Chapter 17

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"What?" Wren asked as he was confused

"I'm sorry, but I can't go." Azalea replied

"Why?" Wren asked


"You don't understand. This is Melancholia. I've always read about it. You know how much I've wanted to come here. If I go back, I won't ever be able to come back here again." Azalea explained

"But you have already visited and it's been almost a month!" Wren said

"No, I can't go back. It was my dream to come here and when I'm finally here, I can't just leave my dream like that." Azalea said as she couldn't figure out how else to explain without telling him what she had to do here

"You can't or you don't want to?" Wren asked with force as he was surprised to hear her say no.

"I.....maybe...I don't want to. I mean what's going to change? Nothing's. Everything is still going to be the same. The worlds will still be separated and as I said I won't be able to come back here again." Azalea said

"Lea, I know you. That's not what you really mean. There's something else why you don't want to go back. Just what are you so scared of?" Wren asked

"Scared?" Azalea said

"Yeah. You are always I don't know, scared of something. Even your father told me that you might be a bit scared of coming back because you might feel like as if you have broken your promise with your dad or that everyone might blame you. But don't think like that. Your father knows it's not your fault. And no one blames you for anything. You didn't do anything wrong. I know you and I believe that you did not open up the portal. So don't be like that and let's go home." Wren tried to convince her

"No, I am not going back." She said as she still tried to figure out her thoughts

"Why? What is it here that you don't want to go back?" Wren asked

"There doesn't have to be a reason. I just don't want to go back. I appreciate you coming to get me. But I can't go back." She said

"I'm not going back without you. And I know that you also want to go back. So don't be like that." Wren replied

Azalea didn't know what to say. She wanted to go back but she also wanted to stay here. She wanted to see her mothers parents and also she did not want to leave Aster alone because she knew she will be lonely. But at the same time, she wanted to go back home because it's where she was from. And she made everyone worried and even Wren spent so many days looking for her, plus she loved her home. But this was a once in a lifetime opportunity. She won't ever be able to come to Melancholia again. It's all her fault. She shouldn't have touched the portal. She should've just gone to her dad and told him about the portal.
All these thoughts were making her frustrated. She couldn't even tell Wren why she wanted to stay here. She wasn't allowed to. This was all frustrating her and her head was also starting to ache. 'Just why the heck did he even have to come. He shouldn't have come. Why can't he just leave me alone and just go.' She was having trouble with her thoughts.

Wren was still saying something, trying to convince her. She knew all those things he was saying was the truth, but still she was getting all frustrated and had tears in her eyes and then she yelled with force, "Gosh, you are so stubborn! I said no so no! I am not going back. You don't know me so just please shut up! You don't understand anything. Argh..I hate you! You don't get me. If you did, then you wouldn't be convincing me right now and you would've gone back by now. It's all so frustrating! You have no right to tell me what to do. When I'm saying no then no! You can't understand and you clearly don't know me! You don't know me so don't say whatever you want. Is it so wrong to ask to stay here? Is it so freaking wrong to stay in a place where you have always dreamed about? Argh...You shouldn't have even come to get me. I'm fine here. You don't understand anything at all! So just freaking don't say anything to convince me! You never should have come!" She knew what she was saying was a lie. And that Wren did actually knew and understand her. In fact he was the only one who ever did. But she couldn't stop the words from coming out of her mouth. She couldn't tell him the real reason so this was the only thing she could say. Her thoughts and feelings were all getting mixed up.

She looked up and saw that Wren was a bit hurt from her words. It pained her to see that expression on his face. 'Of course he would be hurt. I told him I hate him. He spent almost a month searching for me and I just told him he shouldn't have done that. I'm such an idiot. I should just probably tell him the truth' She thought to herself

"Wren...I..." Azalea said as she was cut off by Wren who said, "Fine then. You are right. Who am I to say anything when I don't even know you so I shouldn't have said those things about what you really want. But the reason you want to stay here, Is it because of your mother? Your mother is the reason that you want to stay here, right? You probably are curious about what kind of place she was raised in or maybe perhaps in what her family is like. Your dad told me everything. So did your mother. Anyway," Wren said as he checked the message that Bryce has sent, "Looks like your dad is stuck in the Main Royal City for two days so I guess good for you." He said as Azalea tried to say something but he cut her off, "Don't worry, I'm going like you said." Wren said as he then went outside the house


Azalea stood there. She was still a bit shock that Wren knew about her mother, but more then that she was feeling guilty about saying all those things to him. She never meant any of them and the words just came out. Just then she remembered that she told him to be gone. 'Oh my god, no. He didn't actually went back now did he? Please I didn't want him gone. Please Wren don't go.' She thought as she went after him but as soon as she went out, she couldn't find him anywhere.
'He's really gone....I'm so stupid.' She said as tears started building up in her eyes

Aster who came back from the washroom said, "You better not have taken Azalea back-....." she stopped talking as she found Wren was not in the room and Azalea was in the room crying.

