Chapter 9 - Something New

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One minute I was saying my goodbyes to my best friend Kuri and the next I'm standing in the training meadow in the middle of the night.

My eyes scan around the now shady meadow, Itachi must have gone back to the hideout by now; after all, I had being a while with Kuri.

I started to make my back home until suddenly I felt two warm, muscular arms wrap tightly around my waist from behind and a head rest comfortably against my shoulder and neck; hair tickling my skin gently.

"Well hello there Itachi, I thought you might have made your way back to the hideout by now," I said to the familiar raven haired Uchiha that was clinging close to my body.

"You worried me, you were gone nearly all day, I didn't want anything happening to you. How could I leave when I'm worried about your well being?" He softly whispered in my ear, his hot breath tickling my skin as he spoke.

"Sorry, I met an old friend and we spent some time catching up. I didn't realise you were going to wait so long," I replied as I felt a pang of guilt hit my stomach.

The arms that were locked around my waist slowly started to move, trying to turn me around. I complied as I rotated round until I was face to face with the handsome Uchiha, our bodies so close.

"Well what matters the most is that you are here now, you are important to me Sora," he voiced as I just stood in confusion at his words. 'Me? Important? To Itachi? What does he mean?' I thought in confusion as I stared at the Uchiha.

"What do you me-" I was cut off by a pair of lush lips pressed against my own as my eyes flung wide open in pure shock. Itachi was actually kissing me!

I began to melt into the kiss as our lips started to move gently against each other . My hands began to glide slowly across his well built chest to wrap comfortably around his neck as his arms stayed tightly in place around my waist, pulling me against him tenderly.

His tongue ran across my lip asking for entrance but being my stubborn self, I denied. He kissed me more forcefully, still asking for entrance but was once again denied, but this time he smirked into the kiss as if he had some sort of plan.

His smooth hands started to glide upwards along my back and to my sides as he started to tickle my slightly. This was enough to make me gasp, Itachi using this as an opportunity.

After what seemed like hours, we finally broke away from the little make out session for air because, if you didn't know already, humans actually need to breath to survive...

My arms moved from there position around his neck, snaking their way around his waist as I lay my head comfortably against his muscular chest, listening to the steady beating of his heart.

My eyes fluttered closed as I snuggled into the warmth radiating off him, feeling a sense of security wave though me, making me turn all tingly and warm inside. I felt his hand start to run through my silky midnight locks in a soothing manner making my eye lids turn heavy as unconsciousness begged for control.

"Itachi..." I breathed whilst I cuddled up to him even more, he then began to lift me off my feet and start to carry me in a sort of bridal-style position.

"Yes Sora?" He replied in a calm whisper, looking down on me with the ever so hypnotic smile of his causing me to get lost in daydream for a moment. 'Oh dear. This is going to be hard to admit!'

"Itachi, this may seem a bit sudden but... I like you, a lot," I mumbled as it was as if I was hypnotised by the midnight eyes before me.

He began to lean in closer, his smooth lips grazing my ear as he spoke in a soft whisper, "As much as I hate to admit my true feelings, I return your affection. I care for you a lot Sora, you have changed my perspective on life and emotions ever since the first days I met you, I cannot imagine a world without your existence, that would truly be excruciating."

Even though my eyes were heavy and were begging for slumber, they still somehow managed to open wide at the words he just spoke. "I-I never knew y-you felt that way, I-Itachi," I managed to speak with a stutter causing him to smirk slightly at my reaction.

"May I ask you one more question before you rest, Sora?" His husky voice questioned as his expression changed into a rather serious demeanour but still somehow calm.

"Yes, anything you wish," I replied, quite confused at what he may possibly want to ask me.

"Sora, will you do the honours of being my girlfriend?"

My breathing hitched as I tried to process what was just asked of me. Me? Itachi's girlfriend? Did I really fall asleep earlier ... Or is this really reality?

"O-of course! I would truly love that Itachi! I really would!" I half squealed, half stammered as I began tighten the grip on my newly found boyfriend before me, both embracing each other in pure joy.

"You should get some rest now Sora, you have a big day ahead of you tomorrow, you will need your energy," he explained, making his way back to the hideout with me resting in his arms comfortably.

"Okay but, what is so special about tomorrow?" I asked as a sleepy tone made its way into my words.

"You will see, just make sure to be ready by 6:30, I shall be at your room by then," he replied as I continued to listen to his steady heartbeat once again, noticing how it matched the pace of my own - beating in sync.

"Okay then I shall, I guess this is goodnight then for now?" I asked "I guess it is. Goodnight Sora, sleep well."

"Goodnight Itachi, likewise," I replied as he place one last tender his among my lips before I began to slip into the darkness of slumber...


Why hello again my dear readers! I'm so sorry it took me a while to update... I just keep getting this weird feeling whenever I write and I never seem to be in a creative mood anymore and I don't really know why and also I have being very busy with school work and all...

So sorry this chappy is kinda short to the usual. Hope you like it anyway! Make sure to vote and comment.... That's if you want to anyway... And I love you all! Until next time....... =^x^=

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