Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

       One day. One more day until the dance competition and I was not ready. I mean, yeah, sure, I did have a dance now thanks to Rhys, but I still felt underprepared. The dance was his; he choreographed it for himself and to suit his style. We did have similar styles but... The dance didn't feel like me. I couldn't embody the emotion that Rhys intended the dance to have.

       I was really considering letting Rhys just take over the solo. If we didn't win enough competitions, we wouldn't be able to go to the state competition, and I didn't know if I would be able win.

       I never felt like this when it came to dancing before.

       Maybe I was all danced-out from Internationals. I was never going to go to Internationals ever again. I was never going to dance again. I was going to quit dancing and run away somewhere. Maybe Canada, because Dad did that before so he couldn't get mad at me.

       Besides, Rhys already ran away. Now it was my turn. I couldn't let Rhys have all the fun.

       I was at D.A.N.C.E's studio, trying to perfect the dance to the best of my abilities, despite not feeling too confident with it. I didn't want to give up the solo. I did want to dance on stage. I just didn't know if I was actually going to do it.

       Both Rhys and Kingsley were with me; Rhys because he was helping me with the choreography, and Kingsley because he 'didn't want to feel left out'. 

       I think it was because he really wanted to bug me and Rhys. Ever since we got to the dance studio, he wouldn't stop annoying us. Well, he would take breaks while I was dancing, but the moment I stopped, he would go back to bugging me.

       "Can you leave me alone?" I asked when I finished one run through. "You're annoying."

       "Yes, I know I'm annoying," Kingsley said. "I've had tons of practice from being the oldest sibling in the family. And since I've had so much practice, I need to put it to use by annoying my favourite cousins."

       "You have a lot of cousins," I said. "Go bug them."

       "I can't. I have to stay here for... Nothing."

       I looked at him suspiciously. Kingsley was up to something. I should have guessed it but honestly, it was hard to tell when he was up to something. He was just so confusing all the time and nobody could ever guess what his motivations were for whatever he was doing.

       "What are you up to?" I asked.

       "What?" Kingsley asked. "Nothing. Nothing at all."

       "No, you're definitely up to something," Rhys said. "I could tell. I've been meaning to ask you, but I was hoping that it wouldn't be anything dangerous. Or stupid. Or messy. Or all of the above."

       "I promise it's none of the above," Kingsley said.

       "Oh, so you admit to being up to something?" I asked.

       "I admit to nothing," Kingsley said. "The only thing I admit to is being the best cousin."

       I sighed. "Whatever you're up to, just... Just don't interrupt my dancing or anything."

       "Yeah, yeah," Kingsley said, walking over to the speaker to start the song for my dance all over again. "Just keep dancing. It sucks right now."

       I scowled. "Yeah, you don't have to remind me. I already know it sucks." I looked over at my twin brother, hoping I didn't offend him. "Not the choreography. It doesn't suck at all, I swear. It's just... not for me."

       "Don't worry, I get it what you were saying," Rhys said. "You'll get it soon."

       I sighed. "I don't think I'll get it soon enough. The dance competition is tomorrow, remember? That's why we're here. Geez, and people say I'm the stupid twin."

       "You are the stupid twin," Rhys said. "Do you need me to remind you all the time I've had to take your place in class to take a test for you?"

       "I still can't believe you two do that and don't get caught," Kingsley said. "That's not fair. I want a twin."

       "It's not a good thing to do," Rhys said. "Zayden just knows how to talk me into it..."

       "One word," I said. "Bacon."

       "Fair enough," Kingsley said. "Anyway..." He started the music. "Get dancing."

       Even after doing another run through, I still didn't feel anymore confident. In fact, after doing that one, I was even more tempted to just give Rhys the solo. He deserved it. He was the one who made the choreography. Solo competitions were usually to highlight a dancer's talent, both with their skill and their choreography.

       I groaned as I lied down on the floor. "I can't do this."

       "Same," Kingsley said.

       I looked over at my cousin. "Huh? What can't you do?"

       Kingsley shrugged. "I dunno. I just felt like saying that." His cell phone suddenly beeped with a text message. He looked at it before jumping up to his feet. "Oh, finally! I can't hold it in any longer."

       "Hold what in?" Rhys asked.

       Kingsley didn't reply. Instead, he just got up from the bench he was sitting on before leaving the studio. It wasn't long before he returned, but he didn't come back alone. 

       Dagny was with him.

       "Surprise!" she said happily, smiling widely.

       I immediately got up from the floor, walking over to my girlfriend and pulling her into a hug. "What are you doing here?"

       "I have a break from school," Dagny said. "I know you still have dancer's block so I asked your cousin to help me surprise you."

       "So long story short, I'm your favourite cousin," Kingsley said, patting my back. "Alright, come on, Rhys. Let's leave these two lovebirds alone."

       "But Zayden drove me here," Rhys said.

       "And Kingsley could drive you back," I said. "Leave."

       "Wow, and after everything I've done for you?" Rhys asked, standing up before following Kingsley to leave the dance studio. Before he did, he looked at Dagny. "Do you have a place to stay?"

       "Kingsley said I will be staying with Zayden but I doubt he talked to your parents about it," Dagny said.

       "Awe, you already know me so well," Kingsley said.

       "I'll talk to my parents," Rhys said. "They'll be fine with it."

       "Are you sure?" Dagny asked.

       Rhys nodded. "They let my girlfriend stay for a while once when she needed to get away from her parents for a bit. They'll definitely be fine with you staying for... however long it is. After all, it will get Zayden to stop whining about being alone."

       I glared at Rhys before pushing him out the door. "Shut up."

       "Have fun!" Kingsley said as he and Rhys left.

       "I know your competition is tomorrow so let's get some work done," Dagny said.

       "Can't we, you know, kiss first?" I asked.

       "Nope! Dancing only! You get kiss after."

       "Alright, fine."


yay they're reunited for a bit! and yay it didn't take me another two years to update! just three months... but hey, at least it's something!

again, it won't take as long since i know where this book is going for at least a few more chapters. 

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