Chapter 6

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"It's so hot!" Vile complained as he stacked the bricks for the wall

"I'm bored." Jack said as he handed bricks to Vile and Alden

"I need to take a break." Alden said as he also stacked the bricks for the wall

"No break for the next two hours." Calla reminded them

"But I will die, you don't want your brother to die now, do you?" Alden said

"That might be not so bad."
Calla replied as she cut some wood

"I think I'm gonna melt. In under two hours, you are going to find a melted Jack on the ground." Jack said

"Don't be dramatic. Here more bricks." May said as she dragged a bag full of bricks.

"I am tired. I can't do this anymore. I want to lay down." Vile said

"Hey Mika, ask Wren to make a plan to get us out of here." Jack asked Mika who was holding a wooden stand so that it won't fall down. Alden and Vile were standing on top of the stand.

"I can hear you, you know." Wren said who was working on the roof

"Then help us dude." Vile asked him

"As much as I want to get out of here, I have no plan." Wren replied

"Jen and Violet will be having so much fun right now. They weren't with us during the chase, so they don't have to do all of this." Jack said

"True" they all said at once as they sighed

Just then a man with a bag full of money ran past them.

Another guy ran after him shouting,
"Help! Please! Someone stop that guy. Police! Someone call the police!"

"Looks like he stole something." Alden said

"Police? Wait...aren't we the police?" Vile said as his face lights up

"Yeah, well we are gonna go catch that guy. Bye!" Jack said as he Alden and Vile ran after that guy

~Alden, Jack and Vile

"Hey! Wait for me you idiots!" Wren shouted but it was too late. They were already out of sight.

"I guess they left us. Traitors." Mika said

"Let's just finish this up quickly." Wren said as he looked around and noticed everyone working except Azalea who was sitting on the roof reading some book.
It must be another book about Melancholia.


Over the year, the both of them had started talking a lot more with each other because of this. Azalea loved reading and talking about Melancholia. And Wren liked listening to her. Even if it wasn't about Melancholia, they would still talk a lot more than they used to even during the academy.
Wren was kind of happy that because of this they had become a little closer. Although he had no idea why. But he was having fun.

He went over to her and snatched the book from her hands.
This time Azalea didn't even bother getting the book back. She just looked up and asked, "What's wrong?"

"What are you doing here?" He asked

"Reading a book?" She replied

"Aren't you gonna work? Look at Snow, she is younger than you and is working far harder than you." He said as both of them looked at Snow who was working really hard without complaining

"But I'm tired." Azalea complained as she took the book back from Wren

"Tired from reading?" Wren asked

Azalea just grinned back as a reply.

Wren then started going downstairs.

"Where are you going?" Azalea asked as she also got up and followed him

"I'm gonna bring those pieces of wood that Calla have cut up
on the roof." Wren replied without looking back

"Oh, I'll help!" Azalea said

They both picked up a huge and long wooden piece.

Wren puts it over his shoulder from the front and Azalea puts it over her shoulder from the back.

"You know I can carry this by myself." Wren said

"I know. I just want to help." Azalea replied as she smiled and looked at him.

"So, what is it?" Wren asked

"What?" Azalea asked back

"You have something to tell me right?" Wren asked

"You really do know me well!" Azalea said

"Of course I do." Wren replied

"Well, yesterday I read about the royal castle and life of Melancholia and....." Azalea then started talking about Melancholia. Wren listened to her and asked her questions and even told her what he knew about it.

May, Calla, Ashley and Mika were watching both of them.

"Hey don't you feel like they both have started talking a lot more than before?" Calla asked

"Yeah, they are always whispering with each other. It's hard to understand what they are talking about. But they are almost always talking with each other." Ashley said

"Isn't it the same as before?" Mika asked

"You wouldn't understand. Wren teases her a lot more now." May replied


"Didn't he used to do that before too? As far as I remember, Wren has a habit of teasing everyone." Mika said

"Yes, but he teases her a lot more then the rest of them. Also Azalea looks like she enjoys when he teases her." Calla said

"But she always gets mad when he teases her. She doesn't look like she enjoys it." Mika said

"Gosh, you are hopeless. She doesn't actually mad. She doesn't even hate it. She in fact enjoys it. Here, look, Wren is teasing her right now, right? Just look at her face, she is actually smiling." Ashley said as she pointed at Azalea

" girls are weird. So what if she does that? I don't get it." Mika said

"Come here," May said as Mika came near to her and she whispered something in his ear.

"Oh! I did used to wonder that." He said

"See, now you get it." Calla said

"Yeah." He replied

"Hey guys! Look who's back!" Jack said as he, Alden and Vile came running

"The traitors." Ashley said

"Oh come on, don't be like that. I got you ice cream!" Vile replied as he held up a bag that contained ice creams.

"Only for her?" Mika asked

"Don't worry, we got one for everyone." Vile replied

"You better have gotten me Strawberry flavour." Calla asked Alden

"Yeah yeah, I've got it." He replied

"Oh wait," Calla looked at Wren, Azalea and Snow, "Hey guys! Ice cream time! Come on! " she shouted

Those three at this immediately came running.


After eating ice cream

"Okay now back to work." Wren said as he got up

"Wait, I needed to talk to you actually." Azalea said as she suddenly got up

"Yeah?" He asked as he turned around


"Actually when you asked me if I had something to tell you. Well actually I had to ask you something. Umm...when are you going to visit the administration?" She asked
(Between Ataraxy and the main royal city, there comes a town where all the official business and departments are. It is called as the administration.)

"Why?" Wren asked

"Actually I wanted to meet dad. He promised he'd teach me how to open a portal." she replied, "And I haven't visited it ever before and I thought since you go visit your father there every once a while, so you must be pretty familiar with everything around. So I was hoping if you could take me there? Please." She asked

"Oh yeah sure. But have you talked with your dad about going there?" He replied

"Nope, I'm gonna give him a surprise." She said

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" He asked

"Yeah, it will be perfectly fine." She replied

"Okay if you say so. I was planning on going on this Saturday." Wren said

"Oh so...." Azalea said

"Meet me at the Central Park at 11 on this Saturday. And from there we will get on a train to go there." Wren said

"Okay great. Thanks!" Azalea replied as she smiled

"Where are you guys meeting up?" May and Ashley said as they both came from behind Azalea, which made Azalea jump up a bit.

"Well I'm gonna go and help the boys with the bricks." Wren said as he walked towards Alden who was about to fall down, and the other were helping him from not falling.

"So, what were you guys talking about?" Calla asked

"Oh nothing. I wanted to visit Dad. So I asked him to take me with him when he goes there. So he told me to meet him on Saturday." Azalea replied

"Oh I see." May said as she looked at Ashley and they both smiled

"You two look like you are planning something." Azalea said as she looked at both of them

"Don't worry about them. You said Saturday right? At what time?" Calla asked

"11" Azalea replied

"Got it! We will be at your house at 10." Calla said

"Eh? What? Why?" Azalea asked

"No, make it 9." Ashley said

"Wait what?" Azalea asked, "Can someone please tell me what's going on?"

"Don't worry, you will find out soon enough. We are all doing this to help you." May said as she smirked

"I don't get you guys." Azalea said

"You don't need to." Ashley replied as she smiled



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