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I've become so numb that its hard to tell if i'm still a human or simply a relection of what i used to be

Venom:"where exactly are we going?"

Castiel:(nowhere. I just wanted to walk)

Venom:"humans really are interesting"

I kept walking until i accidentaly bumped into a man

Castiel:"sorry i wasn't looking"

Immediately for some reason it felt as if venom had noticed something about that man considering she shaked a bit

???:"hehehehe don't worry accidents always happen"

When i actually took a look at him, i felt something if he wasn't alone but there was nothing there but i shrugged it off

Castiel:"well, if you don't mind i have to go"

???:"kay, see ya!"

Castiel:(did you feel that?)

Venom:"feel what?"

Castiel:(i don't know, there was something odd about that man)

Venom:"that? Yeah, but i didn't sense danger so i can't tell you if he is good or not"

Castiel:(okay then)

??? Pov

???:"you felt that too, huh?"

???:"yes, that's defidently mommy. And it seems she found herself a daddy!"

???:"well, how about we go watch with them for a bit?"

???:"*giggle*well i guess there is nothing wrong with meeting my daddy!"

???:"hehehehhe, let's do this then!"

He said as he transformed

Castiel pov
After walking for a while, it was finally time for me to go pick up Ai from school, when i arrived i saw something that i was honestly waiting for since she was 13

Man:"oh come on girl, i can show you a good time!"

Ai:"i'm sorry, but i'm supposed to wait for my big brother"

Man:"well it won't kill him to wait a little longer will it? Come on, i just want to have some fun with you~"

Ai:"y-you're a little too close"

He......he is getting too close.......he is not leaving this place......not alive

Man:"come on cutie!"

He then started groping her which caused her to moan


She said as she pushed him and ran away.......good Ai, i'm glad you listened to what i taught you....and as for you motherfucker

The man that was harassing Ai was walking through the dark streets of carcer city thinking dirty toughts about Ai but little did he know, her protector was right behind him

Man:"hehehehehehe, doesn't matter. I know her school and how to find her, SHE WILL BE MINE!!!"

???:"you really think a girl like her would want to be with an shit of a man like you?"

Man:"of course.....wait.....who said that?"

Then a man came out of the darkness

Castiel:"we did"

Man:"who the fuck are you supposed to be?"

Castiel:"i'm her brother and i'm not going to let her be harassed by a piece of shit like you"

Man:"oh yeah? Do something then tough guy!"

He said as he took out a gun and pointed it at him

Castiel:"hehehehehe, you really think we're scared of that?"

He then started shooting me but i simply kept walking towards him


He couldn't finish because i picked him up by his throat

Castiel:"no one touches my baby sister. She will stay pure until she finds the guy who she will spend the rest of her life with, and that is not you"

Man:"n-no, please don't hurt me!"

Castiel:"should've tought about that before"

Man:" please god no!"


Venom:eyes,lungs,pancreas so many snacks for 1 little guy. Wouldn't you agree?"

Man:"n-no please! I promise i'll leave Ai alone. JUST PLEASE LET ME LIVE!!!!"

Venom:"you think a simple sorry will cut it? No. Not only did you touch my baby sister, but you also saw who we are. And we can't have you going around telling anyone, especially Ai"

Man:"please no!"

Venom:"time to die you son of a bitch!"

Then, venom scratched the man's face making a lot of blood splatter all over the place but surprisingly the Man was still alive............but not for long.....

Venom:"hopefully your life force isn't as useless as your life!"


Venom:"TOO BAD!!!!!"

Then venom used his tendrils and started draining the man's life causing him to scream in horror. His body was slowly becoming more skinny as venom was growing more muscular. This kept going for 3 minutes until eventually the Man was nothing but bones and slime-like skin. Venom was satisfied

Castiel:(bye bye asshole)

Venom:"fufufufu, you're rather violent when you're angry"

Castiel:(i told you, i won't let anyone lay a hand on Ai)

Then a female voice spoke out of the darkness

???:"fufufufufufu, and here i tought carnage was brutal. But you're even more of a beast than he is aren't you?"

Venom:"show yourself! Don't make us look for you"

He said in a threatening tone

???:"calm down big boy, if i defeated carnage i'm sure i can defeat you"

Venom:"show. Yourself. Don't make us say it again"

???:"fufufu, i can tell you're going to be a lot more fun than carnage. Big and defiant, i love that~"

She said as she walked out of an alley

Venom:"who are you and what do you want with us?"

???:"you may call me witchblade, and i'm here because i heard carnage wasn't the only symbiote in carcer city"


Witchblade:"so i came to fight you"

Venom:"do you really think you stand a chance against us?"

Witchblade:"darling, carnage is a stronger version of you and i mopped the floor with him so i'm sure i can defeat his mommy"

Venom:"bring it on then, we'll rip to pieces!"

Witchblade:"fufufufufufufu, good luck with that, cutie!"

Then they ran at each other and prepared to attack each other

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