Chapter 17.5

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Wrens POV;

I don't get her. She loves exploring and adventure but is in fact a scaredy cat. But despite that she's like the light that keeps everyone together.

Me and the rest of my friends were in the public elementary school. There was only one class since the Ataraxy was a small place. The overall population of Euphoria was equal to just the population of the huge Royal City of Melancholia.

I was sitting on the grass while Azalea was standing in front of me. We would daily come to the borders of Ataraxy to play, which was like mountains but without any dangerous animals. It was a place where many people came, although they never came to this side of the mountain.

Today only me and Lea were here since the rest of the friends were busy. And she was going on and on about exploring new things. She loved trying new things and we would sometimes go searching for something new in the mountain.

"Okay Wren. Let's go!" She said as we then started walking.


There was a natural path already made, so we knew there were no chances of us being lost. We kept on walking on the path.

"I wonder what new things we'll find this time!" She said excitedly as she skipped and turned around to face me, while walking backwards. It was her habit of walking backwards.

"I don't get this. Why are you so excited? We've been to this mountain every time and it's the same thing." I complained as I never really understood what goes on this girl's mind

"That's not true! We found that cave last time! And then we also found many new things." Azalea replied

"Yeah yeah." I said as I knew that what she was saying was true. We did end up finding something new each time.

It had been fifteen minutes since we had been walking.
"Don't you worry Wren, if something appears. I'll protect you!" She said as she smiled softly

'I don't think that's going to happen.' I thought to myself as suddenly a nearby bush started shaking.

"Oh what's that?" I said as I looked at it curiously. Azalea quickly grabbed my arm. I could tell with the way that she was squeezing it, that she was really scared.

'Seriously, I don't get her. She always talks big and loves exploring but then she's easily scared when she sees something new.' I thought

I looked at the shaking grass and suddenly a rabbit jumped out of it. Azalea screamed a bit. While I laughed.

"That was so funny! You were so scared." I said as I laughed

She pouted and said, "I wasn't scared!"

"Of course you were. If you weren't then how would you explain this?" I said as I pointed at my arm where she was holding tightly.

She immediately let's go of my arm.

"Why do you love exploring when you are scared of something new?" I asked

"It's because I want to face my fears that's why I love exploring and besides you wouldn't understand it." She said as she messed up my hair

"Hey, not my hair!" I protested

"That's what you get for laughing at me!" She replied

"I wasn't the one who was scared." I answered as I hit her head lightly

"Okay then, I'll show you I'm not scared!" She said as she started walking towards the dark cave next to us. We had discovered it before, but decided to go inside it next time because it was getting dark that time.

"Are you sure you will be alright?" I asked as I started to get a bit worried

"I'm fine!" She said as she entered the cave, "Don't follow me, I will go inside and come back outside to prove that I'm not scared."

"You sure you don't want my arm with you?" I joked

"Shut up!" I could hear her voice coming from inside the cave

Despite her saying that, I followed after her, just in case. And sure enough soon she came running towards me.

"Wreeennnnnn!!!!!" She screamed as she came and quickly grabbed my arm. Yes she does that. She has a habit of grabbing people's arm when she's scared.

"What happened? And let go! You're hurting my arm." I said

"There were huge spiders in there!" She said

"So?" I replied with indifference. I meant what was she expecting. It's a cave in the mountains. There are bound to be spiders here.

"Hey if one day one of them bit you, then don't come crying to me." She replied still not letting go of my arm

"Yeah yeah. Let's just get out of here. Miss scaredy cat! And please let go of my arm, it hurts." I complained as we started walking out

"No way. Not until we are away from those spiders!" She said as she grabbed my arm even tightly

Ow. It really hurt. And in the end, I still don't get this girl.


We were now in our middle school. All of us went to the Public Ataraxy Middle School. It was our last year and next year we would all go to the Central Academy of Euphoria.

I never really liked troublesome things but somehow trouble seemed to follow me and I'd always end up fighting or getting injured. Today I had a deep cut on my arm due to some broken glass. I went into the infirmary. Since the cut was on my right arm, it was a bit difficult to bandage using my left arm. But no one was here, so I had to do it by myself. Just then the door opened and in came Lea. What is she doing here, I thought.

