4 Good-bye Chloe

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"I, uh, gotta go." I mumbled, rushing out of the door as fast as I could. I know that something that someone like her, someone like him says, shouldn't bother someone like me. I know something as stupid as that shouldn't get to me, but I does. It does get to me.

As I rushed out the door, I ran into something hard and plopped down to my butt. I looked up and saw someone I really didn't want to see right now - or maybe someone who didn't want to see me.

"A-adrien?" I stuttered. He smiled down at me and offered a hand out to me. I pushed his hand away and pulled myself up. I don't need him to feel bad for me. I threw my bag over my shoulder and once again ran out. I heard a lot of shouts - some to each other and a few to me - but I ignored them all and continued to walk forward.
I walked into my room without even looking up. I stared to the cold ground with every step I took to my large bed. I plopped down onto my bed and now stared at the ceiling until I heard a noise causing me to jolt up.

"Hey princess." Chat greeted from the couch.

"How long have you been there?" I asked.

His face froze for a second, but he quickly recovered and answered "Not important." He stood up and made his way over to my bed. His extra weight caused the springs to squeak and I slowly slid towards him. "What is important is what's wrong with you." He stated.

"Boys." I sighed as I layed my back onto the bed.

"Not me though, right?" He asked confidently.

"Especially you." I answered, pulling myself up again. He stared his green eyes at me quizzically. "You act like you like me, then I saw you kissing another girl!" I yelled. He frowned at me.

"I do like you bu-"

"No, you don't get to do this to me." I scolded him. "If your with someone else, then that's that. You don't get to flirt with me and all that other stuff. We will be friends and remain just friends. I can barely figure out my emotions and I seem to have a pretty good grip on things right now, and I will not let you ruin this."
Adrien's pov

"W-what else is wrong?" I asked, trying to forget the pang of guilt and pain in my heart. Trying to not notice or care how much this is hurting me.

"Chloe told me that Adrien doesn't really like me even as a friend, he just feels bad for me, that's why he talks to me." She cried out.

"That's probably not true"

"How would you know?" She quizzed me. If only she knew.

"Because I'm friends with him."


"Yeah, we model together."

"Ok, sure." She giggled. She's becoming happier, I need to keep going.

"You don't believe me?"

"Oh no, I totally believe that you are a model." She said sarcastically.

"Me-owch, that hurts." She groaned at my puns.

"More puns, great." She giggled. She stared into my green eyes, although I don't think she noticed that I can tell she's staring. She looked confused, or like she was trying to figure something out. I know I was trying to figure something out. I barely know this girl and I just met her, but I love her already - but do I really want to leave Chloe for her?

"What are you staring at princess?" I smirked.

"I'm not your princess!" She yelled. She threw her pillow at me and plopped back down into her bed. I plopped down next to her and noticed all the small little facial features that only make her prettier. Her small little freckles, sprinkled across her porcelain skin. The rose tint to her cheeks. I think I love this girl.

Goodbye Chloe
Here ya go
I know this chapter sucks but it's all you get for know because it's all I got.
I hope you enjoy it

Rn I'm with my family in west virgina that I haven't seen in about 3 years because sadly I live in ohio.

Ilyssssssssm- Lizzy

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