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🥇Champion in Nostalgia Book Awards under Best in Banner and Aesthetics
🥇Champion in Best in Book Title



Heartfelt felicitations on attaining the distinguished title of Best Writing Style Champion at the Nostalgia Book Awards. Your literary creation stands as a testament to its exceptional brilliance and enchanting allure undoubtedly deserving the regal crown it now adorns.

Anticipation stirs as we embark on this exhilarating journey. Let the adventure commence!


Hi, Rue! How are you feeling?

I'm doing good. I'm healthy and blessed.


You won! Congratulations!

Thank you so much for the opportunity to showcase one of my books in your awards.


Say something about yourself as an author and as an individual.

As an author- I'm filled with story ideas that can be so overwhelming, l love romance, chick lit and teen ( NY/ YA) genres. I've tried writing Sci-fi, paranormal and mystery, but not my strong suit. As an individual: introvert, idealistic, love order , I'm creative, intuitive and loves how people think especially ' out of the box ' personalities.


Since when did you start writing? What/Who inspires you to do so?

Believe it or not, I dared to write a BTS fanfic in 2020. I didn't know the boys, but thank God for the COVID season. Being cocooned helped me become obsessed with watching C- and K-dramas on YouTube, and I came across the seven 'gods' of the Army's world. I wanted to know what the big hype was about a South Korean boy band that everyone was so obsessed with, and liking another boy band was like, "Hell no!" What if they went again into ' hibernation ' (disbandment), never to experience 'spring'( comeback) again? Breaking millions of hearts again. But my beautiful friend, @Feathered_quill (I'm a thousand years older than her, so I am officially her vampire Eomma), dared me to write for the first time on this platform. Mind you, English is not my first language, and I was petrified. What if readers hates me? I've only read and thought in my native language, and to write all of a sudden about a strange fandom and not even a 1D book was utter madness. But as a divergent thinker, I took on the challenge, jumped on a crazy horse, and started researching BTS. I fell head over heels in love with the fandom and later found myself deeper in the rabbit hole with no rescue mission to get me out. My first book was 'Sweet Night' now called Whispers of Destiny, a KTH fanfic (my besties bias; I'm an OT7, by the way), and it had a very rocky start with the worst grammar mistakes ever. My English teacher would sue me or die from embarrassment, but I didn't stop writing, and my oldest child, 'Sweet Night, has 167k views to date. I'm lucky to have grown with my loyal readers since 2020. I have written 21 books on all 'seven of the boys' since then. And I love every moment of it. The comments on my books always put a goofy smile on my face. I respect my readers and work hard to give them a great update each time.


What is your very first book to be written? What's your inspiration for this?

Whispers of Destiny previously known as 'Sweet Night'. My inspiration was BTS of cause.😊


In all of the books you written, which is your favorite and why?

Whispers of destiny of cause. It's my first 'baby' that propelled me to become a writer on this platform.


What's the book's genre? Sub-genre?

Fanfiction about soulmates .sub-genre- New Adult and romance


Who among your original characters relates you most? Why and how?

Akira ' from 'Chasing Shadows-' she is introverted, strong, forgives easily and she walks with her heart on her sleeves. I think she truly presents me in a sense.

Also Yunru from Whispers of Destiny- her length and artistic ability.


Have you won any book awards before? Which one of your masterpieces?

Yes, approx 325 book awards thus far. All of my 21 novels/ short story books has won at least 4+. My only original ( not fanfic) book won 1 and thus far 'Art of a Bleeding heart'- KTH  won over 45+ . I'm so humbled by the love my readers shown to my books as well as the numerous critics/reviewers opinions on my books even if it's harsh. I learned from my mistakes.


Do you experience Writer's Block? How do you cope with it?

Sometimes. I do take time-out from writing. Watch a drama or listen to a song than inspiration strikes again. Also when you don't know what to write just scribble random ideas in a note book and add now and then. Even if it sounds ridiculous,  you might find it helpful and keep the creative juices flowing.


Instead of writing, what are your other hobbies/talents?

I love cooking, designing, art , eating unhealthy snacks, enjoying family time, going on vacations, travelling, binge watch c- and k-dramas. Just enjoying the essence of life.


Do you have any tips for other writers out there? Your championship might be an inspiration to others. Here's your chance to let them hear your voice.

Writing is not a destination but a lifelong journey. Every new author must find his or her writing signature. Their own unique voice (writing style). Find inspiration in other best-selling authors, but be unique. Tell an interesting story that is engaging. Let your readers go with you on the creative journey. Remember, some readers think in pictures? Never copy someone else's way of writing. Be yourself. Choose the genres and fandoms that you love most. Even if you get the worst reviews or your confidence is thinly strung by haters, keep on writing, keep on pushing, keep on learning, keep on practicing, and find resources to help you. Write because you love it, not for accolades. Recognition will come later, but it's not important right now. Always remember that your books give an insight into your unique personality and thought processes. Enjoy the journey, and don't let anyone make you feel undeserving, pressured, or insecure about your stories. Take criticism with an open mind, but don't let it derail you from your purpose. Eat the hay and throw away the sticks. Take what is good for you, but never change the essence of your stories to please the masses; you might lose yourself in the process. So enjoy the journey and create awesome, insightful, and exciting stories that will stay with your readers forever. We might see the next Jane Austen or Stephen King in a few short years. Believe in the creative force that God grants you.


Final Messages

This is the end of the interview. I guess this is farewell. Do you want to say something before you go?

Congratulations for embarking on this daunting job of being an award host. Much love and strength to you on your next endeavors.


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