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"Look at the World we stand in.......a planet in the edge of collapse.....human beings are DISPOSABLE!.....but man and symbiote.....are the future.........you are not needed anymore" those words will haunt me forever....but i can't just let go of something like this and act like i live my life perfectly, That doesn't work for me, i am not perfect....no one is no matter how hard you try there will ALWAYS be something that will go against you. perfect people don't exist so don't pretend to be one.......but don't listen to me, i'm not exactly a good person either, i fell in love with my pain and i slept with my regrets..........you may think "if you're life is so full of bullshit, then why haven't you killed yourself yet?" Well yes, i have considered ending my life multiple times.....but there is something that keeps me alive....my little sister, her beautiful bright cheerful smile keeps that flame inside me going, it keeps my dark, broken, old heart still beating and unlike our parents, i won't abondon her......she is 17 and i'm 28 but i still find her personality very childish......a reason why i admire her, is because of her really nice personality and i don't know how she does does it but she is able to see good in the worst situations.....I guess you could say she is an Infinite light in the darkness..........and the reason why i protect her so much is because her body is really......'developed' for her age and i wouldn't be surprised if lots of perverted old men tried to do something to her......which is why i'll always be by her side until she gets a nice guy to take care of her.....right now i'm just waiting for her to come out of school

Venom:"the past will always be there huh?"

Castiel:(sorry, did i bother you?)

Venom:"no, don't worry i had nothing to do anyway"

Castiel:(its just something that will always be there no matter what i do.....the only thing that makes me want to go on is ai)

Venom:"you really love your sister don't you?"

Castiel:(yes, even if the sky falls or if SHE comes back and fucks everything up i'll always be there for ai)

Venom:"well, i think you're a good older brother, after all its rare to see a brother care so much for his sister"

Castiel:(thank you, but at the same time, i feel like i'm being too overprotective)

Venom:"doubt it, after all, ai REALLY trusts you and if you were being too overprotective she would tell you"

Castiel:(I guess.....but still, i want to make sure her classmates don't get the wrong idea and think i'm her boyfriend or some kind of sugar daddy)

Venom:"still doubt it, besides if they ask her she will just tell the truth"

Castiel:(how are you so sure about that)

Venom:"because she is terrible at lying"

Castiel:(I guess you're right)

I was going to continue drinking my coffee until

???:"Big bro!!!"


I then turned around and saw ai in front of me

Castiel:"hey ai, how was school?"

Ai:"it was okay, what about you?"

Castiel:"it was.....normal"

Ai:"oh, come on big bro, you had to atleast do something fun today"

Castiel:"no, there is nothing that i enjoy doing"


Castiel:"listen ai, life isn't always fun"

Ai:"boooo! thanks for making my day sad"

Castiel:"fine, there was something good about today"


Castiel:"yes, i got to see your beautiful smile"

She started blushing like crazy


Castiel:"i'm just messing with you"

Ai:"please don't joke around like that"

We kept walking until we accidentaly bumped into a group of girls and i knocked one of them down

Castiel:"sorry, i wasn't looking where i was going"

???:"d-d-don't worry, its fine, i wasn't looking either"

Ai:"are you sure you're okay? You're completely red"

Then a blonde girl said

???:"oh would you look at these 2 cuties~"

Castiel and Ai:"........what?"

Then a raven haired girl hit the blonde in the head

???:"i apologize for my friend's behavior. My name is ikaruga, nice to meet you"

???:"my name is hibari, nice to meet you!"

???:"my name is yagyu, nice to meet you"

???:"my name is katsuragi, but you can call me honey, pretty boy~"

Ikaruga:"katsuragi, no"

Katsuragi:"what? I'm just playing around"

???:"my name is asuka, nice to meet you"

Castiel:"my name is castiel Alvaro, winchester, nice to meet you"

Ai:"and i'm Ai winchester, nice to meet you all!"

Ikaruga:"well, if you don't mind, we have to go but i hope we see each other again"

Ai:"same here"

Hanzo girls:"goodbye!"

Castiel and Ai:"bye!"

Ai:"they seem nice!"

Castiel:"yeah i guess so"

Ai:"oh, come on big bro you liked them"

Castiel:"no i didn't"

Ai:"yes, you did, Boop!"

Castiel:"come on, we have to get going"


Location:winchester house

Ai:"big bro, are you ready yet?"

Castiel:"i'm coming, i'm coming"

Then i walked into the living room and saw Ai sitting there waiting for me

Ai:"did you buy the popcorn?"

Castiel:".......fuck me!"

Ai:"language big bro!"

Castiel:"i'll go buy them, don't watch the movie before me!"

Ai:"i won't🎵"

Castiel:(she is totally gonna do it)

I then left to the store and after i got the popcorn i noticed there was a robber and i knew what i had to do

Man:"give me the fuckin money!"

Woman:"o-okay here!"

She handed him the money

Woman:"p-please don't kill me!"

Man:"fuck you! You finna die bitch!"

???:"we wouldn't do that if we were you"


Then he turned around and saw a monster standing in front of him

Man:"oh dear god...."

Then the monster stepped closer to him and grabbed him by the shoulder

Venom:"robbing an innocent woman huh? Tell us, why should we let you live?"

Man:"p-please i didn't mean it!"

Venom:"BULLSHIT! we will eat both of your arms, and then both of your legs, and then we'll eat your face quite a bit, you will be this armless,legless,faceless little thing rolling down the street, like a turd.......in the wind"

Man:"w-what the hell are you?"


Are venom"

Then the monster opened its mouth and revealed an incredible amount of blade-like teeth

And then it bit the man's head off and ate it. After that it turned back into a human and the woman stared at the Man who was just a monster a minute ago and he turned towards her

Castiel:"oh......uh, i have a parasyte......night ms. Cheng!"

He said as he was leaving

Castiel:(shit, i hope Ai doesn't get mad at me)

Venom:"well this should be fun to watch!"

Castiel:(fuck you too)

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