Chapter 20

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"Okay so we are here. Now what?" Wren said as he and Azalea were standing and hiding over one of the Royal Castles wall.

"I don't know." Azalea replied

"Do you want to see your mother's family or not?" Wren asked

"I do. Actually mother's been talking to him a little through the transmission system. Even though she can't send him any pictures and the messages are also kept short and private, she heard a few weeks ago that grandpa has been seriously ill. And what's worse is that due to Melancholia being still backward, they don't have proper medicine for this illness. So she has been a lot worried about him even though she doesn't say much, but I heard her talk to dad about how she'd love to give grandpa medicines from Euphoria." Azalea explained

"Wait...grandpa? You're already calling the king grandpa?" Wren asked

"Well yeah. That is what he's supposed to be right?" Azalea replied

"Also do you even have that medicine?" Wren asked

"Luckily that night on my birthday, after everyone had left. I made a little trip to the pharmacy, and after buying the medicine I kept it in my pocket and after getting home I forgot to take it out because I was too excited to read that book you gave me." Azalea explained

"I see. Well then let's go." Wren said

"Wait. Where? They are having some kind of a party. We can't actually go in there without an invitation. And even if we do dress up as someone else, where would we find a dress and a tuxedo?" Azalea said

"We won't. I have an idea. We will act as someone else." Wren replied as he pointed over to a nearby truck. Some people were coming out of the truck and one person was handing them waiters clothes. They all were then going inside through the back door.


"That will work." Azalea said as they both then went towards the truck


As soon as they came near the truck, they both had planned to steal the clothes, but the person handing out the clothes gave them the clothes and said, "Good. You guys are here. The big boss sent you, right? You know what to do. Hurry up and change."

"Ah....yes! We will get to it." Azalea said as they both then went to the separate washrooms and came out wearing the waiters uniform

"Everyone line up!" Someone shouted in return to which everyone lined up including Azalea and Wren

"Here you go. Quickly hand these out to everyone and then come back inside. We have got work to do!" A person shouted as everyone was handed out trays containing champagne in glasses

Azalea and Wren also went into the ballroom along with everyone.

As they both handed out champagne to the guests. Wren found everyone referring to some guy as my king or your highness. So he told Azalea where the king was. Azalea went near the king. At first she was kind of taken back.
'This guy is moms dad.' She thought as she stared at the king

Just then the king noticed her and said, "Excuse me, miss."

Azalea didn't know what to do. She was a bit confused. Should she go? If she didn't go, then she wouldn't be able to give him that medicine. She went near him smiling.

"Yes, sir." She said smilingly

"Could I have a glass of champagne?" He asked

"Of course sir." She said as she took one of the glass and was about to hand it over to the king, but she deliberately let it slip from her hand. The champagne fell all over the king.

"I'm so sorry, sir. I'm really sorry. I'll clean it right away!" She said as she she took some napkin and started drying his coat and in that same moment, she secretly puts the medicine along with a note in his pocket.

"It's okay. I'll go change my coat." The king replied as he smiled

"I'm once again truly sorry." Azalea said as she then goes over to Wren and whispered in his ear, "I've given him the medicine. Let's go."

"You sure you don't want to meet the rest of the family?" Wren asked


" It's fine. I'll meet them when one day the portals are officially opened." Azalea replied with optimism

"Great." Wren replied as they both then entered the kitchen and are about to leave from the back door when suddenly that same person who was handing out the clothes came to them and said, "Good you guys are here. We finally managed to steal the crystal along with some other jewels. Hurry up and put these bags in the truck!" He pushed two black bags on to Wren and Azalea

Wren and Azalea look at each other confused. It seems as if tonight some group was planning to steal from this party and they had succeeded in doing that.

"What are you waiting for? Hurry up and get these things in the truck before they noticed that the jewels are gone! Come on!" That person shouted again

Azalea and Wren looked at each other again. They didn't know what to do.

"Um...excuse me seems you have made a mista-" Azalea said as she was cut off by that person who said, "I'm a miss and hurry up!" She went towards the truck which was standing a bit far from the palace as to not get caught

"Eh....wait!" Azalea shouted but it was useless. That girl was already gone. The other members of this gang were now dragging Wren and Azalea. "Hurry up you two! Don't just stand there like fools!" They said as they kept dragging Wren and Azalea

Wren and Azalea again looked at each other. They were being dragged into a mess and they didn't know what to do.



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