Chapter 23

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Wren and Azalea finally reached the castle. Wren dropped Azalea a bit far from the castle.

"Stay here. I'll be right back." Wren said as Azalea sat on a bench

Wren then took the truck near to the castle and turned on the fire alarm. Causing the police and many others to come to that place. He himself ran out of there before he could get caught. He then ran back to where Azalea was.

As he reached to where Azalea was sitting, he saw that Azalea was desperately trying to keep her eyes open. She was yawning and constantly rubbing her eyes. It was obvious that the sedative had a bit of affect on her.

Azalea who was sitting on the bench, saw Wren approaching her.
"Did you do it?" She asked as she yawned


"Yeah. The cops are there. Are you fine? How's your foot? You look sleepy." Wren said as Azalea got up using Wrens shoulder and arm as a support

"I'm fine. I'm not sleepy at all. Let's just go." Azalea replied as she tried to walk. Even with support, she had difficulty walking.

Wren suddenly knelt down in front of her, with his back facing her.

"Come on." He said

"What? I'm fine. I can walk just fine. Besides I don't want to bother you." Azalea replied

"I'm not bothered. Besides you aren't that heavy, so come on. Get on." Wren said

"'s kind of embarrassing...I'm 18...and so..." Azalea said as she blushed a bit

"Okay then, want me to carry you in my arms, princess?" Wren said as he smirked


"No! This is fine. Thanks." Azalea said as her whole face was flushed red. She got on on Wrens back, and Wren started walking towards Asters house

"Thank you for today, Wren. You really helped me out a lot today. So thanks." Azalea said as she yawned

"It's was fun actually. Especially the part where-..." Wren stopped talking as he turned his face to see Azalea fast asleep

Who knows what got over him, but he kissed Azaleas cheek. 'Good night. That's your thanks for the birthday gift you gave me.' He said to himself


That same night-

At the Royal Castle of Melancholia, after the party had ended, the king found the medicine along with a note in his pocket. The note said, "I'm fine and happy dad, I hope you all are fine and happy too. Stay strong! Here's something to help you with."

The whole Royal family were very happy to see this. They were all now looking at the medicine. More like a medicine, it was a small thick tube with a button at one end.

"I'm extremely happy....but how do you use this?" King Mark said as he and everyone started trying ways to use the medicine. Finally after an hour of struggling, they figured out how to use it.


The next morning-

Asters mom was home and they were all eating breakfast.

"How's your foot now?" Asters mom asked

"It's fine now. Thank you." Azalea replied

Aster who was was drinking coffee, took the newspaper and started reading it. Suddenly she spills all of the coffee in her mouth at Wren.

"Argh...what the hell! Are you crazy?" Wren said as he wiped his face with a napkin

"I should be asking you that. Are you trying to get yourself exposed?!" Aster said as she slammed the newspaper in front of him

Wren and Azalea read the newspaper. In the front page, there was a blurry picture of Wren along with a headline, The Mystery Spy Hero.

"What the hell?!" Wren said as he and Azalea started reading the newspaper. Azalea was reading it out loud.

"They say that some mysterious man last night first knocked out all the officers in a few seconds. He was so fast and so strong. He was like a super human. He was so amazing. That's what they all are saying. And that later on at night, they saw that same man leaving the truck near the castle. The truck had all the jewels and the crystal along with unconscious gang members. Everyone believes that this mysterious man acted as a spy and he is the one responsible for the unconscious gang members. The King even thanks him for everything. We were all led to believe in this story because some of the officers said he heard the mysterious man say to them, 'Im sorry,' before he hit them, which means that he didn't really wanted to knock them all out." Azalea said as she then started reading the rest of the news in her mind

"Well it is true...kind of...although I'm happy they didn't get my proper picture which means they can't recognise me." Wren said

"Hey did you hear anything from dad?" Azalea asked Wren

"Yeah, actually he sent a message in the morning. He will open up a portal a bit away from the city, so as to avoid anyone accidentally entering it. He will send me a location as soon as he opens one up." Wren replied

"So are you really going to go, Azalea?" Aster asked

" see, I was really happy and excited to be here in Melancholia. I've always read about it and I've dreamed of coming here. Before when I said I didn't want to go, I was confused. It was like I'm finally here....why go back. And I didn't really understand anything. I didn't even understand what I even wanted. But then I finally figured it out, I had seen Melancholia. And my dream wasn't to see Melancholia. My dream is to make the portals officially opened. That's always been my dream. And....I also thought that....I'll go where my heart goes. I don't want to be conflicted about what I want, and will then end up being separated from the ones I love." Azalea said as she smiled as Asters mom. Asters mom smiled in return.

"Umm...Azalea...I'm sorry for being so mean and selfish to you before. Actually......I was being really really selfish." Aster said with hesitation

"You weren't being selfish at all, Aster. I knew you just wanted someone to be here with you because you were lonely." Azalea replied smilingly

" see. I have something to confess.." Aster said meekly

"What? Did you murder someone?" Wren joked as he drank water

"I am the one who opened up the portal to Euphoria." Aster blurted out quickly

Wren got surprised by this and ended up spilling water that he was drinking on Asters face.

"Hey! If this was payback for what I did to you, it isn't funny." Aster said as she cleaned her face with a cloth

"What?" Azalea and Wren both said at once, ignoring what Aster just said. They were surprised about the fact that she is the one who opened up the portal.



-Azalea and Wren

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