17: A Booty Call

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I took a deep breath before unlocking Adi's front door, I was hoping that Arjun giving me the key to his home would give me a chance to speak to him properly about everything that had happened, and of course get all the information on his meeting with gaddha ki behn.

I really did want to prove to him that I was serious about us, but I didn't know if I was ready to take the next step yet, I also didnt know if I ever would be, but that was a question for another time as I heard the door unlock, I looked around and ran to the kitchen quickly. "Be cool Zoya" I whispered, though I was seconds away from being all nervous again

Adi walked into the kitchen, his jaw dropping slightly "What do I owe the pleasure"

I shrugged "I saved you the hassle of calling me, I thought id leave early so I could surprise you, nice place you got, your brother has my full approval, he's a good little helper" I stepped closer to him, wrapping my arms around his waist

"Ah, I could get used to coming home to this" he chuckled into my hair which made me jump back

"Im not ready to marry you yet"

He smiled again "Now there's the nervous Zoya I know, that wasn't a proposition I was making, calm down Zoya, I have no secret engagement rings in my pocket" he paused, a smirk on his lips "But I wouldnt refuse a strip search if you really wanted to" he winked

I huffed "I actually hate you"

He hit my shoulder with his own "Nope, you love me, don't lie"

My eyes widened, my face pale, how had he worked it out? Had I made it to obvious?

"Chill Zoya, I was joking, I know you don't love me" he pulled off his blazer "I just enjoy making you nervous"

I was about to laugh it off when I had a better idea, I stepped back "I think I need to leave, im sorry" I went to walk past him quickly but he pulled me back to face him

"Hey, what's wrong, im sorry if my joke offended you" his eyes searched mine, his hands in mine making my whole body warm up

"But I do love you, why would you think I didn't" I could feel the tears springing to my eyes, my words to truthful for me to bare, his reaction now would tell me all I needed to know

"I" he stopped "I dont know what to say Zoya, im sorry"

I shoved him back "Im just messing with you Big Shot, don't fret, im not head over heels, yet" I laughed, "Oh look maybe I was born to be a poet"

He stood frozen for a second then laughed with me "You really scared me then Zoya" he huffed out a laugh before walking past me

I nodded as he did, though I knew it was way to early for him to love me like I loved him, it still hurt. Trying to brush past it I turned back to face him "So, how did the meeting go"

Adi leant against the countertop, his shirt sleeves rolled up as he sipped on his water "Surprisingly well, she listened to my views, so maybe you've made her see that this is just a business thing"

"Great, so what do you want to do, I was thinking a movie or we could go and see Noor and Arjun, or maybe a walk" I glanced up at him, only to see a worried expression on his face and something told me he wasn't being completley truthful with me

"A movie sounds great, you pick, ill go get changed" he walked past me quickly as I turned on his TV


I yawned, blinking fast as Adi laughed at the TV then turned to look at me "Tired"

I shook my head "No, im fine, trying to get me into your bed wont work that easily" I replied without thinking

The next thing I knew, he had put the TV on pause "And what would it take to get you in my bed" he winked

I smiled pleasantly "Marriage"

"Oh" he nodded "Youre that type of girl"

"What is that meant to mean" I turned my body to face him and crossed my legs on the sofa "Look, if you were thinking I was just that type of woman who would just do that, then that's it, im not and that seems to have dissapointed you" I felt my heart lurch as I awaited a response

He stood up slowly "So then why did you come to my house Zoya"

"I, I just wanted to surprise you, spend some time with you and thank you for all of your help recently that's all, this wasn't a booty call" I stood up "What made you think it was, I thought" I shook my head "It doesn't matter, im leaving"

"So you really didnt come here just for that" he raised his brow

"No, and I cant believe you thought I would, I know we joke about it, but I thought you knew it wasn't something I was ready for" I was in disbelief, I had a weird feeling all evening that something was up, and now I knew. It suddenly felt like everything I had known him to be was a lie

"Its just that, you're not my type Zoya and I dont know how to deal with that" he replied, clearly agitated

"You dont have to keep reminding me" I bit back "I know I am not your usual type, im sorry if that means you think im not good enough for you, but im done having people think im not worthy, be it people from high school, my parents, Aliyana or you, I have no idea what's suddenly gotten into you but my god are you an ass" I picked up my bag, walking towards the door, willing myself to just stay strong until I had left the house

"Its not that you're not good enough, it's just that I" he swore under his breath "Aliyana, she only really wanted me for two things, my money and sex, when you get so used to that, it feels like its expected, I didn't mean to offend you Zoya, I know you're not my usual type and that's what makes you so much better, for just a second I felt like if I didnt offer myself up, you would get bored and leave and I know that's stupid, but" he exhaled loudly "She hurt me Zoya and everytime I see her, it's just a reminder of what happened"

I looked down before turning back to face him "The meeting didnt go well did it, what did she say"

"Just that it was clear I was only good for one thing, that eventually you would get bored of me and that she knew we hadn't done anything"

"Why didnt you tell me before, look there isnt a rush, I'm not expecting you to rush into this because I am not ready either, I dont care for all of that, but what you insinuated today, it really hurt my feelings, and I know you didnt mean to, im just concerned that she will get what she wants"

"Im an idiot, I know and I suspect doughnuts wont make this one any better but is there anything I can do to maybe convince you to stay, I dont want to do anything, I just want to lie with you, that's all" the sad expression on his face pulled at my heart

I tried not to smile at his question, he was so cute and it was comforting to know he was just as nervous as I was. "Let me come to the next meeting with Aliyana and ill stay"

"Really, that's it, but that's something for me, not you"

I shook my head "Oh, ill be gaining something from this, dont you worry" I felt like those women who did that weird hand thing when they thought of an evil plan


"Why are you lying so far away" Adi asked, his hands on my waist as he tugged me closer

I let out an eek before my hands were splayed on his muscular chest, the room was dark but I still felt like he could see me

His left harm hung over my waist, his right arm was under my shoulders, his head just below mine, his hair tickling my chin "Thank you for being here Zoya" he whispered

"No problem, I kind of had no choice" I laughed

He tightened his hold on me and it wasnt long before sleep began to take over when I thought I heard him talk again "Now you're here, please dont ever leave" but before I could think much on it, I had fallen asleep

A lot of people have asked me to consider a writing schedule, so I have decided Wednesday and Saturday are days I will update, if I am free I will also update on other days, but those are the days to expect an update of some sort on one of my stories:)
As always, I like to hear what you have to say so please do let me know!

Cannot believe this has already reached 17 chapters!

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