Chapter 21

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"Oh shit! They noticed the jewels are gone! They are coming! Run!" A guy said as they all quickly started taking the bags with them

To get out of this mess quickly, Azalea and Wren decided that they would quickly give the bags back and run away. But it seems like that wasn't possible, because the police had now found them along with the rest of the gang.

"There they are! We have found them! Stop right there you thieves!"  A policemen shouted as he had a flashlight and a stick in his hands. They didn't had any guns as only the secret services had guns or any other kind of technology.

"Damn it! What to we do! We are trapped! Boss is waiting for us outside! He will kill us!" One of the gang member said as he got frightened

"You are worried about that? We will get killed right here if we don't run away!" Another female member said

"Oh so it's you scums that are responsible for this! You rats should crawl back to the disgusting gutter you came from! You don't belong in the royal city!" One of the guard said as he laughed

"Hey! Our village is not a gutter!" That same female gang member said angrily. She had murderous look in her eyes.

"Oh right! It's not a gutter. It's just a cheap place full filth and waste!" Another policeman said spitefully

It seems as if these gang members were from a village. And seeing how the Royal City was way more different than the villages. The city people were proud of themselves. They thought very low of the villagers. Wren never liked people who bad mouthed and judged others. He wanted to say something but he didn't. Because he didn't wanted to draw attention to himself.

"Let's get out of here fast!" Azalea whispered in Wrens ear as they both quietly and quickly started sneaking out from the scene until the police aimed their flashlight at them and said, "Hey where do you think you two are going?"

"Actually officer there's been a mistake. We aren't with this gang. And we are just simple waiters at the party. And...." Wren said as he was cut off by the officer who looked at one of the gang member and said, "Is this true?"

"Of course not. They are liars and  traitors! What are you talking about? Of course they are with us!" The gang member replied

Azalea and Wren mentally slapped their faces. 'What the hell have we gotten ourselves into!' They thought


"Enough of this crap! You guys are going to jail! Come on now!" The police officer said as they started dragging them

"We have to fight if we want to run!" Wren whispered to Azalea

"Are you crazy? No! They will die! They are so weaker than us. And also we will be exposed! Compared to them us Euphorians are like super humans with super human strength and all." Azalea whispered back

"Don't worry. I'll just touch them lightly!" Wren replied as he gave the bag to one of the members and said, "Hold this."

He then then went over to the police officers and punched and kicked them lightly. "Sorry about this." He whispered. He tried as best as possible to just hit them lightly, but it wasn't his fault that they'd end up flying a few feet and end up unconscious.

All the gang members stood there in awe. They were astonished and were impressed.
"Amazing, man!"

"That was so awesome!"

They all said.

"Ah, he overdid it." Azalea said to herself as one of the gang member turned to her and asked, "Are you as strong as him?"
Azalea just forced a smile in response


"Wow we didn't know boss sent us such powerful people! Yay! With this! Our mission is complete! Let's run before more policemen come!" One of them said as they heard the shouting of some other policemen nearby

Azalea and Wren started running along with everyone. At the corner, the gang members went towards right while Azalea and Wren went towards the opposite direction hoping to get out of this mess. But as soon as they turned left they saw more policemen come their way so they had no choice but to run towards the other gang members.

"Hurry up! Come on! We are leaving!" The other members said who were all now in the truck and the truck had started. They pulled Azalea and Wren inside the truck and then the truck went away from the policemen.

"Wow! That was awesome! Boss! You should've seen him fight! He was amazing! He kicked one of the guy and like he hits one of the officer in the neck and he immediately faints. Like literally in seconds everyone was unconscious!" One member said excitedly

"Yeah Boss! You sent some great people this time! We should keep them forever in our gang! Where did you find them?" Another one asked

"Which members?" The boss asked confusedly

"You said you wanted to send two people to help us." A member replied

"I did say that, but I could not find anyone. Hence I did not send anyone." The boss replied

"Then who are these two?" A member said as they all turned quiet and turned to look at Azalea and Wren who were whispering to each other. More like arguing with each other. Although they weren't even looking at each other.

"Why the hell are we in here?" Azalea whispered

"Don't ask me. It was the only other way. There were police officers." Wren whispered back

"Oh for god sake. Were you scared? We could've easily handled them like you did before. And we could've easily run away!" Azalea whispered

"Hey you said not to overdo it and that we could kill them!" Wren whispered back

"Oh so now you listen to me! I said that to you before too but you didn't listen! Now how the hell do we get out of here!" Azalea whispered as they both started arguing when they suddenly felt pairs of eyes staring at them

They both turned around and found everyone looking at them
"Who the hell are you two?" Their boss asked



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