes from mine, an explosion of pain ripped through my gut. It wasnt physical pain, only made up from my imagination of love. He didn't love me like he said he did. I didn't need anyone or anything to tell me that.

It was only one kiss, it shouldn't rip me up like it does. One kiss does deturman your freedom.

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Chapter Question: WHo wants North to be betrothed to someone?

Opionated Question: Who do you think North will be betrothed to?


Word Count: 1, 428

Started: Feb. 21st, 2021

Finished: Feb 22nd, 2021

Edited: #####


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