Chapter 7

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"No, no! This isn't any good!" May said as she threw away a black jacket

"Hey!" Azalea said as she tried to catch the jacket but failed

"How about this?" Calla said as she held out a skirt

"Oh, that looks nice. It would really go well with this shirt!" Ashley replied as she picked up a shirt from the floor

"Hey!" Azalea said as she tried to get their attention

"I don't like that. The shirt is too simple. We need something else to go with it." May replied as she started going through a pile of clothes on the ground

"I said HEY!" Azalea said loudly as she started to get annoyed

"We heard you. Now tell me white or pink?" Calla said as she held out two shirts in front of herself

"White." Azalea reflexively replied

"Great. Nice choice." Ashley said

"I don't mind you guys coming here but what are you guys doing here?" Azalea asked as she picked up her clothes from the floor

"We are here to dress you up of course. Help you look pretty." May replied


"Why? I am already pretty. Also, I'm just going to meet dad with Wren. What's the big deal?" Azalea asked

"Exactly. You are going to spend the whole day with him. So you need to look a lot prettier then you already are." Ashley replied


"I think you are pretty as it is." Snow said as she smiled. She was sitting in the corner of her room eating her chips.

"Thank you," Azalea said as she smiled at her, "But it's just Wren!" 

"Oh we will see about that." Calla replied as she smirked


"What are you guys talking about?" Azalea asked as she was confused

"She's too dumb." May said to Ashley and Calla

"Or naive." Calla said

"It will take her years to figure her own self out." Ashley replied

"So true. We should take it slowly to make her realise." May said

"Again, What are you guys talking about?" Azalea asked as she couldn't figure out what they were trying to say

"You know, Azalea, you are pretty dumb when it comes to your own self. You never know what you want, even though you want it." Snow said to her


"Wow my little girl has all grown up." Ashley said as she hugged Snow

"See, even she realises it." Calla said as she pointed at Snow

"Even you, Snow? Just what are you guys talking about. And stop calling me dumb. I am standing right here you know." Azalea replied

"Okay then go out of the room so we can call you dumb." May replied

"You are stupid." Azalea said

"Well okay okay. Relax. We just wanted to have some girls time." Ashley said

"Where are Jen and Violet?" Azalea asked

"The medics squad are having these seminars, so they are there." Calla replied

"I see, those two really want to go to the medics squad, don't they?" Azalea said

"Yeah." Calla replied

"Well anyways, you are getting late. We won't pressurise you into dressing up. But at least look pretty presentable. You don't want Wren to see you in some weird clothes and then tease you about it. Or even be disgusted at you." Ashley said

"I still don't get all of this. I mean it's just Wren." Azalea replied

"Yeah yeah. We get it. You don't get this. Now go get ready." May said

"Hey by the way, does your mother knows about you going?" Calla asked

" Actually she doesn't. I just told her I'm hanging out with Wren." Azalea replied

"Why? Shouldn't you tell her?" Ashley asked

"Maybe later. After I come back." Azalea replied

"Wait a minute. I have a feeling even your dad doesn't know about this. Did he even promise you to teach you how to open up a portal?" May asked as she glares at Azalea

" But it doesn't matter, right? He has to teach me someday." Azalea replied

"Why are you so keen on learning how to open up a portal? Your dad will teach you when he wants to. And nobody uses a portal anymore. Its been more than six years since last your dad opened up a portal. And that was also because of some I don't know problem." Calla said

"Yeah, those higher ups are always fighting over when to keep the portals opened or not. It's like the governments divided into two groups. And they don't even take publics suggestions. Remember how in our second year, the whole academy, except a few, sent suggestions to make the portals open. Well it doesn't work. So right now, you learning how to open a portal is useless." May said

"But...I just thought that.....forget it, I don't even know what I thought." Azalea said as she sat on her bed

"Oh come on. We didn't mean to say that you shouldn't do it. You should do it if you want to. " Ashley said

"Yeah, follow your heart. Do what you love. If you wanna learn to open up a portal then go ahead." May said

"It will be so awesome to have a friend who has kind of like magical portal opening powers!" Ashley said

"Oh and with this, you get to hang out with Wren too." Calla added

"Yeah yeah I get it." Azalea said as she chuckled.