"Oh my god!" she said as she looked shocked


"What?" I replied even though I knew what she was reacting to

"What happened to your arm?" She asked

"Oh it's nothing. Just some glass broke and whatever." I replied as I tried to open the cabinet to get a bandage. I didn't want to tell her all the details of the fight or else she will get mad at me

"Sit here! I'll get it." She said as she got the medicine and the bandage and rest of the things while I sat on a nearby chair

"I swear, you'll never change. Why do you always end up getting in this condition?" She said as she sat near me

"It's not always . I can do this by myself." I replied as I didn't want to trouble her

"Just keep your mouth shut and let me do this. It doesn't hurt, does it?" She asked as she looked up worriedly while bandaging my arm.

I smiled at her. This was nice. Then I don't know what got over me but as soon as she touched my injury, even though it didn't hurt that much, I started screaming in pain. "Ouch! Oh my god! It hurts! Ah! My arm!"

"Are you okay? Does it really hurt that bad??" She asked worriedly

I started laughing. "Sorry. I'm fine."

"Stupid! I was so worri-.....I swear! One of these days you are going to end up being seriously injured and...." She went on and on on giving me a lecture while bandaging my arm. I looked at her. She looked worried. She would always get angry at me for this, but more than angry, she would get worried. I kind of liked how she cared and worried about me. I don't know why though. Just then I heard her mumble to herself, "Stupid Wren." Hearing that, I chuckled.


I was sitting on Mikas desk while he was sitting on his chair. Vile, Alden and Jack were also here and we were talking as usual.

Just then Lea entered the class along with May. Lea had become quite popular. I'm not saying like popular popular, but like she's friends with everyone. Whenever someone new would come, she would befriend them quickly. And she still liked exploring. She was friendly and kind with everyone, oblivious to how the other person felt about her. I knew about it. Most of the boys had ulterior motive when they talked to her, but she didn't notice these things. In fact, she wouldn't even notice if some guy was staring at her. Either she doesn't notice it or she just ignores it. I think it's the latter because she is good at knowing her surroundings.
Its kind of strange, she is friendly with everyone but is shy when you introduce her to someone. And all those boys immediately take a liking for her due to this. This all kind of irritates me.

We had all decided to go eat ice creams. The girls were walking in front of us while I was walking with Vile and Jack behind them.
We passed by three boys from our school who were whispering to each other something. I could hear them clearly. It seems they were talking about some girl. Some very inappropriate things. I never liked such people. But I ignored them because I wasn't in the mood to fight. Just then I heard them say the girl's name. "Azalea."

Okay now that does it. That really got on my nerves. And what was worse was that one of them was trying to sneakily take a pic of Lea. That really stepped on the mark and I couldn't control myself anymore. So I punched that guy. I didn't care if he died. I grabbed the guy by his shirt front and then whispered angrily in his ear, "If I ever hear you talk like that about her, you are dead. And not just her, you should learn to respect every girl. Get rid of that dirty mind of yours. I hate people like you."


"I thought you said you didn't like troublesome things." Lea said as she stopped walking and now was looking back at me. Everyone else had also stopped walking and were now looking at me curiously as to what happened.

"Well he was a troublesome thing." I replied as I then left him there and started walking. "Leave him be. His friends are over there, hiding behind that wall. They will come and get him."

After that, we all started heading towards the ice cream parlour. I was walking along Azalea when I heard her say, "Brother."

"What?" I asked as I looked at her while opening the water bottle

"I was just thinking. You really are like a brother to me, Wren!" She said as she smiled.

I chocked on the water I was drinking. Hell I even chocked on my breath. What the hell did she just say? Was she serious?

"What?" I said as I looked at her as if someone had just stabbed me. It felt as if someone had just sucked the life out of me.

"Just like a big brother. Although, since I'm one day older than you, I should be your older sister, right?" She said as she smiled at me.

I was starting to get angry and hurt. It hurt when she said those words to me. I feel like as if I'm dead.

"I am not your brother. We aren't related by blood. And I am so not like a brother to you. Seriously, what is wrong with your brain? Why do you always come up to some stupid conclusions?" I said with a bit of anger and annoyance. I did not want her thinking that.

