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🥉Third Placer in Nostalgia Book Awards under Best First Chapter



Heartfelt felicitations on attaining the distinguished title of Best Writing Style Champion at the Nostalgia Book Awards. Your literary creation stands as a testament to its exceptional brilliance and enchanting allure undoubtedly deserving the regal crown it now adorns.

Anticipation stirs as we embark on this exhilarating journey. Let the adventure commence!


Hi, Arabela! How are you feeling?



You won! Congratulations!

Thank you!


Say something about yourself as an author and as an individual.

Writing for years has been a voyage outside my ordinary life.


Since when did you start writing? What/Who inspires you to do so?

I have always tried my best on school assignments. But my true inspiration came in the last year of high school. I stopped during university but I started again like an escapatory to different lives.Inspiration for me can be anything from just a word, or a scene in a movie to real-life episodes.


What is your very first book to be written? What's your inspiration for this?

Was a children book which is a draft now. I left my imagination free there. Inspiration were some cartoon I had watched but the story came out different from them. Like I picked piece of different puzzle and when I put it together they gave me my first book.


In all of the books you written, which is your favorite and why?

Every book of mine have a piece of me. whenever I pick one of them and remember the struggle I passed writing become instantly favorite of the moment.


What's the book's genre? Sub-genre?

I work in different genre in the same book so you can say that I belong to General fiction or literally fiction.


Who among your original characters relates you most? Why and how?

Arabela came from the song's name and became my first human character in my book. She holds my heart, and I carry her name as a pen name.


Have you won any book awards before? Which one of your masterpieces?

I have been surprised many times when I got notified about award winning. Almost all my stories had a badge for winning specific awards.

But mostly rewards has gathered Love letter


Do you experience Writer's Block? How do you cope with it?

Happens a lot ( this is something I don't admit often 😉) Till the wanting to write my wip again I write short stories which came in the flash and can be used in the upcoming stories.


Instead of writing, what are your other hobbies/talents?

Reading a lot for fun and not only for that but to expend my knowledge and vocabulary. Cause I write in second language and always is there something to repair and learn.


Do you have any tips for other writers out there? Your championship might be an inspiration to others. Here's your chance to let them hear your voice.

Never stop writing, even silly things cause tomorrow can be something to start a story. And please do not never ever delete or destroy your writing cause you have a better idea. Saved for later.


Final Messages

This is the end of the interview. I guess this is farewell. Do you want to say something before you go?

Hope I see you again in another award show.


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