Chapter 13

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"Let's go May, we are going to be late!" Ashley shouted as she was standing outside the office


May came running towards her.
"I'm here!" She said as she looked around and saw Ashley, Vile and Wren standing there.

"What are you doing here?" May said as she looked at Wren. She then looked at Ashley and asked, "What is he doing here?"

"He wanted to buy a gift for Azalea just like us. Today is her birthday you know." Ashley replied

"Are you forgetting something? We also have to buy a gift for him. Tomorrow is his birthday!" May whispered so as to Wren couldn't hear her

"We know, that's why it will be good to have him here. If he likes something we will buy it!" Vile said

Wren who was standing next to them, could hear everything they were talking about. 'Should I tell them I can hear them? Maybe they forgot I'm standing right here.' He thought

"Okay then lets go!" May said as they all started walking towards the mall.


"What are you planning to give her?" Vile asked

"Clothes." Ashley replied

"Makeup!" May said

"A book." Wren said

"Wait what? A book? Which book?" Ashley asked

"I don't know. Any one I find and I think she will like." Wren replied

"Hmm...that is a good idea you know. She loves reading." May said

"I was actually planning on buying her that new gun plus invisible sword they have made. But Vile already bought that for her." Ashley said

"Yeah, Jack bought her those hover shoes. You can jump like twenty stories high with that thing." Vile said

"Why the heck did you guys buy such cool gift?!" May complained

"If I didn't knew that she wanted a book, I would have bought her something like that too." Wren said

"How do you know that she wants a book? Did she say that?" Ashley asked

"She was just talking about how there's one book she would like to read but she can't buy it." Wren replied

"Good for you." Ashley replied

"By the way, what's up with you and Azalea? You guys have been hanging out a lot lately." Vile asked Wren

"Speaking of Azalea, look there she is." May said as she immediately crouched behind some plants. Ashley, Vile and Wren did the same. They peeked over to look at Azalea who stood there, reading some book.


"What is she doing here?" Ashley asked

"Why are we hiding?" Vile asked

"It's because we don't want her to know we are buying her birthday presents." May replied

"It looks like she is waiting for someone." Wren said

"A date! Maybe she is going on a date!" Ashley said excitedly. She, May and Vile then looked at Wren.
"What are you doing here then?" She asked Wren

"Stop looking at me. How do I know that!" Wren replied as he then turned to see who Azalea was waiting for


"Ash, I don't think she's on a date. Look she's wearing casual clothes. It's like she's almost meeting up with someone whom she knows very well." May said

"Yeah that's true. Look she's putting her book back in her bag and she's waving at someone. Who is that?" Vile said as they all saw a man approach Azalea

"Dad?!" Wren said as he was surprised

"What is he doing here?" Vile asked. He then turned to Wren and asked, "Did you know about this?"

"No." Wren replied

"Looks like they are going shopping." Ashley said

"Well let's go!" May said

"Where to?" Wren asked

"To follow them of course. We have got to know what they are doing!" May replied

"Okay yeah sure. Although I feel like I'm forgetting something." Vile said as they all got up and started following them.

"Okay first they are going to the clothes stores." May said

"I think they are shopping for your birthday Wren." Vile said

"Yeah that explains everything." Ashley said

"Let's go back then. There's no point in following them." Wren said

"Oh come on, look they are going to another shop again! Let's go!" May said as she dragged everyone with her

After 3 hours-

"May please stop! We have been following them for like three hours!" Vile said

"Yeah, and they haven't even bought anything!" Ashley said

"You know I'm actually kind of disappointed that even after three hours they still couldn't buy anything for me." Wren said

"Well you are a difficult person to please." May said

"Yeah what do you like anyway?" Ashley asked

"Come on tell us. I'm giving you three seconds. Tell me what do you want right now. Go!" Vile said

"I want to go home and sleep." Wren replied as he yawned

"I was talking about your birthday gift!" Vile said

"Oh, well anythings fine." Wren replied

"See! No wonder they couldn't even find a gift in all these three hours." May said

"Looks like they are going home. Your father just said good bye to her." Ashley said

"We should go home too." Vile said

"Yeah, I want to sleep." Wren replied

"Okay, let's just go home." May said as they all started walking towards their homes.

