Begining to Forget

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"Anna ' s old family and friends are to not be mentioned or brought up in anyway around her, she is not to know who anyone is except her family here at the institute."

"But sir, what if she starts to remember, the antidote only works once an--" "Peter remember what happened when Marcus found out? We told him his family did this to protect him and he agreed and came here. We also stated how we gave him a medicine that would help him to adapt here and how it costed his memory." "Understood sir."

My head was throbbing and I felt like throwing up every intestine I had.
"Perfect, you're awake!" "Um-- where am I, why is it so dark, and who the heck are you?!" "Well I'm Sebastian and you're in the Land of Cirus, it's so dark because you requested for the light to be off and for you to be left alone. So we did as you pleased...for three days then chief said to try and wake you."

"Well you did a crap job at it because instead of being awakened peacefully, I was awaken in exclusive pain." " Well that's unfortunate, but really not my problem or even my concern." Well ouch, that kinda hurt. Talking about waking up on the wrong side of the bed. "Would it be too much to ask of you to be dressed and out in the commons area in 10 minutes, or is that not enough time for girls like you?"

Ok, now I've had ENOUGH! "Listen here buddy, I don't know who you think you are talking to me like that but if you don't stop, boy will you not like my way of shutting you down. And don't even think of trying to comment back besides a "yes ma'am ," or I'll show you up right here right now. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes. Yes ma'am." That's what I though. I devilishly smiled and escorted him and his smart mouth from my room before switching on the light and getting dressed. " I'll show them who's boss around here real quick."

I was sure to put on that bad girl kind of clothing. Let's just say my jeans were a little tighter than normal, my shirt was a little shorter than normal but heck, did I even care right now? Hah! Absolutely not! Sebastian was not going to treat me like some two year old and get away with it, no matter how dreamy those Carmel brown eyes were with his tossled light brown hair.

ANNA STOP! Focus, you're here to prove a point and see why in the world you are even here. The funny thing is, I don't even remember coming here in the first place, but I'm about to find out real quick. "Wow, look who managed to get done in eight minutes. I must have underest--.... I mean we're glad your out here and awake and ready for training."

"Woah, Woah, Woah, hold up! I never agreed to any training, and I don't want to do any training... especially if it's with your lovely self." " Awe, how sweet? You think I'm lovely ugh, my day has just been made!" Biting my tongue was the only thing keeping me from saying things I'll later regret.

"But I hate to burst your bubble sweetheart, you unfortunately have no choice of not doing the training. It is required for you to be able to fight demons." "Wait,What?!?!?" I was carted back into the bedroom where I was told to put on exercise clothes and was once again waiting out in the "training" room.

Everything was so shiny and very tempting to touch. "Hmm.. fire ring, wonder what this do--" "Rule number one, never touch anything in this room without knowing what it is first." "Geese Sebastian do you not know how to not give someone a heart attack, or do boys like you not have manners?" Score for me and my smart elic self. "Anna, would you like me to show you up, or would you rather start training?" "Train."


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