Chapter 12

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"Dad, when are we leaving?" Azalea asked her father

"Why? What's wrong? Aren't you having fun?" Bryce asked

"I guess so. Not really." Azalea said as she looked around and again found Wren with those girls.
'Seriously!' She thought to herself


"What do you want for your birthday? It's coming soon right?" Bryce asked as he tried to change the topic as he saw that Azalea was in a bad mood

"I'm fine with you teaching me how to open a portal." She replied

"About that....can it wait? The portals are still illegal. And I wanted to wait before it was legal. It's hard to control how to open up a portal. So I'm afraid you might end up subconsciously opening one up and that would be a crime." Bryce said

"Seriously? You can't be serious, Dad. Who knows how long it'll take for the portals to become legally opened. I can't wait that long." She replied

"Why? It won't be that long. We just had a voting again. And this time there was an increase in the favouring votes although the opposing votes were still more but that's another matter." He said

"But you promised me dad. It's not fair!" She said

"I know I did and I'm not breaking that promise. I'm just telling you to postpone it." He said

"But that's not fair dad. It's the only thing I've been looking forward too." She said

"I know....but why are you so fixed on learning how to open a portal? Is it because of Melancholia? Is it because of your mom? I knew it. It must be because of them." Bryce said

"No, why do you think that? It's not because of that. You can't understand me. Why can't you believe that I find the ability to open up a portal fun and amazing? And that I wanted to try it and be just like you. Maybe I wanted to spend more time with you this way. Maybe I wanted to learn more about these portals. There could be a possibility that there are other worlds. Why do you believe I'm so obsessed with Melancholia? I'm not, okay!" Azalea said as she got angry.

"Relax, calm down. Lea. I understand. Sorry." Bryce said

"No you don't understand. I'm angry. First my friend is ditching me for some stupid guy and then he is hanging around with those stupid girls, like I'm really angry at him too, I don't know why though and now the only thing I was looking forward to, you are saying that you can't do that either. Great. Just great. I'm out of here." Azalea said as she puts on her denim jacket and then goes out.

"Wait....Lea!" Bryce said but she did not listen

"What happened?" Wren asked as he came towards Bryce, "Where is she going?"

"She is mad at me and she is also angry about something else. Did something happened? Where's Violet? She said about her friend ditching her and you also ignoring her by talking with those girls or something." Bryce replied

"Aren't you going to go after her?" Wren asked

"No, she will be back. I know she will. You can go after her if you want." Bryce replied

"Okay." Wren said as he followed after Azalea

"Hey wait up!" Wren said

Azalea looked back and then ignored him.

He finally caught up to her and said, "What's wrong?"

"What are you doing here? Why aren't you with the girls?" Azalea replied as she rolled her eyes

"Why do you keep on going on about that? Are you perhaps jealous?" Wren said as he smirked

"Yeah right!" Azalea said as she chuckled

"I needed your help before you know. Those girls won't let me talk to those people I wanted to. They were being in the way. And then they started asking about you. I thought that you could keep them distracted while I went and talked to those people." Wren explained

"I see." Azalea replied as she stopped walking

"So what are you so mad about?" Wren asked

"Okay first look at Violet. She's the reason I'm here. She's having so much fun with a guy I don't know of. It's making me curious and a bit of jealous because she's having so much fun and I'm stuck with a bunch people who probably eats brands for breakfast. Oh right, not probably, they do eat branded food. And then there's also you, laughing around with those girls, which makes me more jea-....bored since you are also busy keeping them company, and above all a bunch of stupid guys have been coming to me and saying stupid things, it was all making me so frustrated and then later on when I went to dad, he told me he can't keep his promise and that he will have to postpone it. He thinks I'm overly obsessed with Melancholia." Azalea said angrily

"Woah, relax. Also, he is right you know. You are always reading and talking about it, if anyone knew you they'd say you were obsessed with Melancholia." Wren replied

