Chapter 11

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-Violet and Azalea


"You know I was really surprised when you asked to come with me. You never come to these things, which I do know why you don't. But still, it was out of the blue for me." Bryce said as he got out of his car.

Azalea also got out of the car. She was wearing a yellow till knee sleeveless floral dress. Along with white heels. Even if it was a garden party. There was no actual garden. It was a huge glass dome shaped building, which she guessed was some kind of a green house.


"Dad, you know I only did this to help Violet. You know how she gets all nervous and anxious in a large crowd. I'm just here to support her. We friends stick together!" Azalea replied as puts her fist in the air

"Yeah I get it. Let's go inside. You do remember everyone right?" Bryce said as he started walking inside. Azalea followed after him.

"Of course. Although I still don't get the point of these things. I mean we are so advanced that we are considered the most advanced world. But we are only advanced in terms of technology. Our minds are still backward." Azalea said

"I know, but don't say that to anyone here. They will mind it." Bryce replied

"That is if they have a mind." Azalea said as she chuckled

Bryce also gave a small laugh in reply. "Your grandparents will be here. They really wanted to meet you. I'm sure they will be happy to see you." He said

"I can't wait to meet them too." Azalea replied excitedly. She then turned serious and whispered, "Dad, are we really not going back to live there? I mean grandma and grandpa both have been asking you to come back. They really want you back. They are lonely. And they don't mind mom. In fact they love her. Isn't that a good thing? I know you also want to go back."

"You know why we can't go back Lea. I can't risk it. There are people who actually check a persons back ground before talking to them. You have read the laws. You know how it goes. If they find out your mother is from there, they will banish her back. And over there, the laws are even strict. Going to another world, means either spending the rest of your lives in prison or getting killed despite of your status. And I don't even want to know what they'll do to you." Bryce whispered back

"I see. I was wondering, are there more people from Melancholia that live here too?" Azalea said

"Yeah there are. But I am not telling you who because it's a secret. There are many who have gone there and many who have come here. Now stop talking about that and focus on here." Bryce said as he smiled and saw Violets father come towards them. He smiled and shook his hand.

Violets father was surprised to see Azalea there.
"It's rare to see you. I guess you took my advice. Good. Come inside, it's a pleasure to have you here. If you want to see Violet, she must be up in her room. Bring her with you outside. Who knows what she's doing." He said

"Of course, sir. I'll be right back. Excuse me." Azalea said as she went inside

"Isn't she going to greet all the guests first?" Violets father asked

"She will, after she comes back." Bryce replied

"You know you really ought to teach her some manners on how to be a proper lady. Although I do admit, she is better than all the rest of them." He said

"And you ought to mind your own  business." Bryce mumbled

"I'm sorry, did you say anything?" He asked

"Yes I said thank you." Bryce replied as he smiled

"Come let's go greet everyone. They are all expecting to see you." He said


"Vi! I'm coming in." Azalea said as she knocked on Violets bedroom door. She then entered the room and found Violet panicking and moving here and there.

"Oh my god Lea. It's so good to see you." Violet said as she immediately hugged Azalea

"What's wrong? Why aren't you coming outside?" Azalea asked

"I was waiting for you. I don't want to go out alone. I mean, have you looked at the amount of people? There are so many. Why did dad had to invite so many guests? I don't get our stupid stupid traditions and customs and stupid stupid...." Violet kept on saying bad things

"Calm down. I'm here now. See I came as you asked me to. Now let's go down. I'll be with you. Besides you look so pretty, it would be a shame if you didn't go out." Azalea said as she tried to calm down Violet.
Violet was wearing a tea pink above knee dress. She was also wearing lenses.


"You won't leave me, promise? You know how I can't handle people. Especially with their stares. I get so nervous and dizzy and..." Violet said as she followed Azalea outside

"I promise. Now come on let's go." Azalea said as she dragged Violet outside

When they reached the entrance to the greenhouse. Violet suddenly stopped and turned around.

"I can't do this. There are so many people. They all will be looking at me." Violet said as she again started to panic

"Come on. They won't bite you." Azalea said as she laughed

"You don't know how I feel okay? If you were nervous of people then I'd ask how you were feeling right now." Violet said

"Okay okay relax. I get it. Umm...look here's Wren and his mother. You have met them before right? Try greeting them." Azalea said as she saw Wren and his mother come towards the greenhouse.

