#35 EQ is Hereditary

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True to her words, Re-yee sent Rami home before sunset which was rare for the CEO to do. Usually, she stayed working until past dinner time.

"Oh, you're out early today?" Old madam Na welcomed her granddaughter and great-grandson.

Re-yee only nodded before kissing her cheek.

Na Jaehwoon stared at his daughter. There was a knowing glint behind his gaze.

"Will you stay for dinner?" He asked.

"No, need to go home early."

Granny treated her answer as normal but Jaehwoon's eyes twinkled when he heard this.

The fact the Re-yee practically lived at the ME Tower after marrying Ri-yan wasn't known by the old lady.

Although nothing could be hidden from the old madam if she wanted to know, she never meddled with the family business ever since she retired.

She only stayed at home tending the gardens and think of ways to spoil her great-grandson.

She knew that Re-yee and Ri-yan had a slightly awry relationship but she believed it would be changed over time. If she knew that Re-yee didn't live with her husband, the old madam would probably freak out.

Old madam Na Chaewon was a staunch lady who still believed in the traditional ways.

She had no problem with her granddaughter being an independent woman. She was even proud of her achievements at such a young age.

But for her, the family should always come first.

And even though she always scolded Ri-yan, old madam still viewed him as part of the family. Moreover, she had also seen the boy grow up.

Old madam believed that after marrying, a pair would be each other's family. It was only a matter of time before she could hold great-grandchildren again.

Oh, how wrong were her thoughts!

It was Jaehwoon who knew that his daughter's relationship with her husband was as good as strangers. He was even suspecting that the two would file a divorce a year or so after their wedding.

Knowing this, why did he still push for this arranged marriage?

The answer was: it wasn't him but Re-yee and Ri-yan who pushed for the wedding.

It was true that they were promised to each other since birth, but it was treated lightly by both sides' parents and still let them decide on their own.

But Re-yee knew her family was practically inseparable with the Kyo family. Their lines of business looked different from the outside but only they knew that severing ties from one another would be a disaster.

So having marriage between the two of them was a good way to seal the bond. She also had no problems marrying Ri-yan as she practically grew up with him although they grew up fighting.

She didn't know Ri-yan's reason for agreeing to the marriage but it was probably along those lines too.

[a/n: *facepalms]

As for the talk of offspring, there were many artificial means to have a baby. She was sure she could discuss this with him when the time came.

This level of being so unreasonably logical, Jaehwoon would probably freak out too if he knew how his daughter's mind truly worked.

In fact, he already blamed himself why his children grew to be detached from their own emotions.

It could be said that Jaehwoon was an admirable father. Their family had to face many insurmountable challenges in the past but he stood firm for his children. There were a lot of times when he broke down too but he never showed it to them.

He became a reliable pillar for them. He raised them as best as he could.

Jaehwoon became their master, teacher, adviser and guru.

The downside was he often forgot to connect with them emotionally.

So it was partly his fault why Re-yee became so cold and Iljeong was apathetic.

But now their personalities were already honed that way, he hoped that the two could still find genuine happiness in their lives. They already experienced too much pain in their youth. Even if Jaehwoon tried shielding them from the pain, circumstances made it so that he couldn't.

They saw the cruelty of the world at a young age, losing their mother in the process. The wound that never fully healed was reopened just a few years ago when three siblings suddenly became two.

Most nights, Jaehwoon would ponder what-ifs. But he also knew that no matter what shortcomings he had, he could never reverse time to correct them.

Now all he could do was make sure that both of them would choose happiness. That could've been simple as their family already had the wealth, prestige and status but who knew that his children were two immovable boulders?

Nothing could shake their hearts.

Jaehwoon's head would ache every time he thought of their future if this went on.

But he saw hope in Ri-yan.

As a father, he could sense that the boy's enmity with his daughter was only superficial. It was a defense mechanism to hide his true feelings as he probably knew that it wouldn't be answered with the same fervor.

He also agreed to their marriage knowing Ri-yan wouldn't do anything to slight his daughter.

If Re-yee was willingly going home to the Kyo estate today, then Jaehwoon should be optimistic that their relationship could still turn for the better.

Son-in-law, I'm counting on you!

His main problem now was his son.

Iljeong was equally stubborn as his noona.

Having highly intelligent kids was the biggest challenge of Chairman Na Jaehwoon's life.

While his father was still stuck in his head, Re-yee already left.

Lisa accompanied the old madam to tea. And who knew what corner of the house Garrick went.

[a/n: Yes, they both live at the Na mansion.]

Rami was left at the living room staring at his grandfather who looked like the sky was falling.

Sitting at the couch, his feet didn't reach the floor but he obediently kept them together, not dangling them.

When Jaehwoon noticed his grandson behaved so as not to disturb his thoughts, his heart warmed.

"Rami, go with grandpa to the library. Let's read books and discuss emotional intelligence. You can't grow up like those two."

And so, the early evening was spent with the grandpa illustrating the power of knowing your emotions while the grandson listened and sketching the body's endocrine system and the brain's limbic system[1].


Uhmm... grandpa, are you sure emotional intelligence can be taught using only theories? Lol Jaehwoon is lamenting his children's lack of emotional intelligence but he was also like that. And we also caught a very small glimpse on the Na family's past~~

[1]Endocrine system is in charge of hormones. Limbic system in the brain is in charge of emotions, behavior among other things.

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