"You too?!" Azalea said

"Kind of. But you really have to understand here, my dad told me they had a vote again and this time it ended up in a really really huge fight. I mean seriously the fight was really bad. This is why this gathering is being held. It's just an excuse to make peace again. And you know how stubborn my dad is, he didn't want to see their faces. That's why I had to come. Your father is probably now a lot more busy, so maybe he wanted to handle those people and then peacefully fulfil the promise he made." Wren said

"For real? If it was like that, he should have said so. Besides I'm not obsessed with Melancholia okay? It's just that it's the only world whose books are available and on whom we have info about. Just between you and me. I am actually obsessed with the idea that there could be thousands of worlds out there, which we don't even know of. Think about all the new things and adventure we could discover. Doesn't it sound amazing?!" She said excitedly

"Yeah. That does sound more like you." Wren replied as he chuckled

"Okay now let's go back. And this time you are first talking with your dad and then helping me with those girls. I can't stand them." Wren replied as he started walking back inside. Azalea also went inside while walking by his side.

"It didn't look like that to me. You looked like you were having fun when you were laughing." Azalea said as she teased Wren

"Laughing? That was a fake laugh. I don't even remember what she joked about. All I remember is that, it was a horrible joke. It was not fit to be even called a joke." Wren replied

Azalea laughed.
"Well I'll help you. But you have to tell me who that guy with Violet is. Seriously I'm dying of curiosity!" Azalea said as she pointed at a guy next to Violet

"He is Alex Gale. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Gale. He is around our age. A really nice guy. I've met him a few times. Don't worry, not all rich kids are spoiled and a jerk." Wren replied

"Nice introduction. But I was asking about what does he do and blah blah." Azalea replied

"He deals in weaponry. He is actually a client of my Dad. Don't worry, as I said. He is a really nice guy. I trust him." Wren said

"I see. If you trust him, then there's no problem." Azalea replied

"Now come on, talk to your dad." Wren said as he gently pushed her in front of Bryce.

"Lea. I thought you were mad with me and had gone already..." Bryce said as he looked at Wren and then said, "I see. Well I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say all those things. I was planning on explaining to you later on in detail."

"It's okay, dad. Wren already told me. And besides, I'm sorry too. I kind of overacted a bit." Azalea said as she looked down and played with her hair

"It's okay, dear. I knew you didn't mean it. You were just upset about something else and you had a lot going on in your mind." Bryce said as he looked at Wren and then at Azalea

"Thanks dad." Azalea said as she smiled

"Well you guys go have fun. I'm gonna go talk to some people." Bryce said as he walked away

"Hey, speaking of which, where the hell is the food? I'm starving!" Azalea said as she looked around and found little salads and a juice bar in one corner.

"Didn't you read the invites? It's just a small tea party. Look they are serving tea and pastries and cakes. And that's about it." Wren said

"I already ate that, thinking it was an appetiser." Azalea replied

"You idiot. Would they give you chocolate cake as an appetiser?" Wren said as he chucked

"Well I thought they must be giving desserts before dinner." Azalea said

"Stupid." Wren said as he laughed, "now come on. You agreed to help me." He said as he started dragging her

"Okay okay, I'm coming!" Azalea said

Wren took Azalea to a bunch of girls. They all started talking while Wren excused himself to go and talk to those people he was planning on talking to. When he came back, all the girls were giving Wren some weird looks. And then they all hugged him and said it's fine, they all still like him. Wren got confused at this and asked Azalea what she said to them. Azalea in return just started laughing.
Wren then pinched her cheeks and said, "Tell me what you said to them."