"Hi!" Azalea said as she went towards them dragging Violet with her.

"Hey! I didn't think you would be here." Wren said

"I'd never leave a friend hanging." Azalea replied as she smiled.

"Oh wow, Azalea is that you? It's so nice to see you. You look so pretty." Wrens mother said as she hugged Azalea

"It's so nice to see you too. You look great as well." Azalea replied

"I wasn't expecting to see you here. You really look stunning. Doesn't she look amazing?" His mother said as she elbowed Wren

"Ow...yeah, you do look pretty." Wren said as he smiled at Azalea

"Thanks." Azalea replied as she smiled. 'Oops, I forgot.' She said to herself as she turned around and dragged Violet in front of her.
"Go on, say hi." She said

"Good afternoon. I am Violet. It is a pleasure to have you here. I'm sure you will have a wonderful time." Violet said as if she had rehearsed every word, but she still managed to smile in the end.

"It's so nice to see you again, Violet. You are so sweet. Im sure I will have a wonderful time" His mother replied as she smiled, she then said, "Excuse me, I'll go and greet the rest of the people."

"Okay." Azalea replied

"So did you learn to say all that?" Wren said as he looked at Violet

"Yes. Lea taught me." Violet replied

"How was that? That was great wasn't it?" Azalea asked excitedly

"It was fine. It was too forced. And if you kept saying those lines to everyone, everyone will think you are a robot. It should be natural but elegant." Wren said

"That was the best I could get out of her. She wouldn't even leave her room." Azalea replied

"I'm nervous, okay?!" Violet said as she turned to look at all the guests inside

"Come on, we will go with you. It'll be fine. Just act natural and smile. Just keep smiling. That's the best advice I can give to you." Azalea said

"Yeah, I'll come with you guys. I also have to greet everyone." Wren replied

"I don't have to greet anyone right?" Azalea asked

"Of course you have to. You are not getting out of this. Besides they all will be surprised to see you." Wren replied

"Thank you guys so much!" Violet said as she smiled

"See that's the smile you should keep." Azalea said

"Yeah. Freeze your face right now." Wren said

"Okay." Violet said as she smiled

As all three of them went inside, everyone greeted Violet as she still held on to Azalea. Wren also greeted everyone as they greeted back to him. But all the attention later on turned to Azalea. It had been three years since any of them saw her. It was a surprise to see her there. There were whispers and some pointing and they all were talking about who she was and is that Azalea, wow she looks pretty.

Azalea and Violet could hear all of this. Although Azalea didn't like this, but still she was happy because Violet was now feeling relaxed that not everyone was looking at her and talking to her.

"They all are looking at you as if they have seen a ghost." Violet said to Azalea, "I'm not saying you are a ghost or get what I meant, right?"

"Of course they are. Lady Azalea finally decided to come out of her grave." Wren joked

"Why are you being jealous that I took all the attention from you? Awww....the little boy is all lonely." Azalea said as she smirked. Wren just ignores what she said.

"It's true. They all have their attention on you." Violet said to Azalea

"You are welcome. Although I was not expecting this. I do remember all of them and I can't believe that they don't remember me." Azalea said

"Well it can't be helped. They are seeing you after three years. And even back then you only met a few people. So I don't think most of them even know you." Wren replied

"Lea, thank you. I think I'm fine now. I can go talk to them alone." Violet said as she smiled

"That's great. Remember I'll be right here if you need me." Azalea replied as she saw Violet go up and talk to a group of people. She seemed fine.

