Chapter 2: Try to Keep up!

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Chapter 2: Try to Keep up!

Authors' Note

Hey guys! It's Sugar_And_Spice125, A.K.A: Izzy, author of Good At Being Bad. Just wanted to say I hope you liked the last chapter, took me and mangoose228 a lot of work. Anyways, check out this chapter and if you like FT go check out mangoose228's work. It's amazing!

Hi, it's Jamie, A.K.A mangoose228, author of Returning champions (which Y'all should read)! And this is our super awesome collab! Hope you like it!

Lucy POV

"And that's our lovely school, it's not much but it has great value." Mira smiled as we ended the tour right where we began, at the entrance. "Wow, my last school was pretty small, compared to this." Actually, I was homeschooled, so any school is bigger than my "old school". 

"You're gonna fit right in. So, your first class in chemistry. That's gonna be 4 doors down, on your left." Mira then pointed at the room label CHEM LAB. "Have fun." Mira winked. "What do you mean by that? I suck at chemistry." I chuckled. "Nothing~" She cooed, skipping back towards the courtyard.

I walked into the class to see most of them were already there. "Ah, just in time. Class, this is Lucy Heartfilia, she's joining us today all the way from..." The teacher stopped mid-sentence. "Crocus," I said. "All the way from Crocus, why don't you take a seat next to the pink haired boy over there." The teacher smiled, pointing to a pink haired boy. "It's salmon!" He yelled I could've sworn smoke was coming out of his ears.

I walked over to him, it felt like a hundred eyes followed me with every step. Once I finally sat down, he extended his hand to me. "Natsu Dragneel." He smiled, it was so childish. "Do you get any of this chemistry stuff?" Natsu whispered as the teacher started the lesson. "Yeah, it's pretty simple. Okay, he wants us to just turn the clear solution into a glowing green one." I started, putting on my gloves.

I turned my back for what seemed like a minute and Natsu grabbed the blue, yellow, and red solution, pouring it all in.. "No, Natsu--" But it was too late, once he mixed the solutions it caused an explosion. After the dust cleared I looked at Natsu's hair to see it was now red.

"Pfft...HAHA!!!" I burst out in laughter, almost falling out of my stool. "Stop laughing, Luce! This isn't funny, okay it's a little funny, but still." Natsu laughed. "Wait, did you just call me Luce?" I asked nobody's ever called me Luce before. "Yeah. Is that okay?" He asked, little worried about the answer. "Yeah, I like it." I giggled.

Levy's POV

I sat in history class, a little excited to see what our first lesson will be. The teacher, Mr. Sagittarius, then wrote the words. THE WAR OF 1812. "Now, who has heard of the war?" He asked, for a minute or two nobody raised their hand. I sighed and raised mine. "Levy McGarden." The teacher called.

"The War of 1812 was a conflict fought between the United States, the United Kingdom, and their respective allies from June 1812 to February 1815. Historians in Britain often see it as a minor theatre of the Napoleonic Wars; while in the United States and Canada, it is seen as a war in its own right." I explained as everyone looked at me.

"Wop De-do. Levy McNerdens does it again, way to make us look dumb." a girl in front of me scoffed as Mr. Sagittarius nodded. I felt the glares of everyone staring daggers at me. I slumped down in my chair, my history book covering my face.

Suddenly, the sound of the intercom filled the room. "Levy McGarden, please report to the principal's office." I sighed, grabbing my stuff and heading to the main office. "Please, sit. Mr. Makarov will be with you soon."

Gajeel POV

"Now, since this is our first day, I thought we start off with some simple math." The teacher, Miss Libra, said writing a math problem on the board. It read; Multiply and Simplify the Monomials (−5x)(2x).

This is easy math?! I took out my notepad and "attempted" to do this, after about 2 minutes. I just gave up, this stuff is too hard. I turned to a different page with the label NEW SONG

Ever since I left Phantom High, I haven't had any inspiration for a song. Yeah, I got some stupid ones about Natsu being an idiot and Gray's stripping habit, but nothing from the heart. I know that sounds stupid but it's true. At Phantom High, I would write songs about how hard it was and such.

But here. It's nothing. No inspiration.

"Gajeel Redfox, please report to the Principal's office." The intercom said as I grabbed my stuff and walked to the main office. "Sit, Mr. Makarov will see you shortly." The office lady said as I sat down next to some blue-haired shorty.

She looked so involved in her book like it would disappear any second now. Is she even a freshman? She's so short. I chuckled a little bit. "What are you laughing at?" She asked, not looking away from her book. "Ghihi, nothing shorty," I smirked as she closed her book shut glaring at me.

"My name isn't shorty." She said. "Fine, shrimp." my chuckle became a little bit louder. "It isn't Shrimp either!" She scolded as I grabbed her book. "Beauty and the Beast. You read this stuff? It's boring as heck." I groaned throwing it back at her.

