Main Character Part 1

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(A/N: His full background and personality you can find in my story book titled 'My Hero Characters' to learn more.)


Name: John S. Grant (Descendant of Ulysses S. Grant)


Age: 16

Nationality: American




Lucky Grant

Master Chief

Butcher (Richard E. Lee)


Famous Quotes:

-"I need a weapon."

-"I wasn't asking."

-"I'm starting to regret this."

-(sigh) "Oh jeez..."

-"Bring it on!"

-"I got three words for you! BRING! IT! ON!"

Bio: After dealing with the last of the rebel insurgents and dealing with all the hate groups that plagued the UAC, John thought he would finally catch a break. Unfortunately, his moment of peace was shattered due to an attack on the city of Americana at São Paulo, Brazil. When he and his team got there, and after repelling the enemy, he realizes that the ones responsible for this massacre was an old enemy of the former USA. Now known as the United Confederacy of America (UCA), John realizes that he's once again thrown into the heat of battle where he must use all of his skill and abilities in order to survive. Having never fought in an actual war before, John realizes that this will no doubt be his biggest and most dangerous test he'll ever have to face as a supersoldier. With his team and allies at his side, they travel to a world where the events in human history went down a far darker path. Battles will be fought. Tragedies will occur. And the fate of two worlds will be forever changed. As John battles against the Confederacy to free this world from tyranny and slavery, his biggest challenge is his soon to be rival, Richard E. Lee, the descendant of Robert E. Lee.

Combat AI/Partner: Cortana

Partner Quotes:

Cortana: "I know what you're thinking. And it's crazy."

John: "So... stay here?"

Cortana: "Unfortunately for us both... I like crazy."

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Cortana: "Could we possible make any more noise?"

John: (Puts a grenade into his grenade launcher.)

Cortana: "Huh... I guess so."

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Cortana: "Why do you always get into trouble and do stupid things?"

John: "Why do you always keep on nagging me when on the job?"

Cortana: "... Fair point."

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Cortana: "Quick question... what if you miss?"

John: "I won't."

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Cortana: "Since when did we become the underdogs?"

John: "Always have been."

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John: (curious) "Why did you choose me? You know there were other candidates who are far better and more capable compared to me. So why choose me to be your partner?"

Cortana: (smiles) "I chose you because you had something none of the Guardians ever possessed."

John: (confused) "And what's that?"

Cortana: (smiles) "Luck."

Armor: PHALANX Powered Assault Armor


Hyperalloy (Terminator): A new, durable metallic alloy that's extremely tough and durable than any known metal on Earth. It also known to be heat resistant and allows the armor to take hits against both energy and plasma weapons.

Nanolaminate Armor (Gundam IBO): A special metal paint that reacts to Ahab Particles that is vapor-deposited onto the surface of the armor. This defensive paint forms a multilayer molecular arrangement capable of handling impact from the outside, but it can break or peel off, requiring repainting. At first glance the armor seems hard, but in principle it's like a very thin cushion with several layers. It's also known to be effective to counter against and render beam weaponry ineffective by diffusing and deflecting the fired beam, minimizing the damage done. It is also effective against physical projectiles as its energy-bearing molecules can absorb the impact from live ammunitions and explosive charges, thereby protecting the machine's body from damage. As a result, ranged firearms are unable to score decisive hits against them and may only shave off small pieces of it unless at close range. Because of its strength and widespread usage, anti-armor weapons are usually in the form of melee weapons as they are best at dealing damage to the armor. The armor's strength is positively influenced by Ahab Particles, and the gravitational field generated has an effect on the armor's multi-layered molecular arrangement. Thus, if the Ahab Reactor shuts down, the armor's capability will also drop. However, as the foundation is strong, the drop is minimal.

Grappling Hook: A wrist mounted equipment. Can be used effectively to move from one location to another or be used to help quickly get items. It can also be used to attack enemies to allow the user for a melee kill or to strangle them to death.

Energy Shields: An advanced defensive technology making use of a field of energized particles that wraps around a surface, which deflects objects that attempt to impact the surface. It still in its prototype stages but the shields protect the user from both projectile and energy weapons. When the shields are depleted, the user has to take cover and allow the shields to recharge. So far only Guardians are the only soldiers allowed to use this technology.

Active Camouflage: Reflects light and allows the person to turn completely invisible to the naked eyes. It also allows the user to be undetected by all forms of signatures, allowing for enhanced stealth capabilities.


M17A1 Energy Rifle

SRS-200-EM Energy Sniper

M47 Magnum

Crocell Katana

Energy Combat Knife

Ripper Blades (2x)

Mecha Weapons:

AMWS-31 Combat System (2x)

XCIWS-2B Katana

CIWS-1A Combat Knife

Mecha: FX-90 Gundam Barbatos Alternative

========== (Harem) ==========

Name: Ishimi Yokoyama


Age: 20

Nationality: Japanese

Bio: A member of Silver Team and the team's recon sniper, Ishimi Yokoyama is a Japanese Immigrant who moved to Canada at the age of 6. Growing up, she was there when she witnessed the events of WW3 and the aftermath of reconstruction. At the age of 18, she became a member of Silver after becoming a supersoldier. This was also where she met John and while did would eventually see him as like a little brother figure, those feelings would change when her actual brother was kidnapped by rebel insurgents and held hostage. Panicked and scared at first, she would feel a wave of relief wash over when John soloed the mission and rescued her brother from those insurgents. Needless to say, this caused Ishimi to gain romantic feelings for John after seeing what kind of person he really is. Despite their age difference, she still holds onto those feelings and hopes she gets the courage to confess to him.

