Chapter 1: Be Prepared

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Chapter 1: Be Prepared

Lucy POV

The sun shone brightly through the white curtains. I yawned as I slowly rose from my sleep. I checked my calendar. When I saw the date, I groaned loudly. I forced myself out of bed, and went to the bathroom.

“Why today?” I sighed, looking in the mirror to see my blonde hair was a mess. I felt around the sink for my brush, finally finding it, I brushed the tangled mess called my hair.

Suddenly there was a ping from my phone. I looked down to see the notification. It read; Remember, first day of Fairy Tail High. Love you, from Dad.

I rolled my eyes. Dad’s rarely even here and when he is, he’s always working. He's always going on business trips. I stepped into the shower, hoping that today wouldn't be horrible.

Ugh is it that hard for Dad to wish me luck in person? Just one time?

After my shower, I pulled on a pink tank top and a skirt, grabbed my bag, and started walking to school. I hate being the new kid, and I hope that I can make a friend fast.

Levy POV

I rubbed my eyes. I had been  sitting at the breakfast table reading Beauty and the Beast for the god-knows-what time while poking at my breakfast.

“Levy, you excited to start high school?” my mother asked. I barely even looked up.

“I guess,” I mumbled. My mom went behind me, and looked at my cereal bowl.

“Honey, eat your food before it gets soggy,” my mom said.

“Not hungry,” I said, as I left the table, book in hand, and food untouched.

“Levy, this is the start of a new year. Can you please try to get your head out of a book and into real life?” my mom asked.

“Well, what if I want to keep my head in a book?” I snapped back, walking out of the room.

“Gosh I just wish you weren’t so hopeless,”my mom mumbled to herself. Of course I heard it. I can never hear enough of it. Hopeless this, loser that, deadbeat here, emo there.  I’m not a failure, and I’m not an idiot.

People just don’t like to talk to me. So I spend my time living the lives of book heroes and heroines. They make my forget my life, and my problems. I just wish that everyone would let me be. But no.

To me, school is my only haven. A library of books, and all the learning I could wish for. But it’s also my worst danger zone. And no book can ever make me forget the danger that lies there.

Juvia POV

I rose out from the pool water to see my coach waiting for me. “You need to be quicker Juvia.” Coach Aquarius said as I climb out of the pool, wrapping the towel around me.

“I’m going as fast as I can, I go any faster I gonna swim right thru the wall of the pool.” I breathed heavily, sitting on the steel bench. “Yes but if your ever gonna beat Sabertooth’s swim team you have to be faster!” Aquarius scolded as she sent me to the locker room with the rest of the team.

“Coach Aquarius scold you out again?” my childhood friend Meredy asked. “Yeah, be faster Juvia. You need to beat Sabertooth, Juvia. Work on your formation Juvia.” I mocked, grabbing my clothes and heading to the changing area.

“She's just trying to help, Juvia.” Meredy said as I peeked my head from the side of the curtain. “If she was trying to help she would at least give me some, heck any, time off from practice.” I scoffed, rolled my eyes. “She doesn't give any of us time off, it’s not just you.” Meredy pointed out.

“I know, it’s just, it always school and practice, school and practice, school and practice. I wanna have fun for once, like a regular teen.” I said, walking out of the changing area wearing my regular I Heart Waves T-shirt, white shorts, and blue and white Nikes.

“Wanna walk to school together?” I asked, hoping the answer was yes. “Can't, Lyon promised me breakfast at Love Cakes for our 3 months anniversary. So we're skipping first period.” Meredy smiled, her and Lyon been dating for a while now. He used to have a crush on me until he met Meredy and fell head over heels in love with her.

“Wanna come?” Meredy asked. “Nah, I got a lot of classes. Can't afford to skip. You two have fun. Bring me some red velvet pancake.” I said, waving bye to Meredy before leaving the swimming center.

“I’m happy for those two, honestly.” I took a deep breath in. “but at times, I wish I had that.” I said to myself, sitting on the bench, waiting for the bus.

I looked to my left to see a cute couple acting all lovey-dovey.

“I love you.”

“No, I love you.”

“No, I love you.”


I hate those people who rub in their happiness to make people feel worse. I’m just trying to find the perfect person. I hope this is the year I find him. Please let it be this year. I don’t know if I can deal with more heartbreak.

I looked in front of me to see two girls passing by with the first girls arm slung over the others neck. The second girl then kissed the first girl’s cheek as they walked off.

I look away, and put my headphones in. One of my favorite songs comes up, but this time, it makes me cry a little bit. I walked aimlessly through the town, singing the words of the song. Not caring if I looked dumb, I lamented out loud about my life.

“Can anybody find me somebody to love?”

“Each morning I get up I die a little. Can barely stand on my feet.” I looked into my reflection in the cafe window.