At the Administration-

"Well we are here." Wren said as he and Azalea were standing in a street with huge tall buildings around them. There were tons people going here and there and they all looked so busy doing their jobs. Most of them were talking on the holophone. It was like a city itself.

A two hour ride on the train takes you from Ataraxy to the Administration. The ride over here was actually fun. They both talked a lot. And this time, they weren't talking about Melancholia. They were just talking about how their lives been going and it was fun talking about each other.

"Wow. This place is so cool!" Azalea said excitedly as she looked around

"Wow..." Wren said as he stared at the place with awe 

"Why are you saying wow? Don't you come here from time to time?" Azalea asked as she looked at him

"I haven't been here for a really long time." He replied

"But don't you come visit your dad? I thought you visited every week." Azalea asked

"Well luckily the buildings are still where they used to be. So now let's take you to your dad." Wren said as he ignored her question and started walking towards the hugest building of them all. It was the building for the councilmen and the king.

After they went inside the building, they went to the 56th floor.
They went along the corridor and turned left. There was this white door and on the door was written, 'Bryce Wisteria'.

"This is his office. Okay then bye." Wren said as he turned around

"Wait, where are you going?" Azalea asked

"Oh, I just have something to do. Don't worry, I'll be back." He replied as he started walking in the opposite direction.

'He's probably going to visit his dad. Those two are always fighting. I get it, it's some how their way of bonding or whatever. But they should at least tell what they really feel to each other and that will patch things up, I'm sure. Okay now time to go inside. Please please I hope daddy says yes.' Azalea thought as she opened the door

"No." Bryce replied as he puts a book back in the shelf.

"But why dad?" Azalea asked as she got in his way

Bryce gently pushed her away from in front of himself and started looking for a book through his shelves

"Look, you will have to teach me eventually, right? And I am technically going to be 18 in a few months. Which makes me like an adult I think. You will have to teach me then too, so why don't you teach me early. Please?" Azalea asked as she begged her dad

"I said no. Listen, Lea. I get it you want to learn how to open up a portal. But I can't teach you. There's no point. Our governments still split in half. So there's no point in teaching you now when you aren't even allowed to open one. I promise I'll teach you once the portals become officially opened." Bryce replied as he smiled at her

"But we never know when's that gonna happen. It's taking forever! I know you and the King and uncle are working hard, but who knows how long it'll take. Wouldn't it be better to teach me before all of this? It will be good since at that time you won't have to teach me. So pretty please?" Azalea replied as she again begged her father

Bryce sighed. "You know I've always said yes to whatever you asked for. But this time I'm saying no, so listen to me for once." He said

"That's blackmailing." She replied as she pouted

"Oh come on. Don't be mad. I get why you are so eager to open up the portal. But you need to keep your obsession in check. It's gonna get out of hands." Bryce said

"Obsession? I'm only curious. I'm curious to know where mom is from. I'm curious to know what my grandfather is like. Just like how I'm curious about my grandfather over here." Azalea replied, "so once again, pretty please. I wanna try it once."

"No is no. I promised I'll teach you later. For now don't let your curiosity out of hands. It's okay to be curious, but I've seen you. I know you. You are getting obsessed now. And that's not a good thing. You will end up wanting to go there. And this obsession will make it even worse. It's just a piece of land. Don't chase after things you don't have. Or else you will end up loosing the things you already have." Bryce said

"You don't know me at all. And it's not just a piece of land. They have swords and bows to fight with. And they use these old technologies that's so cool and they have this and that and this and that......okay, maybe I've been obsessed a bit lately. But that doesn't mean I'd break the law and would go there. You know I'd never do that. And I know what you are thinking that if you taught me how to open up a portal, I'll end up opening a portal to Melancholia and would run away there by breaking the law. But I promise I won't do something like that." Azalea replied

"Okay, fine. I'll think about it. Maybe after your birthday, I'll teach you. But not right now, got it? And also when I said to keep your curiosity in check, I meant it. Our portal making powers are based on our desires. So don't think too much about it, got it?" Bryce replied as he sat on his office chair

"Yay, got it! Thanks, daddy!" Azalea said as she hugged him.

