Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

I was mad. Very mad.

I didn't want to see Dagny again. I was hoping that once Internationals was over, she would just leave and go back to Norway and I wouldn't have to worry about my love life being such a fail. I even planned on adopting my first cat when I got home.

Then Dagny told me she was going to be studying dance in Juilliard. That didn't bother me too much. She might be going to university in America, but we would still be in separate states.

Things would be good, right?


Because she had to kiss me.

And now I felt obligated to go to the airport to say goodbye to her since her flight was leaving today and my team wasn't leaving until tomorrow. I didn't even want to be here.

"You know, you should take that frown off your face," Dagny said, which only made me scowl more and cross my arms over my chest. "You make it seem like you don't want to see me."

"I don't," I said. "You messed with my head."


"By being all beautiful and snarky and confident. And then you just had to go and kiss me. Jerk."

"Well, that's not nice."

"I'm not a nice person."

"I can see that."

Someone called Dagny's name, so she looked over to see someone from her team say something I didn't understand at all since I didn't speak Norwegian. Dagny replied before looking back at me. "I can't believe I'm going to say this and I'm probably going to cringe every time I think about it but... I'm really going to miss you, Kayden."

"And there's a possibility that I, for some reason, will miss you too, Daphne," I said.

Dagny smiled slightly before pulling me into a hug. I wrapped my arms tightly around her, a bittersweet feeling swirling inside of me. I finally met a girl that I really like, one that wasn't afraid to challenge my arrogance, and I might not even see her for a long time.

Unless she decided to randomly visit me in Miami because let's face it, I was too irresistible for anyone.

Except Eleanor.

And Desiree.

And even Echo.

Then again, Echo did fall for my twin brother and the only difference between our looks, apart from our style of clothes, was the fact that Rhys wore glasses and I didn't so in a way, I was still irresistible for Echo.

Dagny slightly pulled away to look at me, but she kept her arms wrapped around me. "Promise me we'll keep in touch?"

"I mean, I can't promise anything but I'll try my best," I said.

"Okay, but seriously?"

"Of course I promise. My life would be boring without an annoying person like you bothering me every single day."

"And I do need someone with American roots to help me out in the country."

"Oh, I should have known the only reason why you were flirting with me was because I'm American. I'm hurt. To be used in such a way."

Dagny rolled her eyes as her teammate called her name again. "And I guess that's my cue to leave," she said. "I'll... I'll call you when the plane lands, okay?"

"Okay," I said, giving her a slight smile.

Dagny smiled back before pressing her lips softly on mine. Once she pulled away, she said, "Bye," before walking over to her teammates.

I didn't leave until she had to board her plane and before she left to head there, she turned and gave me a wave. I waved back before she walked off.

And now I was back to feeling alone.

It was going to be worse when I got back to the hotel where I would have to deal with a lot of annoyingly gross couples. Well, just two, but still.

I already felt like throwing up as soon as I got back. My stupid twin brother and his stupid girlfriend were being stupidly lovey-dovey and it was gross. Rhys used to be this shy, quiet kid who hated being the centre of attention but now, he all he did was show PDA with Echo.

It even got to the point where I had to threw a pillow at them.

"Really?" Rhys asked, glaring at me and throwing the pillow back at me.

"Yes, really," I said. "I would like to mope in peace about Dagny having to go back to Norway."

"Isn't she going to Juilliard?" Rhys asked. "You know, New York?"

"New York still isn't Florida, Rhys. You're not allowed to talk. Your girlfriend lives in the same state as us. Same state, same city, and she goes to the same school. And you're on the same dance team. So again, let me mope in peace. If you want to make out with your girlfriend, go somewhere else."

"I kind of want to go sight-seeing," Echo said to Rhys. "It is our last day here and we've been so stressed about Internationals that we haven't left the hotel much unless we went to the venue."

"Yes, please go," I said.

"Is it bad that I kind of want to stay just to bug you?" Rhys asked, so I sneered at him.

"Come on, Rhys, let's leave your brother alone," Echo said, standing up from the couch and pulling my stupid brother up with her.

"Thank you, dear sister-in-law," I said. "Remind me not to be mean to you for, like, the next three hours or so."

"Yeah, the only way that will last as if Rhys and I are sight-seeing for that long," Echo said.

Hopefully, so then I wouldn't have to see their stupid loving romance.

At least my love life wasn't too bad now. I mean, it wasn't the best because Dagny was going to be a few states away, but my parents were in a long-distance relationship for a while and they survived. Surely I could too.

I hope.


new drinking game: take a shot every time zayden says stupid.

and if you're not old enough to drink/if you dont want to, you can always use pop or water or chocolate milk.

but real talk, zayden and dagny are definitely going to be one of my favourite straight couples (i have to say straight because my gay couples always outshine everyone ex. jerlan and sholden and kevin and jaylor and leviah and canter and no--uh, nobody)

*insert lenny face here because im too lazy to copy and paste*

oh, but im not too lazy to post a photo of the cuties that is Rhecho:

If their characters don't date in season 6 of tns im suing (but I died when I saw that photo)(thanks alex aka echo for blessing me with rhecho content)

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