“Take a look at yourself.” The reflection smudged. “Take a look in the mirror and cry.” I could feel more tears shed.

“Lord, what you're doing to me?” I looked to the heaven and cried. “I have spent all my years in believing you.” I wiped my eyes. “But I just can't get no relief, Lord!” I slammed my hands on the brick wall church building.

“I work hard.” I kept walking to see my smuggling reflection following me. “She works hard.” the reflection repeated. “everyday of my life. I work 'til I ache my bones.” I stood up tall, only to see a two couples in the park, causing me to slump back down.

“At the end.” I turned the corner as rain began to fall. “At the end of the day.” My reflection smudged smirk continued to haunt me. “I take home my hard-earned pay all on my own.” I couldn’t help but feel alone in this world, like I would never find love. A hopeless cause.

“I get down.” I felt like my love life was shambles. “Down.” My reflection appeared in front of the park water fountain. “On my knees.” Was I ever gonna find love? I just like the words to this song. I need somebody to love. “And I start to pray.” Honestly, I haven't prayed in a while, maybe that’s why I haven’t found love.

“Till the tears run down from my eyes.” I could feel the tears streaming down my face again, this time falling into the fountain. “Lord, somebody, somebody. Can anybody find me somebody to love?” I prayed as I opened my eyes to see my reflection. “She works hard.” the reflection stated. “Everyday.” I sighed, I did work hard, school, swimming, family, only thing I don’t work hard on is the one thing I don’t have.


How can you work hard on something you don’t have?

“I try, and I try, and I try.” I whimpered a bit. “But everybody wants to put me down. They say I’m goin’ crazy.” I admitted. “They say I got water in my brain.” With the amount of swimming Coach Aquarius makes me do, I probably do.

“I got no common sense. I got nobody to believe in.” Yes, I have Merdy but she’s always with Lyon, when I’m with them I feel like I’m the third wheel.

“Oh lord. Somebody, somebody. Can anybody find me somebody to love?” “Got no feel, I got no rhythm. I just keep losing my beat.” I sighed, the song was right, I haven't been feeling myself lately.

“I’m okay, I’m alright.” was I though? “he's alright, he's alright.” was my reflection lying to me? Was I lying to myself? “I ain't gonna face no defeat
I just gotta get out of this prison cell.” I stood up.

“One day I’m gonna be free, Lord!” I stood up on the fountain. “Find me somebody to love. Find me somebody to love. Find me somebody to love.” “Can anybody find me somebody to love?” I yelled, spreading my arms out as the sun basked down on me.

Erza POV

My alarm clock rings for a solid two seconds before I slam it down, and pop eagerly out of bed. I change into my usual Heart Kreuz t-shirt, and my signature blue skirt. I downed my breakfast of strawberry cake in two minutes, and brushed my teeth and hair.

I checked my backpack one last time to see if I had everything, and left my house. I pulled my phone out of my pocket, and punched in a number. The dial tone went off and a groggy voice came through my phone.

“Erza, it’s to early for this…”

“Natsu come on! LET’S GET A MOVE ON!!” I yelled into the phone.

“I don’t have to be at school and HOUR AND A HALF EARLY!” Natsu yelled.

“Ah, yes you do, or I’ll take off points on summer homework, “I smiled evilly.


“Okay. That’s what I like to hear. Now call Gray and get to school without killing each other or I’ll kill you both. Got it?”

“Yes ma'am.”

“See ya soon. Bye!” I hung up the phone. I was at school already and I went inside to the office.

“Good morning Erza!” a chipper voice said behind me.

“Morning Mira! Have you prepared everything for the new freshmen?” I asked.

“Yup! I just have to put a few finishing touches on the banner!”

“Good luck!” I said. Mira smiled and left the office. I went further in to see the Principal, Makarov Dreyer. Everyone calls him Mr. Makarov though, because his grandson goes to the school.

“Hello Ms. Scarlet. I need you to review some student files for me.” Mr. Makarov said, handing me the files.

“Got it. What am I looking for?”

“I need you to look for a potential tutor for someone. Look through the files and tell me who’s good,” Makarov said.

“Okay,” I said, walking over to a small table in the front of the office, which was reserved for the teachers aid. I looked through the files. They all had stellar grades, but they each had flaws.

“Too many sports.”

“Not good enough in English.”

“A fighter.”

I had gone through every file but one. I looked at the last one. No extracurriculars. Above perfect grades. No incidents.

“PERFECT!” I said. I stacked up all the files. Putting my selected candidate on the top. I marched back to Principal Makarov, and gave him the files. I pointed to the name on the file on top. I looked at the name.

“Levy McGarden. She’s the one,” I said. I walked out of the office, satisfied with my work. There was nothing wrong with my choice. I was sure of it.

