5 I Love You Princess, Bye

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"Who is she?" Marinette questioned.

"What?" I replied, confused by her question.

"Who's the girl you fell in love with?" She asked, avoiding my gaze.


The girl I fell in love with is you, but I can't tell you because i'm currently in a relationship and you don't know my real identity.

"Just some girl." I shrugged. Her eyes finally met mine and they showed an expression of shock.

"Just some girl?" She giggled. "The great Chat Noir fell in love with a very lucky girl who you introduce others to as 'just some girl'? I wouldn't be happy if Justin introduced me like that." She continued.

The blue eyed beauty laughed for a few more seconds until the weight of her words fell onto her chest causing her giggles to cease. The pain followed by his name hit quickly. "That's probably how he would introduce me to her." She whispered, trying to keep any prying ears away, but I heard.

"Are you ok?" I asked, placing one of my gloved hands on her cold shoulder. Marinette shrugged my hand of and faked a pretty smile.

"Yes." She lied. She continued to stare at me with her see-through smile that hid her true emotions behind it. Behind the elastic smile stood the despair and pain that she wouldn't dare show to others, but I saw it. Maybe she was trying to let someone in to help and purposely showed me the secrets that hid behind. Maybe she's not as good at hiding as she thought. Maybe she's been hiding it for so long that her facade is starting to ware down and crumple to pieces before me. Either way, I'll be there for her. I promise. 

"No." She finally sighed. She collapsed right infront of me into a sniffling mess. Tears poured through her eyes and I held her tight, attempting to to stop the stream that was turning into an ocean. For now, I think i'm ok with drowning. "I just thought that maybe it would stop hurting soon, but it hasn't It still hurts, it really hurts."

"I'm here for you princess." I whispered. I held her close, squeezed her tight, whispered sweet words through her ears, I was there for her. We sat there for a while, saying nothing in the comfortable silence, just being there, existing only through the touch of each other. I could stay there forever with the feeling of her skin on mine, but a beep rang through the air. I stood up and hopped through her window, but I was still there for her. The feeling of my skin would burn into her skin forever. The sweet, comforting noise of my voice whispering beautiful words into her ears would ring through her brain. I'm always there for her. I promise.


"I'm sorry." The blonde apologized. "I can't believe I thought you would cheat on me with Marinette." She spoke again. I tried to pay attention, but my eyes continued to drift to the bluenette.

"It's ok Chlo." I replied. I wanted to just get it over with and break up with her, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. "Meet me after school at my house, I want to talk about something important." I stated before giving her a peck on her soft cheek and heading to class.

-----End of school bc this author is too lazy-----

As I was heading out the door, a strand of blue hair flashed through my vision and I followed it. I soon ended up at a certain blue haired girl's locker.

"Adrien?" Marinette questioned. I turned to her, flashing one of my famous smiles. She continued to stare at me, waiting for me to say something, but I wasn't exactly sure on why I was here.

"I, uh, about what Chloe said yesterday-"

"You heard what she said?" She interrupted me.

"Yeah," I answered. "and none of it is true. I actually really enjoy being your friend and I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with me today."

"I would love to," Marinette smiled. he corners of my lips peeled into a huge smile. "-but I can't."

"That's ok." I lied. It's not like I was looking forward to hanging out with you today or anything. Looks like a certain kitty will visit her tonight.

-----So many time skips lol-----

tap tap tap.

My glove-covered claw hit the window above Marinette's bed 3 times. Her smiling face soon looked up to mine before she unlocked the door to let me in. I sat with my legs crossed in front of her and she mirrored my actions.

"What are you doing today?" I questioned.

"I was actually waiting for you." She replied. I smirked as an idea came to me.

"Falling for me already?"

Marinette's cheeks heated up before she answered with "I don't date guys who have a girlfriend. At least I try not to." Marinette mumbled the last part. "So what brings you here?"

I came to reveal to you who I am and that I really like you.

"Just to see you." I stated. I picked the poor girl up bridal style, and jumped out onto her balcony and headed for the eiffel tower.

"Chat! Don't drop me!" Marinette yelled. Her grip around my neck tightened and she buried her face into my leather covered chest. I chuckled at her actions.