"Ow ow that hurts you know." Azalea replied as Wren let's go of her cheeks

"Hey Lea!" Violet said as she came towards them. Alex was also following them.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry I totally forgot about you. Meet Alex, we used to be elementary school friends and then we got separated. I met him after such a long time. Alex meet Azalea and Wren. They are my best friends in the whole world!" Violet said excitedly

"Hi!" Alex said

"Hey." Wren and Azalea replied

"Are you guys coming too?" Alex asked

"Where?" Wren asked

"Outside. In the training site. One kid has bet that no one can shoot at the centre of the targets in a range he has set up. So a few have bet that they can. That's why we are going outside to watch. Wanna come?" Alex asked

"Sure. That'll be fun." Wren replied

"Can I get to shoot?" Azalea asked excitedly

"I know you love guns but you can't. You have to act like a "proper lady" or else Violets father will scold you." Wren replied

"Yeah yeah whatever." Azalea said as they all then went outside

"Okay so give me the gun! I will shoot. And I can shoot it. Because I am the best of the best." A boy called Danial was standing there.

"I recognise that boy and that line. Oh this is gonna be fun!" Wren said as he chuckled, "he is one of the new students at the academy." He whispered in Azaleas ear as it was too quiet. Everyone was standing in a line. There were only a few people as most people preferred to stay inside.

"With the way he's handling that gun, he's gonna end up shooting himself." Azalea replied as she chuckled

Everyone was now watching Danial closely. There were sxiteen targets. Eight of them were moving while four of them were on the ground and four of them were up in the air. These were all holotargets. But they were all real and could be felt. So they were electronic targets that dispersed into air when hit with a CZ-13 bullet. It was a special kind of bullet.

Danial started shooting. He managed to hit nine targets. Until the time ran out. Everyone was quite impressed with him and started clapping.
Danial smirked and said, "That's how you do it!" He then puts his gun in his back jeans pocket, but ended up pulling the trigger and shooting himself on his butt

Everyone's eyes went wide.
They all then started laughing.
Wren and a few others went to him. Wren took the gun back from him and said, "Kids shouldn't go playing around with it."

" are that guy from the academy. The one who thinks is the best." Danial replied as he couldn't stand properly but was still managing to stand

"I don't think that and you ought to get that checked." Wren said as he chuckled

"You are Sir Wren! Who wants to see Sir Wren shoot some targets?" The guy responsible for the bet said as he saw Wren

"No one." Wren replied as he started walking back towards Azalea

Everyone started cheering as if they wanted to see him shoot.

"I am not doing anything." Wren said as he looked annoyed

"Are you scared? Do you think you can't do it? I never took you for a scaredy cat who runs away. Looks like I was wrong." That guy said

"I get what you are trying to do. It's not gonna work." Wren replied

Azalea came up to Wren and said, "Please can I shoot? Please! It'll be fun."

"Oh you want to try young lady? That will be fun." That guy said,
"Who wants to see this lady shoot? Place your bets on that table please!" He said as he turned to the people who stood watching

Wren looked around and saw the crowd getting larger. Majority were boys. In fact there were a lot of boys and they all were planning to see Azalea because he could hear them whisper. It was all getting on his nerves.
He turned around, "On second thought...." he said as he shot all of the targets. "I will do it." He said as he smirked

Everyone looked stunned at this because they weren't expecting it. They all then started clapping.

"That was amazing!" The guy said

"Hey what about Azalea? Isn't she going to do anything?" Another guy asked

"No she isn't." Wren replied as he glared at that guy


"Oh come on, that wasn't fair. You took all the fun for yourself. I wanted to do some target shooting." Azalea said as she pouted

"Let's go to the office. I'll give you my gun and you can target shoot all you want." Wren said to which Azalea replied yay.
He started walking away from the crowd. Azalea, Violet and Alex followed him.

"You know that part where he shot himself was so hilarious!" Azalea said as she laughed

"That guy is good but he ends up being too confident. I told him before that not to get too cocky." Wren said

"Guess what! I made this! I figured everyone would want to see this." Violet said as she showed a video of Dylan shooting himself in her phone

"You sure that's a good thing?" Alex asked

"Umm.....I don't know. Is it not?" Violet replied

"We will delete it after showing it. Our friends couldn't come to this party so they at least deserve to see that." Azalea said

"Fair enough." Alex said as he, Violet, Azalea and Wren laughed while watching the video.




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