Mira’s POV

“Okay, just a little bit to the left.” Vice Principal Mavis said as I moved the banner to the left. “Up then the the left.” Mavis sighed, I rolled my eyes moving the banner up. “Maybe a little to the right.” Mavis guessed, her hand on her chin.

“Fine, I can't believe the little kid is a high school vice principal.” I muttered under my breathe, moving the poster. I checked my watch. Shoot, the freshmen were going to come any minute now. I had to hurry, and finish. I pinned the last side of the freshman welcome banner and began to walk inside, when I felt a tap on my shoulder. A small girl stood behind me. “Hi.” The girl greeted. She’s so cute! And little! Oh! Right! “You’re the girl who skipped two or three school years right?” I asked, she nodded.

“Wendy Marvell yes?” I asked, she nodded again. “I’m looking for a Mira Starduss, she’s supposed to be my tour guide for the day. To show me around school, if she’s not here, I think I can figure it out myself.” Wendy said as I smiled, extending my hand. “Mira Starduss, pleasure to meet you.” My smiled grew.

“Hi. Wendy Marvell.” Wendy greeted, she smiled also. “You must be really smart to have skipped from 7th grade to high school.” I chuckled, sitting on the steps of the school. “Yeah, my mom says I’m a genius. I think she’s exaggerating.” Wendy chuckled lightly.

“Why’d you pick this school anyways? Don’t you wanna go to Sabertooth Academy? Or Phantom High?” I asked, not gonna lie, this school is kinda crap. It’s a good school but the people in it, that’s a different story.

Wendy shook her head quickly once I said those two names. “Sabertooth Academy was to competitive, and Phantom High just scares me.” She shuttered a little. “Yeah, our school’s a bit more chill. Not so competitive and not a scary.” I ruffled her hair, making her laugh. “You could've chose Mermaid Hell or Lamia Scale, but you chose FT? You must have really liked the Open House during the summer.” I said as she nodded.

“It looks cool, better than the other schools I visited. I mean Mermaid Heel was cool cause it was an all girl high school. But other than that, I guess, this seemed better in a way.” Wendy smiled at the sun. She’s such a cutie. Like a little sister.

Wendy POV

I heard the sound of cars stopping in front school making me jump a bit. “Goodbye mom. See you later.” A blonde waved, stepping out of a white SUV. “Good, nobody here.” She muttered, along with my smartness, I have really good hearing. It’s kinda weird though, my mom says it’s a family thing. I always thought I was part dog or something. “Lucy Heartfilia. Yes?” Mira asked as more students started arriving.

“Wendy, why don’t you explore out here till school starts. I’ll show you around when after first period. Find somebody 10 minutes before school starts, they can help you to class.” Mira said as I smiled, walking aimlessly around the courtyard. Theses high schoolers are huge! I feel like an ant.

“Just find one friend and they’ll introduce you to their friends.” I repeated Grandeeney’s, my mother, words to myself. I kept looking down, not wanting to bump into somebody or--WAH!!

Next thing I knew, my face was on the ground. I may be smart as heck, but that smartness comes with a price.


I could hear a few laughs around me. “Aw man, that’s hilarious!” A boy laughed. “Natsu! Gray! Don’t be so rude.” A different voice scolded as I was helped off the ground, my eyes meeting with that of black ones. “You okay?” He asked. I nodded. “Sorry.” I apologized.

“No I’m sorry. My idiot friends.” He said looking back at the two boys, one with raven hair the other with pink?! HAHAH!! His hair is pink!! “Shouldn't be laughing at somebody tripping. Even though they trip all the time!” He scolded, making the two boys scoff at him.

“Pinkie’s the idiot who keeps tripping. Not me.” The raven boy stated. “Excuse me?! Was I the one who slipped on the ice patch in the winter? No! It was you! Popsicle!” The pink haired boy scolded. “Flame-brian!” “Iceberg!” “Charmander!” “Glaceon!”

“YOU TWO BETTER NOT BE FIGHTING!!!” A voice boomed. “No ma’am!” They boy smiled innocently. “Good, I don’t want your stupidity to rub off on our new young student, Wendy.” A red haired girl smiled, resting her hand on my shoulder. “Wendy?” The black haired boy who helped me asked, I nodded. “Romeo. Romeo Conbolt.” Romeo introduced, shaking my hand.

“Romeo here is a young student like you. He skipped a couple grades like you. How he got to be friends with those two idiots is beyond me.” The redhead laughed as the two boys began fighting again. “Romeo, mind showing Wendy to her first class? I have to teach the idiots a lesson.” Both me and Romeo sweatdropped, quickly walking away, not wanting to see what she meant by “teach them a lesson.”

“That’s Natsu and Gray. Friends of mine. Met them, and a couple other, over the summer. Anyways, what class do you have first?” I then handed my schedule to Romeo. “Cool, I got Algebra too.” Romeo smiled.

Maybe, I did make the right choice of picking this school…

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