I set the scared girl down once I reached the eiffel tower and she immediately sat on one of the beams of the structure. I took a seat next to her and grabbed her free hand.


"Princess," I interrupted her. "I really like you. I like you so much that it hurts." I confessed.

"Chat, aren't you dating some girl?" Marinette questioned.

"Not anymore." I answered. Lies. It's kinda true, I was gonna break up with her after school, but I kinda forgot about it, so she probably left by now. I will definitely do it tomorrow.

"You broke up with her because of me?"

"Yes, I really like you." I confessed. "I would almost say that, that," I stuttered. 'I love you' is what I wanted to say, but fear engulfed me in the many possible ways for her to reject me. "I l-l-love you." I finally stuttered out.

I tore my eyes off of the ground to meet up with a pair of blue eyes, staring at me with shock.

"B-but I don't even know who you really are." Marinette cried.

Without a second thought, I released my transformation. A green light surrounded my body, releasing me from the tight black suit.

"A-adrien." She stuttered.

"Surprise?" I said with jazz hands. I stared into her blue eyes for a moment longer until she rushed to hold my face with her soft hands and press her lips to mine. I kissed back with passion as electricity ran through my body. She pulled away a second later to stare into my green eyes.

"Does this make us a couple?" She questioned.

"If you'll take me." I smirked back.

"Of course." Marinette replied. She hungrily went for my lips again for a second kiss. I chewed on her bottom lip, asking for permission, and she happily accepted. I regretfully pulled away and transformed before picking Marinette up and heading to my house.

Once we arrived at the mansion we swung into my room and I released my transformation. I set Marinette down and pushed her against the nearest wall. I pushed my body against hers, wanting to be as close to her as possible. Wanting to feel the warmth of her body on mine. Wanting her.

I carefully cupped her cheek and gave her a deep passionate kiss before trailing my lips down her neck. She leaned her head to the side and let out a moan as I sucked on a certain spot.

"Adrien?" Someone mumbled. That was not Marinette. I looked over by my bed to see a figure sitting on the edge. I released Marinette from my grip and made my way over to the light switch. After turning on the light, I saw Chloe sitting on my bed with tears staining pale skin.

"Chloe, I, uh."

"I've been waiting here since school ended. You said you would meet with me, but I guess you too busy cheating on me." Chloe cried, her eyes lining with tears.

"I thought you said you already broke up with the girl you were with?" Marinette interupted. "I should probably go." She muttered. Marinette walked towards the door but I grabbed her wrist before she could get any father and I spun her around so that her face was in my chest.

"I actually invited you over, Chloe, because I wanted to break up with you, but I kinda forgot I invited you over, because I was with Marinette." I explained. Chloe looked like she wanted to scream, and claw our faces off, but instead she let the tears poor down her face and she ran out of my room.

As soon as Chloe left my room I pulled Marinette away slightly so that I could stare into her bluebell eyes again.

"Adrien, I really like you, like a lot." Marinette confessed.

"I really like you too, like a lot." I replied before shoving her onto the bed and getting on top of her. I left kisses all over her neck as my hands made their way up her white shirt. I carefully pulled her top over her head before connecting our lips again. I licked her bottom lip, asking for permission, which she granted. My tongue explored her mouth as my hands traveled around her slim body, remembering every part of her. I un-clasped her bra as a ring erupted through the quiet room, but it didn't phase any of us. However when a beep, followed by a "Hey, it's Justin," was heard, Marinette seemed very phased.

Marinette stopped kissing me and lightly shoved me off as she pulled herself up to listen to the message. "I know you heard that I died in a car crash, but I didn't. I actually ran away, hid from everyone, including you, and i'm so sorry. I was really hoping you could meet me at our place tonight, you know the spot i'm talking about, so that we can discus a few things. Love you princess, bye."


annnnd cliffhanger.

sorry this took me so long to write, I didn't have an idea for the longest time, and it took me like a week to write this chapter. Also sorry for all  the typos, I did most of this chapter on my laptop and I don't have auto correct on it, so there are probably a lot of mistakes.

well, I hope you enjoyed this, i'll hopefully update soon.

Ilysssssssssssssssssssssm- Lizzy

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