Chapter 8 - Kuri

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Before I start... I would like to say a big big thank you for reading my book as it has just reached 1k views...I am so shocked! I really appreciate all the views and support given and it really really does mean a great deal to me! Thank you and I hope you enjoy... =^x^=


I observed carefully as Itachi removed the seal on the huge bolder, allowing us to venture outside. My excitement levels started to rise rapidly as we strolled towards the training meadow where we usually went to train. Obviously.

Why am I so excited you ask? Well today Itachi is helping me discover my summon. I have being waiting impatiently for what seems like forever to finally find my summon - I have always loved the idea of making friends with an animal.

As I followed behind the Uchiha, I was mesmerised at how his long raven hair twirled around delicately as the soft wind blew, his dusky cloak swaying gently to the side with every step he took.

The paleness of his skin shined slightly as little sun rays reflected off his face, I just stared in awe at how handsome he really was.

"You have a really big staring habit you know," he stated whilst turning to look at me, his piercing blood red orbs glittering in the light.

"Errrm... I wasn't staring I w-was just l-looking at you f-for a long period o-of time," I stuttered as I snapped out of the daze that seemed to envelop my thoughts. Damn it! He caught me staring! Way to go sora!

He just chuckled softly knowing fully well that I was staring at him as my cheeks just blushed violently at his reaction.

We reached the beautiful meadow. The lush green grass swaying side to side as the air blew it around, the trees had some sort of purple fruit growing amongst the crisp leaves that clung to the branch they were dedicate to, not willing to fall.

"Like I told you earlier, we will be discovering your summon today," he explained as we stood facing each other in the middle of the meadow. My excitement levels were already through the roof.

"Well okay, but how?" I asked, my eagerness snaking its way into my voice.

"Well thats what I'm here for, to show you," he stated in a obvious tone as I just rolled my eyes at his comment with a gentle sneer upon my lips.

"Well duh," I taunted, the Uchiha taking note of my sarcasm as he raised an eyebrow in amusment.

"So, just concentrate your chakra into finding your summon basically, that would be the easiest way seen as though we don't know who your summon is exactly," he explained as I got into the position to meditate, helping me concentrate and get comfortable.

"Okay then, I will have a go," I replied as I watched him take a seat in front of a nearby tree and lean back against it, obviously expecting this to take a while.

"Okay then, good luck," he smirked and tried to get relaxed as he waited.

I closed my fragile eyes and concentrated my chakra deep inside my soul onto the summoning, just trying to imagining some sort of silhouette in my head as I couldn't actually pinpoint what animal it could be.

All of a sudden, I started to feel tingling sensation radiate throughout my whole body as my head began to feel light and dizzy.

As I began to open my eyes, I found that I was no longer in the luscious meadow but in fact in a different type of meadow all together. The grass was a dark mysterious green and the tall trees seemed to sparkle slightly from the beautiful moon light. Water from the lake shined as it reflected the enchanting moon that shone in the midnight sky, dazzling stars surrounding it.

"Wow," was all my mind could muster to process as I started to wonder off into the mesmerising scenery surrounding me.

"Intruder! Who are you? State your purpose!" I heard a voice bellow from behind me, so I slowly turned around to find a rather large tiger standing there with a vicious look hard upon its features.

"I'm sorry, I was searching for my summon and it brought me here. My name is Sora."

The beautiful white tiger stood before me with a suspicious look in his beady green eyes whilst he stared at me slightly. "That's nonsense! The only summoner we have ever encountered was Kazuhiko, but he died years ago. What are you really here for?"

"W-wait! K-Kazuhiko? T-that's my fathers name..." I stuttered out, clearly shocked by the sudden mention of my father. "My name is Sora Hayashi, My father being Kazuhiko Hayashi and my mother being Suki Hayashi. Were you really my fathers summons?" I exclaimed, shock still seeping though into my voice as I spoke.

"I-impossible! How old are you child?" The tiger spoke, clearly a little startled from the new information.

"I'm nineteen years old," I explained as the Tigers eyes widened slightly at my statement.

"S-sora?" A small voice stammered from behind the tiger I was just speaking to.

He looked very similar to the first Tiger I spoke to. His soft long white fur danced around slightly with the breeze as small black stripes were pained across his body. Shiny deep blue eyes connected with my own ocean green ones as they held a soft expression and some sort of emotion... Friendship?

"H-hello? Do I know you?" I replied as I continued to stare at the shy tiger. I have a familiar feeling as if I have seen him before. Think. Think. Wait it couldn't be! "K-Kuri? Is that really you?" I asked as I was just stood there, stunned at who was standing right before me after so many years.

"Yes Sora chan, yes it is!" He shouted enthusiastically as he walked further towards me in anticipation.

Am I seeing things? Is this really my childhood friend standing right before me? The one I thought I had lost when my family was massacred ! One of the only friends that I really had other than my brother, but I didn't know he was my fathers summon!