"Wait." Vile said as everyone stopped walking

"What's wrong?" Ashley asked

"I feel like we had to do something today but we forgot. I wonder what it was. I mean didn't we came here to do something today?" Vile said

"You are just imagining it. I'm tired and I don't know about you guys, but I'm going home to sleep." Wren said as he started walking ahead of them

"Yeah, I'll also rest for a while because then we have to go to Azaleas house for the birthday party." Ashley said as she yawned

"Party? Oh shit! Party! Gifts! We still have to buy gifts!" May said

"Stop him! Call him back. We have to buy gifts!" Ashley said as Vile went and dragged Wren back

After half an hour

"Okay we have bought everything for Azalea and now the only thing left is to buy for....." May said as she, Amber and Vile turned to look at Wren

"What should we buy for him?" Ashley whispered so that Wren couldn't hear them

"Does he even like anything?" May asked

"Oh look! There's Azalea!" Vile said as he pointed at Azalea who looked like she was confused

"Hey Lea!" May shouted as Azalea came towards them

"What are you guys doing here?" Azalea asked

"Shopping for Wren!" Ashley replied

"Oh same here!" Azalea said

"Where is Wren?" May asked as she turned to find Wren was gone

"Oh he went to buy something." Vile replied

"That's great. Now let's look for a gift for him." Ashley said

"But what? That guy doesn't like anything!" May said

"That's not true. He has things he like or that he wants." Vile replied

" likes bikes, and umm....okay I'm lost." Azalea said as she tried to think of something

"See I told you. It's difficult." Ashley said

"What's difficult?" Wren asked as he suddenly appeared

"That was quick." Vile said

"Yeah, I had actually booked it online. So I just had to go and grab it." Wren replied as he looked at Azalea and said, "oh you are still here?"

"Still?" Azalea asked

"He meant that are here." May said

"Nice try May. I now know that it was you guys who were following me. I did feel a presence." Azalea said

"We got caught." Ashley said as she grinned

"Speaking of which why didn't you tell me you were going shopping with my dad?" Wren asked Azalea

"I tried to tell you before. But you changed the topic every time I talked about your dad." Azalea replied, "by the way what did you buy?" She asked as she tried to look inside of the bag he was holding.

"Nothing....this is just some stupid stuff that Lily asked for." Wren replied as he lied and pulled the bag away from Azalea

"Hey Wren what do you want for your birthday?" Vile asked as he got tired of figuring out what to buy

"Anythings fine. Although you don't have to. It's fine." Wren replied as he smiled

"Wren you.....are you even human?" Azalea asked Wren as she looked at him

"What? Why? Of course I am." He replied

"You know what! We haven't got time. Let's just quickly do our shopping. I have to go home and get ready!" Ashley said

"Agreed." Vile replied


At Azaleas house-

Since Azalea and Wren have birthdays on 22nd and 23rd October, so they were just having a one combined close family friends dinner.

After eating dinner, they all gave gifts to Azalea and Wren. Bryce and Melody gave Wren some money while his own dad gave him a teleportation device which he made himself. Since it was just a prototype, it exploded after only one try. Although his father said he would make another one, Wren said it was fine and was happy.
Vile gave Wren a black leather jacket while all the rest of the friends gave Wren a bike helmet except Azalea. They all were surprised when they found that everyone's gift was same.
"I appreciate you all giving me this, know I don't technically own a bike." Wren replied to which they all looked surprised. They didn't know what to say. But then they all started laughing.

After giving Azalea her gifts, a few of them went back home. While the rest of them just started talking with each other.

"Here you go! Happy birthday, Lea!" Wren said as he handed out a gift to Azalea

"Thanks. Happy birthday to you too considering its 12 now." Azalea replied as she handed out a gift to Wren

"Thanks." Wren replied as he smiled

Azalea opened up the gift paper wrapping and finds a book inside. This was a really old book and one that's hard to find. It was about the history of the worlds and even portal makers. There were also information about other worlds. Azalea on seeing the book got so happy that she squealed and jumped excitedly.
"Oh my god oh my god! Where did you find this? I've always wanted this book!" She said excitedly as she hugged Wren, "Thank you so so much! You are the best!"

"I'm glad you like it. It was a bit difficult to find, but I have my sources." Wren replied as he smirked

"Like it? I love it! Thank you!" Azalea replied as she kissed Wren on his cheek and then looked at the book with sparkle in her eyes. Wren got shocked at this and his eyes were wide open but then he smiled as a small blush appeared on his cheeks.

"Okay now open your gift! I don't know if you will like it or not. It was difficult to choose. It's not anything special or not, but I hope you will like it." She said

Wren opened the gift and finds a square shaped locket in it. It was in silver colour. "Oh wow! Thank you so much! How'd you know that I wanted one?" He said

"Today in the morning, I saw that you were looking at this at the mall. So I thought you wanted one and so I got you one!" Azalea explained

"Oh, thanks! I really love it!" Wren replied as he smiled and wore the locket

"I'm glad you love it." Azalea replied smiling


It was 2:57 am at night. Wren suddenly woke up by his phone ringing. He checked to see and saw Bryce calling him.
'Is everything alright? Why is he calling me at this time?' He thought to himself as he answered the phone call. "Hello." He said.

"Hey Wren. Sorry to disturb you at this hour. But can you come to our house right now?" Bryce said

"Why? What happened?" Wren asked as he started to get worried

"Azalea has gone to Melancholia." Bryce replied

"What?" Wren said shockingly. 'She wouldn't actually opened up a portal to go to Melancholia, now would she?' He thought to himself



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