Chapter 22

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"Who the hell are you two?" Their boss asked


"Eh...umm...look, we tried to explain this before to this girl here that we are not part of your gang. We were just waiters at that party. And your member here...." Azalea said as she pointed at the woman who mistook them before, "she didn't listen to us." She said

"Now that everything's clear. You've got your jewels. And now you know who we are and everything's well and all and........I think we are gonna just leave. Nice meeting you all. Bye!" Wren said as he and Azalea prepared to jump off from a driving truck

"Wait!" The boss said as he triggered his gun and pointed it at both of them. Azalea and Wren quickly put their arms up in the air and turn around

"What are your names?" He asked as now a few others were also pointing their guns at them

'Where the heck did those guns came from? They didn't have them before.' Azalea whispered to Wren

'How the heck would I know? All I know is that we need to get out of here.' Wren whispered back

"Stop whispering you two, and answer my damn question!" The boss said

"What would you do after learning our names...our names are such a great boss as you, what would you gain after knowing the names of us such mere waiters..." Wren replied as he and Azalea slowly started taking a few steps back

"Yeah...names are illogical. You can call us anything. We don't mind." Azalea said as she and Wren also moved a few inches back. Their plan was to open the back of the truck and then jump out.


"Hey boss." A member said as he came near him and whispered in his ear. All this while they were all still pointing their guns at them.

"Now is our chance. Let's beat them all and get the heck out of here." Wren whispered to Azalea

"They will die! We can't risk killing them. Even if we hit them lightly, they will end up being pretty badly injured." Azalea whispered

"Oh for gods sake!" Wren whispered as he was starting to get annoyed, "this is what I really hate about you. You are too much caring and kind. So what, if they are injured badly. They are still the bad guys. It serves them right. You have no trouble killing the bad guys, so why have trouble injuring them? I swear, this kindness is one day going to kill you."

"Hey! That's different that's our job. And this...we can't kill them because it will cause an uproar." Azalea whispered

"Oye! You two! Stop whispering!" A gang member said as he came near them

"Look man. I don't want to hurt you. So let us go peacefully." Wren said to him

"Shut up." The member said as he then turned towards Azalea and suddenly brought out an injection and inserted it in her neck. Azalea quickly fainted. Wren grabbed that member, chocked his neck and asked angrily, "What the hell did you just do?!"

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." The boss said as one of his guards was holding the unconscious Azalea and was pointing a gun towards her head

"And I wouldn't do that if you wouldn't wanna die." Wren replied as he choked that guy even harder

"Leave him. Or this girl dies. We have given her a sedative. She's only sleeping. Don't worry. She's asleep for 48 hours. Or maybe less. Who knows." The boss replied

"What do you want? Let her go." Wren said angrily as he threw the guy he was chocking. He felt rage inside him. 'Damn Lea, there's no way that she couldn't have seen that coming. She did see that coming. But only because she didn't want to kill them, she didn't do anything. I told her that her kindness would one day get her in trouble.' He thought to himself as he looked around and saw that he could easily take out every one of them. But the only matter was that, if that guy fired his gun, Azalea would be dead in a sec. No, he would never ever let that happen. Even if he had to die for it.

"Listen here. You can get back the girl after you help us with some few more stealing and stuff. You are strong and you can help us a lot. Got it?" The boss said as he gave a wicked smile

'Was he being serious?' Wren thought as he glanced at Azalea and found that she was moving her fingers. 'I see. Of course that thing they gave her won't have that much affect. It's because we are not from Melancholia.' He chuckled to himself and walked towards the boss. He grabbed him by his collar and smiled and said, "You can go to hell. Do whatever you want. I don't care." And he let's the boss go who immediately falls down as he was scared


"What? We are serious? We will kill this girl!" The guard holding Azalea said

"Oh will you?" Azalea said as she opened her eyes

"What's this? Why didn't the sedative work on her?" A member said as everyone was shocked.

"What is she? That was the most expensive and effective sedative in all of Melancholia." Another guard said

"She is a monster!" One of the female member said

The guard who was holding Azalea was about to shoot her with his gun, but Wren kicked the gun out of his hands.

"Be careful. You don't want to do that. The monster might end up reviving and killing you in return if you shoot her." Wren said as he chuckled

"Hey! Who are you calling a monster?" Azalea said as she elbowed the guard who was holding her and kicked his head


"What are you waiting for? Fire at both of them!" The boss shouted as the guards who had guns aimed at them and were about to shoot

"What do we do now?" Azalea asked Wren

"I don't know." Wren replied

"You don't have a plan?!" Azalea asked

"Nope. I didn't think of this." Wren replied

"Are you stupid? Oh wait! You are stupid. Always have a plan." Azalea said

Just then the driver turned right making all of them fall on the left side on each other. Luckily due to this, a few guns slipped from the guards hands

The driver kept on turning right and left. The window which opened towards the drivers seat was opened, so Azalea got up and using her hands tried to stop the driver from moving the steering wheel so much.

"Stop this." She said as she tried to pull the handbrake but ended up knocking the driver unconscious

Wren was in the back fighting the guards, when suddenly the car took a turn and everyone again fell to one side. Wren took this as an advantage to knock a few guards out.

"What's going on?" He asked Azalea

"Uhh...I might have accidentally knocked out the driver unconscious......maybe....I think..." Azalea replied as she was holding on to that centre window so that she wouldn't fall down

"Now who's the stupid one. Always have a plan." He said as he mimicked her

"Yeah yeah. I'll handle it." Azalea said as she tried to get in the front through the window in the middle

"Be careful not to get stuck." Wren said as he punched a guy who was coming at him with a knife

"I'm not fat!" Azalea replied annoyed as she got to the front, but when she was getting her feet through the window, she ended up twisting her right foot. Due to which she fell on the front seat.

"Ow!" She yelled in pain

"Are you okay? Did you got stuck?" Wren asked worriedly as he kicked a guy

"I'm not fat! And I've gotten through, you idiot." Azalea replied as she dragged the driver to the passenger seat, so she could take control of the steering wheel.

"I thought you said I was stupid." Wren replied as he finally finished knocking everyone out

"It's the same thing." Azalea said as she stopped the car

Wren and Azalea got out of the truck. They were in the road away from the royal city.

"Ow...ow!" She yelled as she tried to balance herself on one foot

"What happened? It looks like you've twisted your foot. Does it hurt?" Wren said as he gave Azalea support so that she could stand

"I'm fine. I can manage. Thanks. Now what?" Azalea asked as she looked around. They were in the middle of nowhere. There was only one road. And it was 3 am.

"Let's go back to the castle." Wren said as he got in the drivers seat and Azalea besides him, pushing the unconscious driver behind with the rest of them.

"I can't believe it's 3. Hey, are you okay? Your foot...?" Wren asked

"Ah it's fine. I found some bandage from one of the guards, so I wrapped that around it. That should work....right?" Azalea asked as she didn't really know about bandaging and all

"I don't know...don't you usually put some kind of an ointment?" Wren asked as he also didn't know anything about such things

"Who knows." Azalea replied

"By the way, are you sure that sedative didn't work on you at all?" Wren asked

"Yeah....actually when he inserted it, my head ached a bit and I felt a bit dizzy...but after a while I was fine. I didn't sleep...although it's late night and I should feel sleepy due to that....but I don't feel like sleeping. I told you didn't I? Euphorians are super humans as compared to Melancholia." Azalea replied as she yawned

"Okay...great. Let's just go back to the castle...leave the truck there. The police will find the jewels and the culprits." Wren said


-Wren and Azalea

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