"You know each other?" The taller tiger asked as he looked between me and Kuri in confusion. "Yes father, Kazuhiko used to summon me to play with Sora-chan when we were younger. We were best friends but then.... You know," he explained as he looked down in sorrow, obviously taking about the massacre.

"Well... I'm sorry for the intrusion, it's jus..." "Don't apologise my lady, we shall be loyal to you. You are the daughter of our hero, Kazuhiko. We shall fight beside you my dear. My name is Marise, I am the leader of our species," he interrupted me as he bowed his head in my direction to show his loyalty.

All of a sudden, a rather large scroll appeared in a cloud of white smoke before me as I realised what this was. "My dear, you will need to sign the contract to make our summon official," he explained as I began to open the scroll, I noticed my fathers contract being the only one written down. I really did miss my family.

"So I just sign it with my blood?" I confirmed as the tiger just nodded in response. "Okay then, here it goes!" I exclaimed as I bit my thumb hard enough to draw a decent amount of the watery red liquid, then began to sign the contract.

"As you already know each other, I will assign my son Kuri as your partner. If for some reason Kuri is unavailable don't be afraid the summon any of us," He explained politely as he shot friendly smile my way as I returned the kind gesture.

"I will leave you two to catch up on all the years while I go inform the others of your arrival, my sweet," he stated as he began to walk in the opposite direction.

"Goodbye... Marise," I bellowed to the snow like tiger as he retreated.

"Goodbye my dear," he replied as he strolled off into the distance and through the midnight trees.

"Follow me," Kuri whispered and started to lead me though the trees, I followed closely behind him as I didn't think getting lost would be a good idea.

"Where are we going," I questioned, curious as to where he was taking me.

"You will have to wait and see," he replied as we began to trek further and further into the forest.

We finally came to an opening and wow was it a stunning view that was presented before me.

As we strolled over to the huge bolder in front of us, I admired the dazzling waterfall located beside us as it glittered in the midnight gleam, little splashes of water droplets sprinkled the deep green grass.

I looked on into the distance, watching the glowing white birds fly elegantly through the midnight sky, free without a worry in the world. I started to giggle slightly as fireflies surrounded me and started to flutter and twirl in the air while I watched on in amazement and awe. Little multicoloured fish occupied the water as they danced around carelessly, having fun with each other.

"Wow, this is extraordinary!" I exclaimed still watching the scenery around me in awe. "I knew you would love it, you always loved the aspect of nature as a kid. I still remember all the adventures we went on," His gentle voice spoke from beside me as he seemed to be lost in thought.

"I loved it when we used to climb trees and go swimming and just venture the world together, that is one thing I will never forget! We have so many memories and stories together..." I daydreamed as I recalled all the memories from my past with Kuri, it was truly amazing.

