Chapter 3: Red Alert

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Chapter 3: Red Alert

Hey guys! Sorry for the late update. Both of us have been busy with school and our updates might be a little slow, anyways enjoy the chapter and don't forget to read our other books. (Mangoose_228's Retuning Champions is awesome!)

Mira POV

“WOOO!!!” I yelled, bursting thru the doors to the Student Council room. “What the heck is up with you?” Laxus asked, his feet resting on top of the table. “I have a ship!” I squealed. “Oh lord, another one?” Laxus, my vice president, rolled his eyes. “Yes! It’s Gray Fullbuster and Juvia Lockser.” I smiled as I slammed a small pink notebook on the table.

“Oh no, she has the shipping book. I repeat she had the shipping book.” Laxus announced. “This is serious stuff! Ships are life!” I yelled, writing down the name Gray+Juvia= Gruvia.

“Gruvia? Really?” Laxus asked. “Yes, every ship has a ship name.” I nodded.

“You know, rather than making crazy ships. Shouldn’t you be focusing on the new kids?” Laxus asked as I soon remembered me, Lucy, and Wendy were supposed to have lunch together. “Thanks Laxus you're a lifesaver!” I thanked, running out of the room. I stopped for a split second.

Who do I ship Laxus with?

I shrugged it off, and kept running.

Gajeel POV

“You have to have a tutor?!” Gray laughed. “Man, you suck that much at school at you need a tutor?” Gray added. “Yeah, but it’s not like I’m gonna go. It’s not like it’s mandatory.” I scoffed. “Knowing Mr. Marakrov, it is mandatory.” Gray said. “Ugh, great, I have to have a Shrimp tutor me.” I rolled my eyes.

“Maybe it won’t be so bad.” Gray guessed, suddenly we saw a flash of red hair passing us. “Was that Erza?” I asked. “No, let’s follow it.” Gray said as we followed the hair into the boy’s bathroom to see it was Natsu’s hair was now red. “PFHT!!!” Both me and Gray couldn’t stop laughing.

“Shut up! Stupid chemistry changed my hair!” Natsu looked into the mirror, his face in shock. “He a tomato!” Gray laughed. “Shut up popsicle!” Natsu scolded as Romeo tried getting the red out of Natsu’s hair with water from his water bottle.

“What happened anyways?” Romeo asked. “Me and Lucy, she’s the new girl, were in chemistry. I didn’t know which chemicals to mix so I just chose the green and blue ones. And before I knew it, it exploded! Turning my hair red!” Natsu explained.

“He looks like he could be Erza’s twin brother.” I chuckled. “Did anyone ask you metal head? No!” Natsu yelled. “At least I don’t look like a tomato.” Gray laughed. “At least I didn’t think of the stupid idea to yell at Coach Aquarius.” Natsu said, smirking at Gray.

“Coach was pushing her too hard. She was crying for god sakes! I wasn’t just gonna leave her like that.” Gray shot back. “Well, it is Coach Aquarius, she’s hard on everybody.” I said. “Yeah but she’s extra harder on Juvia.” Gray defended. “Juvia is a prodigy, maybe Coach is just trying to make her better.” Romeo guessed.

“She’s a prodigy, she’s the best in the state! Why would she need to get better? If Coach keeps pushing her like that Juvia’s gonna break one of these days.” Gray said. “Look, I get it, Juvia’s an amazing swimmer and Coach is being harder on her. But there are more important things to worry about! I.E: MY HAIR IS STILL RED!!!” Natsu yelled as we helped him get the red out of his hair.

Wendy POV

“There’s too many tall people here!” I groaned as I walked thru the hallways, I was walking with Romeo but Natsu came out of nowhere and grabbed Romeo by the arm saying he need help with something. I was being pushed around like a pinball.

“Just a little bit...further.” I said, pushing thru the crowd and finally making it to the lunchroom. I looked around to see Mira waving at me. “Over here Wendy!” Mira called out as I walked towards the table, sitting down next to her.

“Wendy, this is Erza.” Mira introduced. “You’re the girl who beat up Natsu and Gray this morning.” I remembered. “Yeah, they’re natural idiots.” Erza chuckled. “Juvia! Hey!” Mira called, waving her hand as a girl with blue hair walked over to us. “Hey Mira.” Juvia smiled. “Wanna eat with us?” Erza asked. “I wish, but, I kinda have swimming practice with Coach Aquarius.” Juvia sighed.

“Forget that crazy coach, you need to eat. You were practicing up a storm! Just relax for a bit.” Mira suggested. “I guess I could.” Juvia said, sitting next to Erza. “Oh, hi, I’m Juvia.” Juvia said, extending her hand. “Wendy.” I smiled. “I heard of you! You’re that kid genius the teachers are talking about.” Juvia gasped. “Yeah, that’s me.” I chuckled nervously.

“Wendy!” A familiar voice called out. “Hey, Romeo.” I waved as he walked over. “I thought you have something to do with Natsu?” I tilted my head a bit. “Yeah, he just wanted me to help him get the red out of his hair.” Romeo chuckled.

“I thought his hair was pink?” Mira guessed. “It is, but he went to chemistry class and him and this girl Lucy mixed a bunch of chemicals making his hair turn red.” Romeo shortly explained.

