Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

       D.A.N.C.E actually made it to the finals. It was a very close dance with us only scoring one more point than the team we were up against and honestly, I thought they were going to win. They were amazing.

       Of course, I never told my team I was nervous. They already were and if their captain was nervous, they would get a lot worse.

       My nerves completely went away when the other team moved on.


       It just had to be the Norwegian team with that beautiful dancer on it. She did, however, make me a lot more competitive because of our last, and only, conversation. She was so confident about beating my team.

       She was going down.

       Before the competition were to start, both teams had to meet back stage with a few members of the Internationals board to talk things out. For starters, we had to figure out who was going first so they could set up the stage for their dance.

       The head of the board said she wanted to speak to the dance captains of the two teams, so I walked over and you know who walked over from Norway's team?


       "Oh, of course you're the dance captain," she said to me.

       "What's that supposed to mean?" I asked.

       "Nothing, nothing," Dagny said with a smile, which only confused me even more.

       She was trying to get into my head and it wasn't going to work.

       Anymore than it already was, that is.

       "So, would either of you like to offer your team to go first?" the head of the board said.

       "My team will," Dagny said, thankfully. I did like going first to set the bar high, but I would rather go second. That way, we would be the ones ending the whole competition and seeing the team dance before us would give us a lot more adrenaline.

       "Okay, great. Why don't you and your team set up the stage if you need it? I'll run things over with the sound technician."

        After she walked away, Dagny looked at me and said, "It's not too late to forfeit."

       "And miss the opportunity completely destroying your team?" I asked. "I wouldn't dream of it. But, just so you know, if you need a shoulder to cry on after losing the competition, I'll be here."

       "And vice versa," Dagny said, patting my shoulder. "After all, you do seem like the type of guy who isn't in check with his emotions."

       "I feel like that was an insult," I said.

       "Wow, you really need to work on your competitive talk," she said with a wink before walking back to her team.

       I couldn't handle it.

       She got in my head.


       I walked back to my team. "We're going last," I said. "Good thing so we can close the show and see what their score will be."

       "Yeah, okay," Kingsley said. "And in other news, I'm so proud of you for getting back into the game. Did you enjoy flirting?"

       "I... I wasn't flirting," I said. "I was simply trying to get into her head so she'll mess up during the dance. I don't think it worked."

       "Of course not," Kingsley said with a pout. "And she got into your head, didn't she?"

       "Let's just move out of the way so they could set up," I said.

       Looking at their stage set up and props made me start to feel nervous. They put a lot of thought into it and I could only imagine what their dance would be like if they were to match the set up's caliber.

       I was right.

       The dance was amazing, though that wasn't any surprise. All of their dances were so... flawless.

       I hated it.

       Our set up was more simple since there weren't any extra points for decorations. Most of the teams just liked using it to help get in the feel of the dance.

       Their team ended up scoring a ninety-seven.

       Ninety freaking seven.

       We had to score a ninety-eight or higher and as confident as I was, I did think Norway was going to take the win.

       I honestly wasn't going to be too upset. It was amazing to even make it into the finals of the International Competition.

       I still wanted to win.

       And what really needed for our dance was each other. Our dance's theme was love. And not just romantic love. Love between friends, siblings, cousins. Any type of love that we had with the dancers on the team. It was the one thing we could think of that would put us over the top since our connection was so strong.

       We danced with everything we had. We worked too hard for this to give up now, especially when our dances were linked. We didn't have as much time to rehearse our dancers as the other teams and we still made it into the finals.

       When we finished our dance, the audience cheered loudly. My heart was already beating rapidly because of how strong I danced, and it was even faster now that we were waiting to hear our score.

       The Norwegian team came back on the stage to listen to the results and Dagny, the beautiful cursed girl, just had to smile at me.

       And it was a mixed between a friendly smile and a smirk.

       She needed to stop.

       "And D.A.N.C.E received a score of..." one if the judges said, pausing for dramatic effect. And when he said the score, I couldn't believe it.

       "Ninety-seven! Ladies and gentlemen, for the second time in Internationals history, it's a tie!"

       A tie.

       We tied?

       What on earth was going to happen now?

       "The tiebreaker is simple," the judge continued. "Each team has an hour to choreograph a dance with any amount of dancers they wish. They'll come back and perform, and the winner of the two dances will take the crown."

       And with that, the curtains closed, leaving the audience to discuss the rare outcome of the competition.

       Well, I know the choice was simple. It was definitely going to be easier to choreograph a dance in an hour with a fewer amount of people. 

       "Alright, Rhys and Echo, get started," I said, and everyone started making sounds of agreement. While the whole team had amazing chemistry, theirs was undeniable strong. If anyone could do it, it was them.

       "What?" Rhys asked. "You're... What?"

       "Don't be stupid," Calliope said. "You the only two people on the team who has scored a perfect score, and you can create duets so fast. You two are the obvious choice. Now go find a room and practice."

       "So... You want all the pressure to be on us two?" Rhys asked. 

       "Duh," I said as Dad walked over.

       "So, what's it going to be?" Dad asked.

       "Rhys and Echo, of course," I said. "You know, if we can convince Rhys to agree to it."

       "Of course he agrees to it," Echo said. "Come on, Rhys, we should get started as soon as we can."

