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(Trailer Music: Placebo - "Running Up That Hill" - Lyrics)


Narrator: "The price of our Freedom was never truly Free."

The scene opens to show the victorious Confederate States of America winning the American Civil War and finally breaking free from the Union in order to become their own independent country with Britain and France recognizing their independence.

The United States of America is shown to now becoming a shell of its former self as their loss proved the failures of Democracy. With the CSA now victorious and independent, a new cold war would happen between the USA and CSA.

Narrator: "We thought after everything that's happened; our world would finally know peace."

The scene shows the multiple wars both the USA and CSA have fought against each other, each time the CSA kept on winning multiple times. The Second World War shows the CSA finally being victorious against the former USA during the 'Battle of Pennsylvania', allowing for the Union's collapse and subsequent occupation. With the former USA now incorporated into the CSA, its soon transformed into the United Confederacy of America, becoming the new Empire on the continent.

President Featherston, wanting to expand his Empire and rule the world, went on to invade Mexico and the rest of South America before invading Europe. Essentially betraying his allies under the pretense of 'Liberating' the Allies from the Axis Powers. He began an invasion into Europe by invading Britain when the country was invaded by Nazi Germany and pushed them out. After the detonation of two Super Bombs, Germany surrendered and Russia was pushed out of the Eastern Front, allowing for the full annexation of Europe and Africa to be incorporated into the UCA.

Narrator: "That our families... our children... and the generations that will came after..."

World War 2 finally ends with the defeat and annexation of the former Axis Powers. In the year 1954, the UCA has full control over the entire world. Due to their advanced technologies, the Confederates crushed all forms of rebellions and uprisings against their Empire, allowing them for the full domination of the entire world.

The UCA is also seen committing acts of genocide against all Africans in an attempt to purge from of world. It is the wish of the Confederate people to rid the planet of the 'Black Taint' that plagues the world.

Narrator: "... would finally live in a world... where everyone not only accepts each other... but treats each other as equals."

In the year 1980, the UCA launch an invasion into Russia and China in an attempt to seize the last two independent nations and annex their territory once and for all. During the invasion of China, the UCA discover a portal being opened at Shanghai and they soon learn about how the UGA attempted to go to another world in hopes of getting help.

With heavy reluctance but unwilling to allow an enemy into their world, the Confederacy prepare an invasion fleet and go through the portal to conquer another world.

Narrator: "We were wrong... dead... wrong."

In the City of Americana, São Paulo, Brazilian citizens are seen going on about their normal day when off the coast of the beach they witness the opening of a massive portal right in front of them. Onlookers are in shock when suddenly they see a fleet of warships making their appearance. Without warning, the Confederate let loose their cannons and open fire, shelling the beach and killing hundreds of civilians in the process.

The invasion of Americana as Confederate Mobile Suits like the EB-06 Graze fly off the ship and land on the ground. The MS then looks at many Brazilian Civilians who are all frozen with fear and terror before opening its head to reveal a yellow optic.

The MS Pilot then raises it GR-W01 120mm Rifle and opens fire. Screams of panic and terror are soon heard as civilians run for their lives against the advancing Confederate forces.

Narrator: "For in another world."

The scene shifts to show a Confederate Marine without his helmet on and his seen breathing heavily due to being injured while leaning on a wall. Clasping on the wound at his side, he gasps for air as he witnesses the coming of the Union army in a counterattack.

As UCA forces continue to press their advance, they're all suddenly shelled by UAC bombers before UAC APCs and Mecha Frames come rolling in to push back against the invaders. Confederate Battle Frames and Mobile Suits are seen engaging against Union Mecha Frames and Tactical Surface Fighters. One Confederate MS dodges out of the way as a Union TSF lands in front.

Both mechs engage until the two engage in close combat with their swords. The Union TSF dodges and backs away before dashing towards the Confederate Mobile Suit as both mechs clash blades again.

A UAC Officer is seen watching the battle unfold while his UAC Marines engage the enemy from the high ground. After winning the battle and learning about the origins of their attackers, the UAC and their allies declare war against the UCA and their allies. Soon they head to another world and assist the United Global Alliance and the Washington Rebellion.

Narrator: "One were Tyranny and Slavey reign supreme."