"What?" She said as she was surprised as she then started thinking and after a while said, "I'm sorry....that doesn't quite seem right. I don't know but calling you a brother doesn't feel right for some reason." She looked at me and I kind of felt satisfied now that at least she understand how I felt when she said that to me.

"Stupid, Lea." I said as I laughed

She started messing my hair. "Don't ruin my hair!" I said as I was very picky about my hair

"That's the thank you for what you did back there." She replied as she smiled

"You do not thank people like this...wait what? How do you know why I punched that guy?" I asked later realising that it must be Alden and Jack

"Well looks like even after you punched someone, your fan girls still love you." She said as she pointed upwards to an open window where a bunch of girls were waving at me.

"Whatever." I said as I ignored them. Those girls were annoying

"Okay then as a thank you for punching that guy earlier, you will pay for my ice cream." She said

"What? It should be the other way around, Lea." I said

"But I am the one who wants ice cream." She said

"Wait a second. Is everything okay?" I asked as I was surprised why she didn't correct me when I called her Lea. Usually she would get annoyed at that.

"Why? What's wrong?" She asked as she looked confused

"You didn't complain or get annoyed or say angrily 'my name is Azalea'." I said as I was clearly shocked and confused

"Is that so." She replied as she chuckled and smiled gently.


This made me blush a little. She really looked beautiful when she smiled. Stupid mind. What the hell am I thinking. She's just Lea! Lea! I thought.

After that she stopped getting annoyed at whenever I called her Lea. Since it had become a habit of mine to call her Lea, I never stopped calling her that.


Today we all planned to go to the amusement park. Azalea was excited like a child. Well it was her first time being here. We had almost rode all the rides but she wanted to go to the haunted house.

"I've always wanted to go there!" She said excitedly

There were a few other people with us who although were from our class but were not included in our usual group. It's because some of us couldn't come today.

"Okay then. Let's go to the haunted house!" said Mika as we all started walking towards the hunted house

I looked at the house and I knew immediately that Lea would be scared in it. But for some reason, she sounded confident. Maybe she wouldn't get that scared. Why am I even thinking about her. I looked at her and saw one of my male classmate approaching her and asking her if she wanted to go in with him. Oh right! I thought. We can only go in pairs inside. That guy is gonna get his arm squeezed and hurt......That isn't right. I don't know but just the thought of Azalea hugging that guys arm, doesn't feel right. I thought as my mood suddenly went bad.

"Thanks for asking, but I think I'll go with Wren." She replied to which my eyes suddenly got wide opened. I wasn't expecting that.

"Why?" I blurted out

"Because you called me a scaredy cat and I want to show you that I'm not scared." She replied

"Oh....that again." I said as I was feeling kind of a bit disappointed

Fifteen minutes later-

-Azalea and Wren

Lea screamed and hugged my arm even tightly. She was looking down and her eyes were closed. I had a flashlight in my other hand.
'Seriously, if she was going to be this scared, then why the heck did she even come?' I thought as I looked at her and found that she was really scared

"If you were gonna be this scared, then what did you even want to prove?" I asked

"Stupid. It wasn't because of that. I just knew that I'd be this scared, so....well....I thought I didn't want to show everyone else me being this scared and it wouldn't be bad if you were with me because you already know how I am or something like that." She replied as she tried to open her eyes and found a chopped off head dropping blood in front of her.

She again screamed, turned away and closed her eyes.

"Okay so that scares you but you are fine while fighting, playing games or when you are in war?" I said as I chuckled

"Yeah, because that's different....that's like....I don't know. I don't mind that." She replied, "Are we out yet?" She asked

"I think so...almost....oh wait!" I said

"What? What??" She asked in a scared tone

"There's a chopped off hand approaching your foot!" I joked.

In reply to which she screamed and hugged my arm even more tightly.
'Cute,' I thought, 'What's wrong with my mind?'

"Sorry sorry I was just joking." I said as I laughed

"Stupid! Don't scare me like that!" She replied as she still held on to my arm


'Even though I don't really understand this girl, but this isn't so bad.' I thought as I looked at Azalea still hugging my arm. I smiled gently as a small blush appeared on my face


Sorry for late update. Hope you liked this chapter. Don't forget to vote and comment!

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