Endings to love

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" Anna get out of there right now! I mean it and I'm not going to say it again, you're being an idiot and you're going to get yourself killed!!"

" No Keegan, I will not listen to you this time, well not anytime from this point forward. I don't belong here and I'm too dangerous, my powers are too strong and have gotten out of hand. It won't be too long before I end up hurting someone, hurting you... and I can't let that happen.

Not in a million years do I want anything like that to happen. Getting into this portal and going to the Land of Cirus is a chance for me to do something good for our family."

"Anna stop, stop being stubborn and stop being foolish." " They're after me and they're hungry for blood. They'll kill anyone and everyone who come in attempt to protect me so it's time to let go!"

My breathing quickens as I position my body inside the portal and it starts to shake rapidly. The next thing I see is complete darkness and everything is completely quiet. I slowly stand to my feet and feel a little off balance and disoriented, where am I?

" Please state your name and reason for being here." I gulped and turned around to see a dark, red eyed beast,  staring me dead in the eyes.

"Anna, Anna Trninty." The beast just stares at me and I have no Idea if that's a good thing or what. "Anna, why are you in the Land of Cirus, and most importantly how did you even get here?" "Well sir, I needed an escape from my home and I thought there was only one place I could truly go, and here I am."

" NONSENSE! I know that is not true, I am a werewolf and we do have a great sense for liars." Beads of sweat formed near my brow and my palms began to feel quite clammy.

"I am let's say....different from my family and I just didn't want to be the runt of the family so I needed to leave. " His eyes pierced through me as if he knew I wasn't telling the whole truth and wanted more. "And my blood is not like my families, I have...shadow blood. The rest of them have type E blood and I knew I was just too much of a risk to have around."

"Very well. Anna Trinity, you can stay here at the Land of Cirus as long as you promise one thing...you can never be in contact with your family and friends again. We're now your family."

He held his paw out and when I turned and looked, I was astonished by everyone I saw. Next thing I remeber is one muscular man coming up to me  and burning something into my neck and then shoving a needle into my thigh and I was out, just like that.

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