"Aren't you gonna talk to anyone?" Wren asked

"No. Why? What's the point? I already met my grandparents and I greeted everyone who came to greet me and that's about it." Azalea said as she showed indifference

"That's true. But it's all to build contacts and get in good relations with others." Wren replied

"What's good in building fake relations?" Azalea asked

"You know, you are right. I never really understood that either." Wren replied

"I know right? These things are kind of pointless. But it's fine when it's just family and friends. Like my birthday is coming up. So is yours. Will we have two parties?" Azalea asked

"I don't know. I'm fine with just having one." Wren replied

"Oh. I'm so excited! Dad will teach me how to open up portals. Can you imagine? Opening a portal to go to new world filled with new adventure." Azalea said excitedly

"No I can't because it's illegal and I can't open up a portal." Wren replied

"You are such a buzzkill. There's no harm in imagining things." Azalea replied

"Sorry to interrupt your imagination, but look a group of people are coming over to talk to you." Wren said as he pointed at a bunch of people coming towards them

"Well I'm off now." Wren said to Azalea

"Where to?" Azalea asked

"You see those men in brown suits on your right? Well they happen to be steel exporters and importers. Their company is really famous. And dad wants us to be their clients. So I'm gonna go handle some business." He whispered in her ear.

"I see. Good luck." Azalea said as Wren went towards those people.

"Hi! Is that you Azalea?" A girl from the group said

"Yes." Azalea replied

"Umm....I haven't seen you before in any gathering. But we did meet three years ago. I don't know if you remember me." The girl said

"Yes I do remember you Claire. I remember all of your names." Azalea replied as she smiled

"That's amazing. So why are you here?" A girl asked

"I was invited. Violet is my friend." Azalea replied.

"I see. What are you doing now? I heard you went to the academy." A boy asked

"I'm a member of squad 9." Azalea replied

"Oh so you are with Wren then. Are you two close?" A girl asked

"Well we are friends. I've known him since we were small." Azalea replied

"I see. Are you going out with somebody?" A boy asked but was hit by a girl on his head

"What?" He said, "I'm only trying to ask her out."

"No, I'm not." Azalea replied. She was starting to get bored.

"I'm glad. We thought you were going out with Wren." A girl said.

"I see." Azalea replied as she tried to ignore them. She never really liked them because they all were too like she didn't even know how to describe them.

Fifteen minutes later-

"Did you see Heather? Have you seen what she's wearing?" A girl said

"Speaking of which, I saw that same dress in a some store. I was about to buy it but it was too cheap." Another girl said

They went on and on about other people and their money and brands and whatever. Azalea lost track of the conversation because she wasn't interested.

She looked around to see Violet. She was having fun talking to some guy. She felt like going there to find out who the guy was, but Violet looked really happy so she didn't want to intrude.

She then turned to see Wren. He was talking to a bunch of girls who were circled around him.
'Is that him doing business? Seriously?' She thought as she glared at them. 'What's with those girls, circling around him as if he's some idol. And what is he smiling about, they are just some stupid girls doing stupid things to get his attention. Well I don't care who he talks with. He can marry all of them for all I care.' She thought as she continued to glare at them. Her thoughts were broken by a guy who was around Azaleas age. He came up to her and said, "Good afternoon. I'm sure we have never met before. I've never seen you before. You look really beautiful. You are Azalea, right? I did hear that Sir Bryce had a daughter. I never knew she was this-" he was cut off as someone accidentally elbowed him.
"Hey watch it! This suit costs more than you could even imagine. It has been ironed finely and it's pressed so neatly that there is not a single crinkle!" He said angrily to the poor guy who hit him accidentally.

"Sorry," the other guy replied

"It's okay, now what were we talking about?" He said as he again looked at Azalea

Azalea wanted to laugh but she controlled her laughter.
"I don't know." She replied as she smiled thinking that this guy needed to learn to respect others

"You know your smiles really beautiful." He said

"You know, if you would've ironed your brain like you iron your clothes. Then maybe you wouldn't be acting like a jerk." Azalea said as she smiled and then went away from him.

"What was that?" Wren asked as he suddenly came from behind

"Nothing. He was being annoying." Azalea replied

Wren laughed. "Come on, I want you to meet some people. They were asking about you a lot. And they all wanted to meet you." He said as he pointed over to a bunch of girls

Azalea saw that they were the same girls who were circling around him before, "No thank you. You can go talk or laugh or whatever you want with them. I'm sure that will make you and them happy. I'm gonna go find my dad. You go have fun with those girls." She said as she went to find her dad

"What's wrong with her?" Wren thought to himself as he went after her but was again stopped by a bunch of people who came to talk to him



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