“So that’s why Gray was calling Natsu ‘tomato head’” Erza chuckled. “Luckily, we got the red out.” Romeo said. “Hey Romeo, you wanna sit with us?” I asked. “I’m good, I don’t wanna intrude on your girl talk. Maybe we can walk home later Wendy?” Romeo asked as I nodded, he then walked towards the table with Gray and Natsu sitting at it

Juvia’s POV

I was sitting with Mira,Wendy, Lucy, and Erza at lunch. Mira was talking to Lucy and Wendy about teachers, and Erza was talking about how she found the most perfect tutor in the world. I wasn’t listening.

Ever since last period that Fullbuster guy been on my mind. Who was he? He looked a little bit like Lyon. He was like a knight a shining armor! My personal hero. My white knight. “Hey Juvia! Earth to Juvia!” Mira yelled, snapping her fingers in my face.

“Yes?” I asked.

“Why do you keep staring at Gray?” Mira asked slyly.

“Oh, I just keep thinking about that Fullbuster guy from swimming.” I smiled dreamily.

“That’s him over there.” Erza muttered, her mouth filled with strawberry cake.

“I know, and I love staring at him. Touch him and die,” I said to them. The girls all scoot away from me. Good. I don’t want any distractions when I’m admiring my hero.

“Well, Gray should feel lucky! Nobody will ever love me like how Juvia loves him!” Lucy whined. Wendy nodded. I whip my head around.

“Should I go talk to him?”

Mira’s eyes light up. “YESYESYES!!!”  I take a deep breathe, and stand up. I swing my legs over the bench. Suddenly, a thought rushed in my head. I sit down rapidly.

“What happened?” Mira asked.

“Nothing. Just that I realized that he looks pretty busy talking to Romeo, so maybe not now,” I said, as I went back to eating. I wasn’t yet ready to tell then the reason I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t tell them that I swore that I wouldn’t let a boy get close to me again.

But I couldn’t. Not after that Bora bastard. He hurt me too much, and I wasn’t ready for that again. I sat there munching on my lunch, listening to Mira ramble, and trying to calm my nerves.

Rogue POV

“So if X equals 45, then what is Y?” The teacher spoke, I really didn’t care, I still missed Kagura, and was a little sad that I wasn’t going to see her again. Yes she was a summer fling but those feelings were still there. “Hey, Rogue! Listen.” Sting, my annoying brother, snapped his fingers in my face.

“Yeah?” I asked, not really paying attention. “I need help, I don’t understand this.” Sting whined. “B.” I said, pointing to the answer letter B. “Thanks Rogue, you okay?” Sting asked.

“Yes, I’m fine.” I sighed. “That’s your “I’m not fine” voice.” Sting stated. “Fine, you tell nobody, got it?” I said as Sting nodded. “During the summer I met this girl named Kagura, we had a thing over the summer.” I started to explained.

“Um, how did I now know this?”

“You don’t ever pay attention to my life.”

“You know that’s not true !But that’s great! So what’s the problem?” Sting asked.

“She goes to Mermaid Heel.” I buried my head in my arms.

“Oh...that is a problem.” Sting stated, the two of us packing up our stuff when the bell rung.

“Lunch!” Sting smiled as we entered the lunchroom to see our friends, Rufus, Yukino, Orga, and Minerva. “Hey! Get this! Rouge had a summer fling.” Sting informed them as I facepalms. “What happened to not telling anyone?” I muttered.

“You? Rogue Cheney, had a summer fling? Was the girl, or boy, drunk?” Minerva asked, smugly. “No, she wasn’t drunk.” I glared at her. “Was she high?” Yukino asked, eating her pasta. “No.” I answered.

“So who was the girl?” Rufus asked.

“None of your businesses!” I scolded. “Just a question. Don’t short circuit, Rogue.” Orga chuckled. “I’m not! You people are just nosey!” I flung my arms in the air.

“Aw come on Rogue! You can tell us!” Yukino whined.

“Hell nah,”I smirked, and walked off to the library. I pulled out my phone. That’s strange. No messages from Kagura. I sit down on the library couch, and open up my Clapchat account.

Ooh new clap on Kagura’s story. I thought. I opened it up and almost dropped my phone.

The photo was her with another guy. She was smiling in a way I hardly ever Kagura smile. The worst part was the caption. It read:

No place I’d rather be

I couldn’t take my eyes off it, but I wanted to look away. I was frozen in place, staring at that picture. Was Kagura always with someone? Did she cheat on him with me? How could I ever love someone like that? I couldn’t I was absolutely devastated.

I was so hurt by this, that she hadn’t just said no when I asked her to be my girlfriend. I was heartbroken. When I finally yanked my eyes from Clapchat, I shoved my earphones in my ears, and put on my emo playlist. And wonderful, the most relevant song in my life comes on. I was the last to know, and now I was dead.

She just walked away

Why didn't she tell me?

And where do I go tonight?

This isn't happening to me

This can't be happening to me

She didn't say a word

Just walked away

You were the first to say

That we were not okay

You were the first to lie

When we were not alright

This was my first love

She was the first to go

And when she left me for you

I was the last to know

Why didn't she tell me

Where to go tonight?

She didn't say a word

She just walked away

You were the first to say

That we were not okay

You were the first to lie

When we were not alright

This was my first love

She was the first to go

And when she left me for you

I was the last to know

I'll be the first to say

That now I'm okay

And for the first time

I've opened up my eyes

This was my worst love

You'll be the first to go

And when she leaves you for dead

You'll be the last to know [2x]

*end song

I got up from the chair. I breathed out. It felt really good to get that off my chest. Now I don’t have to worry about that cheater. And even if she were to tell me otherwise, it wouldn’t matter to me. I was never going to speak to Kagura Mikazuchi ever again. And that was a promise.

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