Once entering into the parallel Earth, the UAC and their allies launch a massive invasion into the China to liberate it from Confederate hands. Tanks, Jets, Helicopters, Mechs, and Warships are seen moving in as they charge against Confederate forces.

A Confederate Officer is seen taking cover as explosions and gunfire happen all around them. He seen shouting at his men to hold the line no matter the cost.

The scene shifts to show a squad of UAC Marines are seen taking cover behind a building as they fixed bayonets on the barrels of their assault rights. Peeking out from behind, they see a squad of UCF Marines opening fire.

Narrator: "We face out deadliest enemy yet."

Closing their eyes and taking a deep breath, the UAC Marines get out of cover and change at the Confederates, yelling out war cries as they open fire against them.

The scene shifts to show UCA Marines and UCA Support Troopers getting over the trenches and charge at Union lines with a Confederate Battle Flag before one of them was shot dead.

As the UAC and their allies push deeper into enemy territory, they horrified when they find what appeared to be a massive concentration camp. They see starved and beaten men, women, and children all huddled together. Their eyes looking at them in both fear and terror, thinking they were the enemy. In response, Union forces began breaking the locks and freeing the slaves. One child in particular looked terrified until as UAC Marine approached him and kneeled down, offering a hand to help him. After some hesitation, the child took it and the UAC Marine began to carry him in his arms, taking up away from the Hellhole the child was forced in.

Narrator: "Ourselves."

Led by UAC Guardians, a UAC Armored Platoon is seen opening fire on Confederate lines as they lead a charge. A UAC Guardian is seen ordering Union forces to press the attack while a UCA Patriot orders Confederate forces to hold their ground.

In the skies, Jets, Mechs, and Warships engage one another as debris all out of the skies. In space, space battles occur in orbits of Earth as Union and Confederate warships battle near an orbital shipyard.

Narrator: "Two armies went in."

A platoon of Confederate Soldiers rush at Union lines, braving through machine gun and artillery fire. However, supporting fire form their forces allowed for the Confederate to breach into Union lines. As soon as the Confederates reached the line, Union forces were forced to fix bayonets and then counter charge against the enemy. Soon both armies clash, resulting in vicious hand to hand combat.

All around, the scene shows a brutal battle of fists and blades erupted. Both Union and Confederate forces are seen in vicious melee combat as both arms and legs were broken, twisted, severed, or all of them at the same time. Some even had their heads sliced or torn off. Blood was spilled on the ground and elsewhere that battle raged.

Narrator: "One nation came out."

A UAC Marine is seen being shot dead while holding the flag of the Union of American Continents but the flag itself manages to stand as the sounds of battle and violence happen all over the place.

The final scene shows two supersoldiers from both the Confederacy and the Union glaring at each other with the intent to murder each other.

The first was a Patriot Supersoldier of the United Confederacy of America.

The second was a Guardian Supersoldier of the Union of American Continents.

The two supersoldiers glared at each other before they retracted their helmets so that can see each other face to face.

The first was a man named Richard E. Lee from the United Confederacy of America.

The second was a young teenage boy named John S. Grant from the Union of American Continents.

As death and violence erupts all around them, both supersoldiers were in a Mexican standoff. Suddenly an explosion happens next to them as both soldiers rushed at each other at superhuman speed, and their swords were drawn. Both shouted at each other as both raised as blades.

Richard: (glares) "You're going down Grant!"

John: (glares) "Bring it on Lee!"

Soon both swung their swords and their blades clashed, causing sparks to fly everywhere and the scene goes black.

The title soon appears.

[Northern Lightning vs Southern Thunder!]

(Trailer Music Ends)


(A/N: So, this is the restart of my old book titled 'The Battle Cry of Freedom!' but I changed the title. I decided to make the Confederacy arsenal similar to the UAC to make it more of an 'even' fight. The main military faction (Hero) is known as the Union of American Continents. You can find it on my book titled 'My Military Factions (Heroes)' to learn more. The main OC characters is John S. Grant. You can find him in my book titled 'My Hero Characters' to see more. Also, this trailer I made was based on this other trailer saw on YouTube.)

(A/N: Trailer might now be the best but it's what I could come up with. Also, one more thing. I'm sorry but I feel the need to say and ask this. Who's your Waifu? Union-Chan or Confederacy-Chan?)

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