She immediately went near her.
"Azalea....what happened?" She asked worriedly

"Aster...he's gone. I've hurt him. I didn't mean to do it." Azalea replied as she sobbed

"It's okay. Don't worry, I have a feeling he will be back." Aster said as she tried to console her


Later at night-

Wren was strolling here and there in front of Asters house. He looked like he was deep in thoughts.
'I don't get her. I made her cry. It's obvious that I'm not leaving without her. That's a definite no. What should I do then?' He thought.
"Gosh, you are so stubborn. You don't know me so just please shut up! You don't understand anything. Argh..I hate you! You don't get me. If you did, then you wouldn't be convincing me right now and you would've gone back by now. It's all so frustrating! You have no right to tell me what to do." Azaleas words were ringing in his mind.
He stopped walking as he looked down, remembering her words.

His thoughts were broken by Aster who came out from the front door and said, "Hey stalker! I thought you were gone."

"Oh, it's you." Wren said uninterestingly

"You want some place to stay tonight I bet." She said

"Yeah. So?" He asked

"You can stay with us." She said

"Really? Thank you so much. You are not so bad." Wren replied

"Of course I'm not. Now you can go sleep in the store room which is in the backyard." Aster replied as she showed him the store room. Which was broken and full of dust. With a single bulb hanging at the centre.

'I spoke too soon.' Wren thought, 'Still its better than nothing.'

"Okay then I'm going. Bye." Aster said as she turned around

"Ah wait!" Wren said as he stopped her

"What?" She asked

"Do you have any spare blankets or anything? It's kind of cold." Wren said as he thought, 'Who am I kidding? It's December and it's freezing!'

"No." Aster replied as she then went inside

Wren then took off his jacket to use it as a pillow as the floor was hard.


"It's cold." Wren said as he shivered. 'Well it's not like I'm feeling sleepy. I can't fall asleep. I know she said those words in anger. I think she did. But did she really mean all of them? I just can't stop thinking about it. She had tears in her eyes. I can't stand to see that. If I go back, will she be happy? But I don't want to leave without her.' He thought as he looked at the locket that Azalea gave him for his birthday.


Suddenly the door opened and in came Aster with a pillow and a blanket.

"What changed your mind?" Wren asked

"Azalea. I thought she wouldn't like it if she found out that you freezed yourself to death tonight." Aster said

"I don't think she will even care." Wren mumbled but Aster was still able to hear him

"Why do you say that? You don't know that." Aster said

"I don't know." Wren replied

"So are you going to go back without taking her?" Aster said as she sat next to him

"No. I'm not going back without her., I don't know how to convince her. I don't want to force her. I can't stand to see those tears in her eyes." Wren replied

"You are stubborn. But that's good. So don't leave her alone please." Aster replied

"Oh really? I thought you did not want me to take her back with me." Wren said

"I do....but you are not so bad. Actually I don't personally hate you or anything. It's just that...I don't know why I'm telling you this....but my dad is from Euphoria." Aster said

"What?!" Wren said as he was shocked

"Yes now shut up. He was from
Euphoria. He came here a long time ago, I don't know much about the details. But my mum knew about him and she didn't mind it. We were a happy family. He had a small bookshop that he owned and everything was going peaceful. But one day some guy came from Euphoria, and that man was caught. But still, after that the government did a whole search. Along with Euphorias government. I was still young back then, around five I think. Well somehow they found out about my dad being from Euphoria and one day some government officials came and they handed my dad over to the Council and after that we haven't heard from him since. That's why I was afraid. Afraid of loosing Azalea like how I lost my dad." Aster explained

Wren didn't say anything. He had heard of some operation before when he was small. But this all was unexpected.

Aster suddenly got up.
"I should go. You know about Azalea, I don't really know what happened between you two, but you shouldn't fight." Aster said, "Although I'm pretty sure it must've been your fault." She added as a joke as she then left.

"My fault eh...." Wren said to himself as he immediately laid down and puts his head on the pillow and closes his eyes


Azalea also couldn't sleep at night. She was kind of a sensitive girl and after saying all those things she knew she hurt him. Although her brain was telling her that it's not such a big deal. But her heart was telling her that what she did was wrong, especially after she saw that look on Wrens face. He looked hurt and she never ever meant to hurt him. She couldn't. Wren had been her best friend. He would always listen to all of her problems and thoughts and would always be there for her whenever she needed someone. He was someone who she believed understood her more than she understands herself. She could hurt anyone else but not Wren. She wouldn't mind if anyone looked at her with that expression, but when Wren did, it killed her.



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