3 People Like Him

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That's one of the two feelings I felt as I hoped out of Marinette's room.

I have a girlfriend.

And now I'm flirting with another girl.

Chloé was one of the prettiest girls I know - well that's what I thought until I met her. I mean I love Chloe and she loves me. She knows all of my secrets and I know all of hers. For example, she was the first to know about my new secret identity. But Marinette just won't leave my mind.

I roamed around the streets until I saw said girlfriend.

"Chloe?" I asked the blonde girl I saw sitting on the bench.

"Chat." She replied. She looked up at me with a sad smile and patted the spot next to her. "We need to talk."

I sat next to her and released my transformation. "What about princess?" I asked. I didn't feel like I had the right to call her that anymore. Not after I called another girl that.

"Are you in love with another girl?" She asked me. I stared at her with shock. "Marinette to be specific." She stated.

"N-no." I stuttered back.

Tears welled up in her eyes and she refused to look at me. She looked not broken, but as if I were to press even one finger to her fragile porcelain skin, she would shatter into pieces. "I knew it!" She cried out. She stood up and moved her small feet as fast as she could while wearing heels.

"Chloe wait!" I called. She ignored me. She didn't even look back at me. I chased the blonde girl, but she was no where to be seen. I slid my back against the wall and plopped my butt onto the ground. I buried my head into my hands.

After a while, I went home and somehow managed to fall asleep.
My eyes fluttered open at the sound of Nathalie knocking on my door.

"Adrien, I have your schedule." She said as she slowly walked into my room. I swung my legs over the bed and walked over to her. I took the small piece of paper from her hands and sighed once I saw the photoshoot I had scheduled.

"Thanks Nathalie." I said. She nodded before exiting the room. I quickly got dressed and ran out the door. I was about to enter my limo, when I saw a familiar blunette walking on the sidewalk across from me. She looked tired and depressed as if her heard had just been shattered.

"Marinette!" I called to the girl. She looked over to me in surprise and gave me a wave and a fake smile. I motioned for her to come over to us. She carefully crossed the street and stood in front of me.

"H-hi Adrien." She stuttered.

"Do you want to ride with me?" I asked. She looked hesitant, but she replied with a small head nod. I gestured for her to get in the car and she crawled in. I sat next to her and stared at the sad looking blunette who wouldn't look back at me.

"Is something wrong?" I asked her. Marinette finally stared back up at me with her beautiful blue orbs. She opened her mouth as if she was gonna say something, but she quickly decided against it.

"Nope, nothings wrong." She replied, but somehow I knew she was lying. I saw that same glint of sadness in her eyes that I had when I was sad. The limo stopped and I crawled out, Marinette right after me. I looked around and saw Chloe glaring at Marinette.

"Thanks for the ride." She said, giving me yet another fake smile and ran off to class.

"Bro, did you break up with Chloe?" Nino said as he ran up to me.

"I don't think we're broken up." I answered.

"How could you not know?" Nino questioned me.

"Well she ran off crying, but I mean she never said-"

"She ran off because she found out your cheating on her with Marinette, right? That's what Chloe's been telling everyone." Nino interrupted me.

"I'm not cheating on her with Marinette. We're just friends." I stated.

"Didn't seem like your just friends." Nino shrugged. "We need to get to class."
Nothing happened the rest of the day. Chloé and Sabrina ignored me and the only people who did talk to me where Marinette, Nino, and Alya.

"Class dismissed!" The teacher called. All the students packed up their stuff and rushed out the classroom door. I rushed to my locker and threw everything in and got everything I need to go to my photoshoot.

"Ready to go?" Nino asked.

"I, uh, got a photoshoot, and I gotta get my phone from the classroom." I answered. I moved to the door, but stopped right at the doorway.

"Hey Marinette." Chloe cooed. This can't be good.

"Oh, hey Chloe." Marinette answered nervously.

"Listen closely, Adrien and I, we're on the high class with all other rich and hot kids. However, you are on the lowest class with the poor and ugly kids. So he doesn't want to talk to you or hang out with you, and especially not date you, you slut!" Chloe growled. I was shocked. I've known Chloe for a long time and I've never seen her like this. I couldn't believe the things she's telling Marinette.

"So stop being a big nasty whore by flirting with Adrien. He would never date anyone like you." She continued. I couldn't even see Marinette's face, but I could feel the depression radiating off of her.
Marinette's pov

"I don't know what your talking about." I stated. "I'm not flirting with him, we're just friends, I think, and I'm especially no whore or slut!" I replied. Tears welled up in my eyes, ready to flow out at anytime.

"Mari-trash, I know your in love with him, but he will never love you, and he definitely doesn't want to be your friend either." Chloe scoffed.

"Then why was he talking to me if he doesn't even want to?" I questioned.

"He just felt bad for you and wanted to be nice." She replied. I knew she was trying to break me down, rip me apart, and I know that I shouldn't listen to her, I should just ignore her, but for some reason I knew she was right. I wanted to prove her wrong, but I can't do that if she isn't wrong. I guess people like me don't mix with people like him.
Haiii people
Sorry for this both really late and really bad chapter lol

So today my crush sat in front of me and... he made a cat pun

My crush made a cat pun

I swear I'm Marinette/Ladybug and he's Adrien/Chat Noir, we both act just like them

And he lost his book for language and needs to buy another one for the teacher for about 6 dollars, so I'm gonna give him the money, as long as he let's me do his makeup all week

So I did his makeup today in recess

And lastly, on the last day of school me and my friends are wearing onesies

We know we're probably not supposed to, but I mean it's the LAST DAY, are they really gonna give us like a detention, or Saturday school, or send us home on the last day for wearing a onesie?

Doubt it.

So my onesie is a pink dinosaur as pictured below (I wish I would look that cute in it lol but I is ugly)

And my friends...

Meadow is wearing a panda onesie

Cheyenne is wearing a lemur onesie

And Shawni is wearing a blue unicorn onesie

We're gonna look so cute!!!

Ilysssssm- Lizzy

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