Love Quote:

Ishimi: "I never got to thank you for saving my brother."

John: "He is your family. I simply did what needed to be done."

Ishimi: (Surprises him with a kiss on the cheek.)

John: (surprised) "Wha-?"

Ishimi: (smirks) "Consider it a reward."

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Name: Jia-Fa Mulan


Age: 18

Nationality: Chinese

Bio: A combat medic in the ARES military, she was there when the Confederacy invaded China in order to annex her home country. Due to military conscription in the UGA, Mulan was drafted into military school at the age of 16 before doing her military service at the age of 18. During her serve, she would help tend to the injured and mostly spent time with the refugees who tried to flee from the Confederacy. Her time spent with the refugees allowed her to make friends with many of them, including a little Japanese girl named Ushio Okazaki. Despite the rough history between China and Japan during WW2, Mulan held no prejudice against her as she knew the little shouldn't be judged based on the sins of the ancestor. However, everything changed for her just a month later when the Confederacy invaded her home country with the intent of total annexation. During the invasion, Mulan tried to help as many people as she could, but then she was corned by a group of Confederate Marines with the intent of raping her. However, she was unexpectedly rescued by a supersoldier named John S. Grant who brutally murders the Confederates and is also shocked to see he had rescued Ushio from a Mobile Suit. This was when she meets the Union of American Continents and their allies as they've all come to help save their world from Confederate Tyranny. Feeling a renewed sense of Hope, Mulan joins the fight to help free her world and in particular, the more time she spends with John and how he acted like an older brother figure towards Ushio, Mulan soon realizes that she began to grew romantic feelings for him.

Love Quote:

Mulan: (cringe) "Did you really have to be so brutal against those Confederate Slavers? Don't you think you could've been a bit more... I don't know... merciful?"

John: (deadpan) "I was being merciful. I didn't shatter their bones, nor did I tear off their limbs off. If anything, I just gave them a quick death. Besides, are you really gonna feel sympathy for those who tried to rape you?"

Mulan: "Well... when you put it like that..."

John: "Exactly."

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Name: Dasha Stalin (Great-Granddaughter of Joseph Stalin)


Age: 16

Nationality: Russian

Bio: An elite and dangerous Phantom Operative, Dasha is a child soldier who joined ARES at the young age of 13. Born in Russia within the Capital city of Moscow and the direct blood descendant of the infamous Joseph Stalin, her family was murdered due to a bombing caused by Confederate Shadow Runners due to the fact her parents were high ranking officials in the ARES Military. Needless to say, this caused the poor girl to snap and go insane as she had a mental breakdown. Just as the Shadow Runners were about to escape, Dasha managed to find them and in an act of brutality, she sadistically and ruthlessly slaughtered the Shadow Runners in the most inhumane was possible. By the time she was found by ARES military forces, they were horrified at the scene of brutal slaughter while Dasha showed a look of insanity as she let out a hollow laugh with blood splattered all over her face and body as tears streamed down her face. Before the soldiers could do anything, Dasha collapsed, and she was taken to a mental hospital to be checked upon.

After doctors checked on her mental health, she was approached by an ARES Officer who gave her an offer that she could refuse. Despite being practically a child, Dasha was given the chance to join the ARES military and due to her skills, she became a member of ARES's elite black ops unit called the Phantoms. Described as a 'Yandere' or 'Insane Psychopath' by Ishimi, Dasha is brutal, sadistic, and violent against Confederate forces, known for torturing her victims, chopping their heads off to be mounted on pikes, or just nailing their bodies on makeshift crosses in an effort to send a message to the Confederacy that they've come to die. All these acts were seen as both inhumane and barbaric. This made her feared by both friends and enemies alike, but mostly by the Confederates as her brutal and sadistic acts of murder had earned her the nickname as the female version of 'Jack the Ripper'. When the Confederacy invaded Russia to seize and annex their territory, Dasha saw it as her time to shine to finally get her revenge.

Despite not being augmented as a supersoldier like her ARES and UCF counterparts, Dasha had somehow managed to display inhumane/superhuman abilities that likes of which had even baffled ARES Scientists. When the UAC and their allies arrived to help the UGA push back Confederate forces in Russia, this was when Dasha would encounter John S. Grant. He was there when he helped her sabotage a Confederate supply line and destroy their artillery support behind enemy lines. However, she really took an interest in him when she took note of how he wasn't really afraid of her. Despite working with ARES, her allies were terrified of her personality and how she conducted herself during the war, causing her to have little to no friends. The same could be said for the UAC and their allies as they're also scared of her merciless nature. The same couldn't be said for John as not only did he tolerate her presence, but somehow the two were able to strike up a normal conversation and eventually become friends. It was because of this, Dasha actually began to grow romantic feelings for John as he learned to accept her for show she is, and he also had a hand in helping her with her trauma from the death of her parents.