       Rhys sighed as Echo pulled him out of the backstage area to find a room to rehearse in. I had no doubt they were going to create an amazing dance.

       I was hungry from all that dancing, so I left the area to and went to the cafeteria of the venue to get some food. After paying for a sandwich, I found a bench to sit on.

       And shortly after I sat down, Dagny just had to sit down beside me. "I'm surprised you're not rehearsing," she said. "I thought you'd be part of the tiebreaker."

       "Why? Because I'm the best dancer you've ever seen?" I asked.

       "N-no," Dagny said.

       "And your stuttering says otherwise," I said. 

       "That's not the reason," Dagny said. "You're the dance captain and normally, the dance captains are one of the strongest dancers."

       "What about you?" I asked. "Aren't you the dance captain? Why aren't you in the dance?"

       "My team is full of secrets," Dagny said.

       "As is mine," I said. "After all, you did assume I was part of the tiebreaker, which your team is going to lose by the way."

       "Mmm, I wouldn't be sure of that," Dagny said. "Ever since the first year the finalists have tied, we always rehearse an extra dance as a tiebreaker just in case. So while you may have gotten your best dancers, they might not rehearse something in time."

       Oh no. I was not going to let her get in my head again.

       "Aww, and you're assuming we didn't do the same?" I asked. "Come on, we're the team that had our dances leaked. We're always prepared for everything."

       "Then this is going to be an interesting competition," Dagny said. "I'll see you around."

       After she left, I stared longingly at my sandwich. I wanted to eat this now, but I had an idea I had to get across.

       I sighed, getting up and going to the rooms the dancers used to rehearse. I found the one Rhys and Echo was in and right now, they were try to decide a song dance to. "I have an idea," I said. "To save time."

       "Oh, then please tell us what is is," Echo said. "We do need to save time."

       "Use the duet you two choreographed when you were going to be in the duet round," I said. "You already know the dance and it was honestly the best dance you two made together."

       "But everyone has already seen it," Rhys said. "They'll expect it."

       "No, they expected it for the actual duet round," I said. "Norway's team already has a dance choreographed. They came prepared. You two need to do a dance you already choreographed to save time."

       "I think we should do it," Echo said to her boyfriend. "Zayden is right. We need to save time and..." She looked back at me. "Wait, how do you know they already have a dance."

       "I have my ways," I said.

       "So... You were talking to the dance captain again," Rhys said. "So what's her name? Did you get her number yet?"

       "Sorry, I can't tell you, I have to leave so you two can rehearse," I said as I walked out of the room.

       I then found a quiet spot to eat my sandwich without being disturbed.

       The hour went by too slowly. It felt like the whole day passed before the dancers of the two teams were told to go backstage. And, yet again, Dagny smiled at me.

       When was she going to leave me alone and stop trying to get in my head?

       The board asked which team would like to go first and again, the Norwegian team offered. There was still five more minutes left for the tiebreaker to start.

       When it did, we all watched them perform and the standards were still very high. It was a four person dance and just like their other dances, they were amazing. No doubt they were going to score high.

       They did with a ninety-six.

       "Oh, a ninety-six," Rhys said. "That doesn't make me feel even more nervous."

       "Relax, you big baby," I said. "You'll do fine."

       "Zayden's right," Dad said. "Apart from the big baby part. You'll do fine, Rhys. You always do. You too, Echo."

       They both thanked Dad before they went on the stage once the D.A.N.C.E dancers were announced to. And when they did, Dad slapped me upside the head. "Stop calling him names," he said.

       I just mocked him in reply.

       And that earned me another slap to my head, so I only glared at him this time.

       Watching Rhys and Echo dance together was honestly so... magical. Their chemistry had always been so strong, even before they started dating. They really were the perfect couple.

       And that did bring my mood down a bit because it just brought back memories of all of my failed romances. I really want what they had, but I didn't know if I could ever find it.

       Once their dance finished, both teams were called onto the stage for D.A.N.C.E's scoring, that way when the score was announced, the winner would be revealed and they would be able to celebrate.

       The trophy was brought onto the stage was well, and it was starting to make me feel more nervous. I wanted our team to win it so bad. D.A.N.C.E hadn't been to Internationals for years so it would feel amazing if we won the first time we came back.

       "And D.A.N.C.E scored a total of..." one of the judges said, yet again pausing for dramatic effect. "Ninety-nine! Congratulations, D.A.N.C.E for being this year's champions!"

       I couldn't believe it.

       Well, I could because we were amazing, but still. We won. We actually won!

       While we were celebrating, I felt a tap on my shoulder so I turned around to see Dagny and she, surprisingly, had a smile on her face. "Congratulations," she said. "If I were to lose to anyone, I'm glad it was you. Well, your team, I mean. You were all amazing."

       "Thanks," I said. "So was your team. You really gave us a run for our money. So, still need that shoulder to cry on?"

       "I think I'm good, thanks," Dagny said. "I'll see you at the after party tomorrow. Save me a dance?"

       "Y-yeah, sure," I said. She smiled wider before going back to her team.

       I may have just found the person I could have something special with.

       And she lived overseas.


aww so cute. <3

i really love zayden's arrogance ahahahaha. i love all the princes' arrogance because they're amazing and better than everyone.


aaaaaand the song attached is d.a.n.c.e's finale dance (the one with the whole team, not rhys and echo's duet)

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