"You only say daddy when you need something from me. Anyways say hi to Wren from me. He probably went to visit his dad, right? I forgot, those two had a fight not too long ago. Well I hope they make up this time. But with the way how those two are, it's gonna take a long time." Bryce said

"Yeah. Wait, how'd you know Wren was here?" Azalea asked

"Because your dad has special sensing skills." Bryce said as he grinned

"You saw us coming from the window, didn't you?" Azalea said

"Yeah, I did." Bryce replied

"Well I'm gonna go find him. Bye dad! And thanks again. I'll see you back at the house tonight." Azalea said as she went out of the room

"Yeah sure. Bye! Say hi to Wren for me." Bryce replied

'Okay, now where do I go?' Azalea said to herself as she looked left and right. 'Well he did went in this direction' she thought as she looked at the right side and then started walking towards there.

'Where did he go?' Azalea was thinking to herself as she saw two guards enter a room. This room had a huge door. 'Maybe he's in here' she thought as she opened the door and went inside.
This room was huge. It was almost as big as their academy's auditorium. But it was a bit smaller and had chairs and tables lined up, all facing a screen at the front. Each chair had a Ry screen in front of them which was kind of like a digital laptop but with more advanced tools and had holograms system inside it.

'Looks like he's not here.' She thought as she looked around the room. 'I wonder where those two guards disappeared too. I'm pretty sure I saw them entering this room. Ah well, I don't have time for this. I need to find Wren.' She said to herself as she looked out from the window and saw Wren outside.
'Found him.' She thought as she then ran out of the room.

"Whew, looks like she is gone." Guard 1 said

"She wasn't a council member. She was just a girl. We hid here for no reason." Guard 2 said

"It wasn't for no reason. We aren't allowed to be here, you know." Guard 1 replied

"Remind me who was the one who wanted to check out the councils room, just because he thought it would make him more popular." Guard 2 said

"Yeah yeah whatever. Let's get out of here." Guard 1 replied


"Hey Wren! Wait up! Were you planning on leaving me here?" Azalea said as she ran up to him

"Oh sorry, I wasn't planning to. So, how'd it go with your dad?" He asked as he stopped and turned around to face her

"Great, I guess? He said he'd teach me after I'm 18. I agreed because my birthday is near." She replied

"Great." He said as he smiled

"So, what happened?" She asked

"What?" He answered

"Something happened with your dad, right? That's why I'm asking what happened." She asked him again

"Nothing happened. By the way, I forgot to ask. You look different today. Did you do something?" Wren said as he brought his face closer to hers

"Don't change the topic. Tell me what happened." Azalea said as she glared at him

"Stupid old man, he is being way too stubborn. All he cares about are his stupid toys and inventing stuff. I get that he's working on something new, and that when he starts working on something new, he doesn't stop one bit until he finishes it. Which is great but still....." Wren said as he frowned

"Don't be angry at him. You know he feels guilty for being too busy. I actually met him on my way over here, and he did felt bad about being too stubborn. And he actu-" Azalea said as she got cut off by Wren who said, "Yeah yeah I get it. No need to lecture me."

"You know it's also your fault for not being honest." Azalea said as they both started walking towards the station

"What do you mean?" He asked

"You know what I mean. Your birthday is also coming up. And you actually want him to be there on your birthday and you are just sad that he won't be there. You are actually like a normal kid who just wants his daddy that he loves so much to be there at his birthday. I get how you feel. No need to act so tough. Just tell him what you really want to tell him." Azalea said as she hits his head lightly

-Wren and Azalea

"That's not true..." Wren replied as he looked to the side and puts a hand around his neck

"You liar. I don't know if you know this, but when you lie you tend to put your hand around your neck." Azalea said as she pointed at his hand which around his neck

Wren quickly takes his hand off and puts them in his pockets.

Just then his phone rings. He takes it out to see a message from Violet.
"Mika had an attack again. We are at the Ataraxy Hospital. It's room 419."

"What's wrong?" Azalea asked Wren who suddenly stopped walking

"Mika had an attack again." He replied

"Again?! But I thought he was going to the hospital regularly every week for his treatment." Azalea replied as she got worried

"I thought that too. Let's go." Wren replied as they both started running towards the station


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