#34 The Decisive Shift

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Before u start reading, I'd like to apologize coz there are only 5 chaps this week. I alreary racked my brain but it can only amount to 5 chaps. Originally, there would be no update coz I had writer's block and I only faintly recovered this thursday. Please forgive me *bows* Time check here: 2:22 am Sunday.


The three young masters finally made it to their van. It was more like a mini bus as the trio had it customized just so they could be comfortable when moving around the country or even in their world tours.

"Don't be mad at me anymore~ Kyaaaaaaa!" Clover jeered and imitated Ri-yan's earlier statement.

Kon guffawed then cleared his throat, "Michael, darling, I'm not mad."

He was doing his best impression of Re-yee's serious face.

Ri-yan sank in his seat, his expression getting more ink-black as seconds passed.

"Shut up!"

He fumbled for something and threw a pair of slippers to the two.

The two caught it in between their laughter.

Then, Kon straightened up. "Seriously, Yanyan, it's about time you admit it to yourself."

"Yeah, your denial period is longer than a teenage girl. She's already your wife! Just confess to her already then make some babies, voila~ Problem solved!"

Ri-yan punched Clover's arm which made the hyung wince in pain.

"You think it's that easy?! If you have the ability to coax that woman, do you think I'd have a hard time?!"

Both of the hyungs' eyes lit up.

Kon: "So you're finally admitting you love her after all these years?"

Clover nodded like a bubblehead. His sparkling eyes seemed to be shouting, 'Say yes! Say yes!'

Ri-yan's eyes widened then he stuttered and avoided their gaze. "The heck?! What masochist bastard would like that emotionless piece of ice?!"

The two hyungs shared a look.

Clover snickered, "Masochist bastard, ha! Are you referring to yourself?"

Kon told him to shut up but he also approved the other's words.

Ri-yan looked like he didn't hear anything.

His private phone suddenly vibrated, indicating a message.

He lazily pulled it from his pocket and his breath hitched when he saw the messenger ID.

He narrowed his eyes at the other two who quickly avoided his gaze and acted innocently.

Did they see it?

Clover couldn't shut his mouth, "Didn't see anything-ouch!"

Kon slapped the back of his head. They would look guiltier if he said that.

"I'm saying the truth ah! You covered it so fast! Hyung, did you see something?" The second hyung still tried to defend himself.

Kon just shook his head. It appeared he was the only one who saw the messenger ID but he wouldn't say anything either.

Ri-yan tsked twice and kept his phone out of Clover's view (specifically). Kon just closed his eyes to rest.

It was better not to meddle too much with their maknae's affairs. But who would've thought that the stone-faced Leigh had such a cute ID on Yanyan's phone?

♡ Sarang

Ri-yan opened the message which contained only two words.

[Not mad.]

His face brightened up and he laughed heartily while his fingers did a reckless thing.

He pressed call.

The f---?!

But he soon calmed himself down as he was connected to voice mail.

That damned woman! She just messaged me and now, she's not answering the phone?!

The maknae didn't even notice that Clover, who wasn't far from him, was fascinated by all the changes in his facial expressions.

From childish curiosity to joy to panic to disappointment to murderous.

Only one person could color Ri-yan's face simultaneously like that.

Once again, that peerless face showed surprise as he received a callback.

Clover covered his mouth, almost turning blue from the lack of oxygen and holding off his laughter.

This brother of his was clearly a sucker for Leigh yet he still didn't want to admit.

Ri-yan softly cleared his throat before answering, trying to sound as nonchalant as he could.

"Leigh." | "You called."

They said at the same time.

"Yeah." | "Yes?"

Ri-yan laughed while unfastening the upper buttons of his shirt. Why was it always so awkward?

He wanted to change this.

Maybe, his hyungs were right.

Ri-yan might look like he flirted with all the people he met but towards this one woman, he had no clue how to begin.

He knew he was an extremely ambiguous guy but all the girls (and boys) who wanted to climb his bed learned that he was only a smooth talker. Those who tried to seduce him only ever got to taste the devil's wrath.

Looking at face value, Ri-yan seemed like an expert in the matters of bed and passion.

Nobody would believe it if he said the truth: he remained pure for one woman.

To her, he always turned into a teenage boy who was stumbling headfirst into a youthful romance.

But the damn girl had no ounce of clue about it.

Maybe, he could change this? Exert some efforts, at least?

How would he start when their youth was spent bickering against each other?

Ri-yan exhaled and let his shoulders relax. Extending his leg above the other, a cheshire grin emerged on his lips.

"Really not mad?" His voice unconsciously deepened and became even more enticing.

Eavesdropper Clover's jaws slacked upon seeing this change.

He suddenly thought that if he was Leigh, he'd probably run as far away as he could.

The sleeping Kon also caught the subtle yet decisive shift and silently lit a candle for the incoming long battle.

The two hyungs had the same thought:

Yanyan finally stopped running and made up his mind! We will support you, brother!

The unknowing Re-yee on the other line didn't have a clue of the danger looming on the horizon.

She simply answered, "No."

"Then, I should tell you... Grandpa gave me an ultimatum this morning. It's either you go home with me today or he'll tell Granny that you rarely went home since we got married."

Beside Ri-yan, Clover was shaking the life out of Kon while mouthing 'Grandpa card' repeatedly.

Re-yee went silent then relented, "Okay..."

Ri-yan's evil grin widened.

"Rami's with you, right? Will he sleepover too?"

"No, I'll send him home first."

"Then, I'll see you later. Bye~"

The moment he hung up, Clover accused him, "You're using Grandpa!"

Ri-yan only batted his eyes at him. "Grandpa really gave a death threat this morning ah. You weren't there to witness it."


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