"We sure do, we had so much fun! I used to love when we played in the snow and tried to glide across the ice without falling and when it was sunny we used to go swimming in the lake in the forest... I think I am the only tiger here that likes water and it's all because of you," He spoke as our smiles grew wider at the adventures that we used to love.

~~~~~~ Flashback ~~~~~~~~

It was a hot summer day as Kuri and I strolled through the forest towards the lake nearby. We were going to go swimming today although, Kuri doesn't like water but I am going to make him get over his fear.

He is such a scaredy cat sometimes.

"Hurry up Kuri, I can't wait to go swimming!" I shouted over my shoulder enthusiastically as I began to run towards the nearby lake, Kuri trailing not so far behind me. "Wait up Sora chan, you are going to end up falling... Again," he bellowed from behind as I continued to sprint along the forest floor.

"Stop being so over protective, loosen up and have some fun!" I shouted back at him as he began to catch up to me a little.

"I just don't want you getting hurt Sora chan!" He exclaimed, his breath hitching slightly as he tried to control his breathing.

"I will be fine, stop worrying," I replied as I giggled slightly at his worry; he is such a caring friend.

We finally reached the flowing river that ran through part of the forest, the water now warm due to the heat radiating throughout the atmosphere.

"Here we go!" I exclaimed jumping into the Luke warm water whilst Kuri just stood there in disgust trying to avoid contact with the shimmery blue liquid. "It's okay Kuri, it's not going to harm you, just try dipping your paw in, it's not as bad as you would expect," I explained to him in a persuading manner to try and get the ever so beautiful tiger to at least try to like water.

After looking at me with his fearful eyes, he began to move his paw slowly toward the water until his paw was almost touching the surface. "Come on, you can do it!" I cheered as a evil thought made its way into my mind.

As soon as his paw hit the surface of the water, I splashed a big wave of water onto Kuri as he made a loud screeching noise. "What was that for?!" He exclaimed, slightly shocked from my sudden action.

"I was showing you that water won't hurt you, it comforts you," I replied as his expression seem to soften from its previous tense state.

"Well? Just admit it... Water is not so bad!" I spoke to the now soaking wet tiger as he just looked down on himself in confusion then looking back at me with a shy expression.

"I guess its not all that bad," he replied as he began to lay down on the edge of the stream "...but I think I will just stick to having my paws in today, my father won't be very happy if I come home drenched in water."

"Okay, that's better than nothing," I exclaimed, smiling widely at Kuri.

I swam around the peaceful lake, enjoying the relaxing feeling it gives you, but then I pondered across a small fish in the water beside me, I think it's drowning!

"Quick, that fish is drowning!" I shouted to the now shocked Kuri as I lifted the drowning fish out of the water, trying to save it. I watched as the fish flopped around violently in my hands, making me panic even more as the fishes movements began to become slower and slower.

"It's not drowning! It's a fish... Fish live in water, they can't drown!" Kuri shouted to me as I just stared in horror at the lifeless fish laying in my fragile hands.

"W-what have I d-done? I-I'm a murderer!" I placed the fish gently next to Kuri as small tear drops started to roll down my soft cheeks. What have I done? I'm a horrible person....

"Don't think that way... You were trying to save the fish, you didn't kill it purposely," Kuri explained as he watched me cry on in sorrow.

"I'm sorry poor fish, I would save you now if I could!" I spoke to the innocent little fish the lay before me.

"Maybe we can save it..." Kuri stated as a smile made its way into his expression, his sharp canine teeth showing.

"B-but how?" I questioned in confusion, how can you save a fish that is already dead?

"Just watch" he stated as I just stepped back slightly and watched on in curiosity.

I stared in anticipation as he hovered his tiny white paw over the motionless fish, his paw starting to shine a light green as I stared on in amazement. "What is that?" I asked, extremely shocked when I saw that the fish was starting to move again. Oh my god!

"It's a healing technique that my father taught me, I'm glad it actually came in handy," he explained as he flipped the fish into the water, the fish swimming away as fast as its little fins could carry it.

"Wow Kuri, you're amazing! Thank you so much!" I exclaimed as I jumped up so I could hug him tightly to show my appreciation.

"It's okay Sora chan, that's what best friends are for!" He smiled and hugged me back with one paw, the other keeping him stable on the ground as he gently lifted me out of the water.

"Come on, we should get back now. Your father is probably wondering where we are," He explained as we slowly started to drift away into the wood towards the little cottage.

"Race you home," I shouted enthusiastically as he just smirked in my direction. "Three... Two... One... GO!"

We both ran through the tall trees like no tomorrow, Kuri slightly in the lead. "No you're not! I won't let you win again Kuri!" I shouted, my voice echoing through the trees as I attempted to run faster.

I finally managed to catch up to Kuri but I was really tired and out of breath and by the looks of it, so was Kuri too. We both ran and ran until finally we reached the little cottage, my body now dried off from the strong breeze.

"I did it! Well I didn't win but at least we drew for once..." I giggled at my own acomplishment whilst Kuri just gave me a loving smile.

"You're catching up fast Sora chan, i'm sure on day you are going to beat me," he exclaimed to me as I just grinned widely.

"Sure I am!" I bellowed, sticking my thumbs up in the direction of my little tiger friend, he just chuckled slightly at my giddiness.

"Good you two are back just in time. Kuri your father is waiting for you, I think it is time for you two to say your goodbyes for today," he explained as me and Kuri's grins slowly turned into frowns.

"Awwww, but I don't want to say goodbye..." We both complained at the same time as we turned to face each other.

"Kuri can come tomorrow if he would like to..." "YES!" We both squealed as our eyes lit up with pure excitement.

"See you tomorrow then Sora chan," Kuri bellowed as he stared into my shiny green eyes.

"See you tomorrow Kuri," I exclaimed in return as I suffocated him in a big friendly bear hug.

After that, I just watched closely on as my father and Kuri strolled away slowly... what adventure could be in store for us tomorrow?

~~~~~~~~ End of flashback ~~~~~~~~~~

"I really do miss all our adventures, we really did have some fun times," I whispered to the grinning tiger beside me.

"Well we are partners now, what is stopping us from still going on adventures?" He replied as he slowly turned his head to look at me.

"Good point there, I'm so glad we can finally be friends again, I missed you so much!" I exclaimed as I smiled back down at the mystical tiger.

As I shuffled closer to Kuri, I lent forward slightly and wrapped my arms gently around his neck as his soft snow like fur ticked my skin.

"Promise me something Kuri" I whispered into his fragile ear.

"Anything Sora-chan." He replied with in a soothing tone in his every word.

"Promise me that you will never leave me again. That we will always be best friends" I spoke softly as my grip on him tightened slightly.

"I promise Sora-chan, I promise I will never leave you. I promise that we will stay best friends... Forever."



Soooooooo... This is my 8th chappy finally up! This one took me quite a while to write as I have being busy with school work so I really hope you liked it! Love you all and thanx for all of the support! Until next time... Byeeeeeee.... =^x^=

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