"It's not boring! Beauty and the Beast is a classic!" She said, grabbing her book off the floor. "A boring classic." I scoffed. "I bet you haven't even picked up a book before." She smirked. "Yeah, cause I'm not an egghead." I laughed she scoffed and sat back down, reading her book.

The door to the principal's office opener and Jose, Phantom High's principal walked out. He stared at me with every step. I stared back at him as he walked out of the office.

"Levy, Gajeel. I'll see you now." Mr. Makarov said as we both walked into his office, sitting in the chairs. "Now, I'm going to be upfront with you Gajeel. Your grades are terrible." Levy snickered a bit. "Levy's however, are outstanding. Perfect scores." Levy smiled.

"Levy, I want you to tutor Gajeel," Makarov said, looking at his papers. "Excuse me!" Levy yelled. "Yes, during free period today I want you to tutor Gajeel in math, history, and chemistry," Makarov repeated. "Look, old man, I don't need to be tutored by a stupid egghead girl." I scoffed.

"Yes, you do Gajeel. You barely graduated. You need a tutor." Makarov repeated. "Fine, whatever." I sighed. "Just meet me in the library after school. We can start then." Levy said, getting her stuff. I looked back at the chair to see she forgot her book.

"Hey! Shrimp!" I called out, running towards her. "What?" Shrimp asked in an annoyed tone, stopping in her tracks. "You left your book." I said as she snatched her book. "Thanks. I guess. And my name isn't Shrimp! It's Levy! L-E-V-Y!!" Shrimp yelled. "Yeah okay." I laughed, patting her head. "UGH!!" She groaned loudly, stomping away.

Gray's POV

"Stupid flame brain. Making me late for 2nd period." I mumbled under my breath walking to swimming class. "I hate swimming. Why is it a class! Fricken Coach Aquarius hates me. She's probably gonna give me an 'F anyways." I sigh as I drop my stuff in the locker room. I quickly change and rush outside. I immediately expect to be yelled at for being late but Aquarius was already yelling at someone else.

"Use your hips more!"

"I can't!" a blue haired girl cried from the pool. Even though she was really wet, I could tell some of it was tears.

"Then swim faster!"

The girl silently obliged. I turned to Lyon.

"Who's the one getting yelled at?"I asked him.

"Bruh, you don't recognize her? That's Juvia Lockster, a national swimming prodigy, and she just so happens to be the one that I liked before I became her best friend's girlfriend," Lyon explained.

"Well sorry I don't pay attention to your lame love life," I said. Then I add, "Ice bastard."

"Oi, my love life is better than yours," Lyon said smirking. I sighed. He was right. I decided to ignore him, and get in the pool. I took one step and stopped. Aquarius was yelling at Juvia again.

"Not fast enough! You need to kick faster!" Juvia cried and was on the brink of exploding. I look at her feet, and I notice that they have scratches on them, from pushing off the wall so hard.

"Do another 100! And make it your fastest!" Aquarius barked.

Juvia did as she said. She plummeted underwater and shot off the wall. She kicked her legs together underwater, and she looked so calm and serene. As soon as she broke the surface, her arms began moving at an incredible speed.

But she still streaked through the swelling pool water. Within 15 seconds she was already at the wall, and she tucked her knees in and flipped. It was so fast, I blinked, and she was already pushing off the wall.

Oh my fucking god, she's fast!

Within the next 45 seconds, she completed her last stroke, and slide into the wall. I was amazed. Aquarius had to be happy with that.

"HORRIBLE! I've seen you do faster than that! Where's your form!" Juvia was crying her eyes out. I couldn't watch anymore.

"Coach, can you lay off?" I asked in the most respectful voice that was possible. I was hecka mad.

"Fullbuster! You have no idea what's going on!"

"Yes, I do!" I yelled. "You're pushing Juvia beyond her limits! Give her a break and maybe she'll do better, but if she doesn't then it's fine! She's a prodigy!! She's already better than the rest of the country! Lay off! Do you think she can swim like that?" I said, pointing to the tears down her face.

Juvia POV

Oh. My. God. I am madly in love with this mega-hot kind, amazing boy. What was his name? Fullbuster? I need to tell Meredy ASAP!!!

Gray POV

Aquarius huffed. "Lockster, get out." Juvia nodded and climbed out of the pool. She went straight to the locker room.

"You're lucky this time, Fullbuster. Next time, I won't be so easy to convince," Aquarius said. She turned to the rest of the class.

"WHAT ARE YOU ALL DOING?!?! GET IN THE POOL!" I and the rest of the class hooped in. As I looked around, I already say people whispering. I can see the Class President Mira, who's in the class, smirking and doing her signature "happy ship" dance. Oh no. What have I done?

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