Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

       D.A.N.C.E had one more night in Australia before our flight back home to Miami and honestly, I didn't think I was ready to go. I mean, yeah I wanted to go back home because I missed my mom and my sister and I couldn't wait to bug them again like the amazing person I was but...

       Dagny was going back to Norway. I wouldn't see her again probably ever and she was my soulmate.

       Though she probably wasn't considering she lived in another country.

       In another continent.

       At least I could spend a bit more time with her at the Internationals after party. If she would show up, that is. The ballroom where the party was taking place was already quite full, but there was no sign of Dagny yet. She probably wasn't going to show up and I would be stuck falling for yet another person and that being a complete fail.

       I loved my love life.

       It was a lot worse when Rhys and Echo were all over each other and made me feel even more lonely with their stupidly cute romance. Seriously, it was like their life mission was to rub it in my face that they were a couple and I had nobody.

       I was sitting at one of the tables, feeling extremely bored when someone suddenly sat down next to me. I looked over, trying my best not to smile so it didn't look like I was waiting for her to arrive. "Oh, would you look at who showed up? And here I was starting to think you weren't going to show because you were too busy crying about losing Internationals."

       "Oh, yes, that's all I was doing," Dagny said. "Crying into my pillow because I came in second out of all the times that showed up. Completely devastating. I don't think I will ever get over it."

       "If you still need a shoulder to cry on, I'm right here," I said.

       "No thanks," Dagny said. "I'd rather cry on your brother's shoulder. He's pretty cute."

       "Okay, can someone please tell me why everyone tells me that my brother, my identical twin brother, is cute?" I asked. "We look alike. I can put on glasses and people will think that it's him. And for your information, he has a girlfriend. They're literally all over each other right now."

       Dagny smiled. "I'm aware. And I only said that too get a reaction out of you. You're adorable when you get angry."

       I scowled. "Ha ha," I mocked. "Very funny. That's the most hilarious thing I have ever heard."

       "Wow, it really is fun getting you angry," Dagny said. "I'm sorry, Zayden. That you're brother is cuter than you. It must be tough."

       "Is it, like, your job to annoy me?" I asked. "Is it your life goal?"

       "Oh, definitely," Dagny said. "I love it so much that I'm doing it for free. Alright, time to get up."

       I furrowed my eyebrows. "Why?"

       "Because it's a slow song and you promised me a dance," Dagny said. "Unless you would rather me dance with your brother because I wouldn't be opposed to that."

       "Alright, I get it, you think he's cuter than me," I said. "Though I don't know how. Look at me. I'm pure perfection."

       "I never said he's cuter than you," Dagny said as she got up, grabbing my arm and pulling me up from my own chair. 

       "Wait, what?" I asked but she ignored me as she led me to the dance floor where a lot of couples were dancing, and there were actually quite a few couples here at Internationals. I didn't blame them. It was much easier dating someone on your dance team so it wouldn't be hard to balance both dance and your relationship.

       When we got to the dance floor, Dagny wrapped her arms around my shoulders and I wrapped mine around her waist. I could already feel my heart beating faster, and I certainly didn't blame it. This girl was just so amazing.

       And soon, I wouldn't be able to see her again.

       "So why exactly did it take you a while to show up here?" I asked.

       "Oh, I went out somewhere with my boyfriend," Dagny said.

       "Oh..." I said. I knew it was too good to be true. 

        It was official. I was going to be single for the rest of my life.

       Dagny smiled. "I'm kidding. I don't have a boyfriend."

       "You really love teasing me, don't you?" I asked.

       "Absolutely," Dagny said. "I was actually just packing since I have an early flight. I thought it would be better to pack now. And as soon as I get back home, I have to pack one again but this time to head off to university. It's going to be my first year."

       "Lucky you," I said. "I still have one more year of high school. So are you going far from your home for school?"

       "Yep," Dagny said. "I'm going to Juilliard." 

       "I'm sorry, did you say Juilliard?" I asked. "As in New York? As in America?"

       Dagny and I were actually going to be in the same country. In the same time zone.

       "Oh, that's right," Dagny said. "You're American. Awe, it looks like you just can't get rid of me. Sucks for you, doesn't it?"

       "Not really, since we won't be in the same state," I said. "I'm from Florida."

       "Still the same country," Dagny said. "And knowing you, you'll miss me too much and go all the way to New York just so you could see me."

       "That's... that's not true."

       "Really? Your blushing says otherwise."

       "I'm not blushing. It's just hot in this room with all the people in here dancing and... yeah."

       "Okay, if you say say," Dagny said. She seriously loved getting under my skin. 

       And I liked it.

       "Just so you know, Florida is south of New York," I said. "Just in case you miss me too much and decide to go all there way there just to see me."

       "Did you steal me joke?" Dagny said. "And here I was thinking you're a lot more original than that."

       "I am original," I said. "But your joke does apply to you too since we both know you'll miss me as soon as you step foot on that plane."

       "No, I think you're the one that's going to miss me first," Dagny said. "I won't be surprised if you break into tears once my plane takes off."

       "You see, that would happen, but there's just nothing for me to remember you by," I said.



       "Will this help you remember me?" Dagny asked before placing her hands on my cheeks then pressing her lips on mine.


asdfjkl; i love these too so much it's so fun writing them arguing and pestering each other.

i want to cast someone for dagny so bad but i also want it to be someone norwegian, but i can't find anyone her age (she's 18). I'LL GLADLY TAKE SUGGESTIONS.

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