Love Quote:

Dasha: (confused) "Why did you stop me? I was busy you know?"

John: (deadpan) "I'm stopping you because we're wasting time. I don't want to have to babysit you while seeing you mount heads of dead Confederate soldiers on pikes or nail their bodies on makeshift crosses."

Dasha: (shrugs) "What's the big deal? It's not like you care about them or anything."

John: (rolls eyes) "Believe me, I don't care what happens to their corpses. But we need to go. Now."

Dasha: (groans) "Ugh! Fine! You're lucky I like hot guys who give me orders without fear."

John: (mutters) "Why am I stuck with the crazy one I'll never know..."

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Name: Charlotte Montgomery


Age: 18

Nationality: American

Bio: Born in the American state of Louisiana, she graduated from the Confederate Military Academy and became a high-ranking Officer in the military. In the military, she was given the role of being a part of military intelligence. The tasks she was given was organizing troop movements and giving them intel on rebel cells and ARES forces. In terms of personality, Charlotte can be described as a product of Confederate propaganda, and believed the UCA and her own intentions were in the people's best interests. For her personally, Charlotte served the Confederacy out of a belief in its ideas and a desire to spread law and order rather than her own personal ambitions. Unlike her American colleagues, she was not known to use her position as an Officer to vent sadistic or even sycophantic urges but was nonetheless an ineffectual leader who did hold significant influence in the Confederate Military. Being indoctrinated with white supremacist, Anglo-Saxon belief, Charlotte believed that the Confederacy was bringing law and order to the world. She was led to believe that her country was working hard to make the world a better place and the slaves they had to be supervised by those deemed 'superior' to them, believing they knew what was best for non-white folks, including the near genocide of all black Africans due to them being seen as barbaric savages who needed to be exterminated for the safety of their fellow white Americans.

But then her life changed when the Confederacy invaded another world and was horrified to learn that the Earth her nation had invaded was one where the Union had won the American Civil War, becoming the Union of American Continents. Believing in the cause of her nation, she did her duty in serving the Confederacy and did all she could her people would be victorious against the 'Tyrannical' and 'Evil' Union. She was especially angry and disgusted when she learned the existence of John S. Grant, the direct blood descendant of the Union Butcher named Ulysses S. Grant. When she learned about his brutal and murderous exploits against her fellow Confederate Soldiers, her hatred for him grew and she hoped he would be taken down for good. Due to being brainwashed to serve the Confederacy, Charlotte truly believed they were the 'good guys' in this new war. However, her perspective on the Confederacy was shattered due to an incident that happened to her family. She learned that her family (Father, Mother, and Sister) were arrested and executed via firing squad by the KKK Military Police. When she demanded answers, it turns out her sister had unknowingly befriended a member of the Washington Rebellion and as such, the KKK executed all of them under the suspicions they were all sympathizers towards the rebels.

Needless to say, this completely shattered her belief in the Confederacy of the fact the KKK had just killed her family over an honest mistake. Charlotte was then also arrested and being prepared for execution as all the friends she's made had easily turned their backs against her, leaving her broken and at a loss at what to do. At some point, due to an attack caused by the WR, she managed to escape her captors, but she encountered a girl three years younger than her. It turns out it was the same girl her sister befriended, and she immediately attacked her, blaming her for the death of her entire family. After a bit of a scuffle, two escaped and they made it to a secret WR base. After a brief interrogation, that same girl named Grace convinced the other members to let her go, promising to keep watch over her. The two would spend time together and while Charlotte still hated her, her morality shifted when she learned of the true horrors the Confederacy has done, not just to non-whites or foreigners, but also to her fellow Americans. This caused her to question her beliefs and after realizing that she had joined the wrong side, along with the fact she's now a wanted fugitive, Charlotte decided to do her part and aid the Washington Rebellion in their fight against the United Confederacy of America.

This was also when she finally encountered John face to face. At first, the two practically hated each other, but over time after getting used to each other and forced to work together, Charlotte saw a different side to him. Despite how Confederate propaganda viewed him as a merciless butcher, she realized that John really wasn't 'evil' as propaganda portrays him as. She had witnessed him show acts of kindness and compassion towards others, including that little Japanese girl named Ushio Okazaki. This was when Charlotte realized that John was indeed a good person, despite his cold and brutal nature. Plus, he helped her through her trauma from the death of her family and it was because of this that she had begun to slowly but surely have romantic feelings for him.

Love Quote:

Sara: (annoyed glare) "Fucking Yankee."

John: (rolls eyes) "Up yours Redneck."

Sara: (annoyed glare) "...... You're lucky your still cute though."

John: (Annoyed Groan)

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