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🥉Third Placer in Nostalgia Book Awards under Best in Vocabulary and Grammar



Heartfelt felicitations on attaining the distinguished title of Best Writing Style Champion at the Nostalgia Book Awards. Your literary creation stands as a testament to its exceptional brilliance and enchanting allure undoubtedly deserving the regal crown it now adorns.

Anticipation stirs as we embark on this exhilarating journey. Let the adventure commence!


Hi, Reindolf! How are you feeling?

I’m feeling good, thanks. Ready for it.


You won! Congratulations!

Wow, thank you so much. I’m honored!


Say something about yourself as an author and as an individual.

My name is Reindolf and I’m 18 years. Love to read and write. Funny thing about my writing process is that I don’t write down plots or anything. I pick up my phone and start writing a whole chapter without jotting the scenes. Lol


Since when did you start writing? What/Who inspires you to do so?

I started writing in 2022, in December. I  always wanted to write but didn’t know where and how to approach it until I came across Wattpad.


What is your very first book to be written? What's your inspiration for this?

Life Within The Halls.

I’m the type of person that imagines stuff in order to fall asleep.So one of my imagination got me to write about that book.


In all of the books you written, which is your favorite and why?

Life Within The Halls

This is because the book is in multiple POV so I get to explore the lives of different people


What's the book's genre? Sub-genre?


The sub-genre is Teen fiction


Who among your original characters relates you most? Why and how?

That would be Jayden.


Have you won any book awards before? Which one of your masterpieces?

Yeah I have. I have won one for Life Within The Halls, and another for Fading Spotlight. Best Teen fiction and mystery book, respectively.


Do you experience Writer's Block? How do you cope with it?

I do. Especially when I read it over and over and me being the writer, I don’t feel like reading again.


Instead of writing, what are your other hobbies/talents?

Netflix…. Nothing else

I’m also an active listener


Do you have any tips for other writers out there? Your championship might be an inspiration to others. Here's your chance to let them hear your voice.

When you write and feel stressed in the process, put your writing tools down and do something that will relieve the stress. Try writing again the following day or two and you will improve.  It happens to me a lot.


Final Messages

This is the end of the interview. I guess this is farewell. Do you want to say something before you go?

Writers shouldn’t let criticisms get to them. They shouldn’t feel it’s hate but rather take it as a way to improve.


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