Family counseling

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I walked out of my bedroom with plans of spending my day working on the couch. That was until I saw Camila sitting on it. "Hello." I said my face registering some serious confusion.

She looked at the phone in my hand, and then she looked up at me. "Shawn and I were never together before I made you leave." She said. "But I have been a total bitch, and that is so not me and I don't understand why you being this calm about things makes me like that. And I resent you for it."

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"I can't be with Shawn if I can't let you go. I don't know how you feel and it's driving me crazy." I raised my brow.

"You want my blessing?" I asked, and then I laughed. "Get out of my house."


"Get out of my house, Camila... I don't want to be angry, I have to work now."

"Why are you being like this?" She asked.

"You want to know how I feel? Why don't you wait until a better time so that I can deal with this. You selfish..." I took a deep breath and exhaled I was getting worked up. I needed to try what Normani had said." I walked out headed toward the kitchen.

I grabbed a pair of rubber gloves and I sat on the table. I blew the gloves up and made little balloons. I drew little faces on them. "Lauren." It was her voice again. I looked at her from where I sat. No anger, no tears just calm. I felt calm. "I'm gonna leave... I just have one more thing to say."

"What else have you got to say, Camz?" I wanted to say that every word she uttered broke me, but instead I chose indifference. It worked before, when we were teenagers.

"We need to have some very real conversations," I feel my heart rate speed up, because this was all the in I needed. "For Kamryn's sake."

"You're right... Is that it?" I asked. She was trying to see what my reaction would be.

"Yeah," She said nodding looking a little confused by my lack of emotion. Seeing the old me from before was a little disconcerting, but it made her want to stay. I could see it in her eyes. "So... could you call me, when you finish working?"

"That's what I said in the living room."

She nodded and walked away. I watched her and my aloofness left me. I was elated; I was finally getting somewhere. It was as if my refusal to let her go made her push me away. But now that I was neither pressuring her to take me back, nor pushing her away she needed to talk to me. Maybe Kamryn was up to something.

After I finished work,  I had agreed to meet with Camila. I walked into the restaurant; it wasn't anything suggestive. I walked up to Camila who was looking a little irritated but she couldn't help but check me out.

I kept myself in check. She always looked beautiful to me. I sat across from her and waited for her to say something. "You have somewhere to go?" She asked looking past me.

I looked at the bar, seeing Lucy day there. She waved at me and I smiled slightly. Then I turned back to Camila and shrugged. "Are you planning to take all night? You never want to talk to me more than ten minutes."

"Two weeks ago, you were telling me you weren't going to sign the divorce papers." She said angrily.

"And I'm not going to. You haven't given me a good enough reason for me to sign them." I answered.

"Then what are you doing with Lucy?"

"I didn't know she was going to be here."

She relaxed a little bit. Then looked me over again. "You're wearing your nose ring again."

"It still works for me doesn't it?" I say casually as if we weren't just arguing. I kept the tone easy. It seemed to relax her more. "So, what did you want to talk to me about?"

"Kamryn... She is so attached to you, I can't even seem to get through to her."

"Camz, Kamryn is no idiot. She knows what's happening and she doesn't like it. Just like any other kid would hate what is happening. Her parents are supposed to love each other and all she sees is cruelty." I said that so calmly and clinically I couldn't believe that it was coming from me.

"I don't mean to be cruel." She said softly. "I think we should go to family counseling, so that we can help her transition better."

I raised an eyebrow. I actually almost smiled, because someone told me once that when people are shown the hurt they inflict, they either turn a blind eye to it or they fix it, and Camila is a fix it type of girl, unless she has changed that much. "Therapy?"

"Yes, I can't have my own child hating me, Lauren."

"She doesn't hate you, Camz." I said, "She is just angry, she will get over it."

"What if she is like you and she doesn't get over it an is scarred for life and becomes this horny teenager that likes scary movies." She said a little jokingly. I laughed instead of letting on that the comment stung a little more than I wanted it to.

"Okay... are we good?" I asked, and she nodded. Just then the waiter arrived. "No thank you, I am not staying. Just set it up and I will be at the sessions okay?"

I stood up and began to saunter out of the restaurant putting a little extra sway in my hips. "Lauren," Camila begins. I turned. "It is probably gonna require a little couples counseling."

"Camz, remember I didn't want out of the marriage... whatever happens with the shrink I will take." And then I walked out of the restaurant. I spotted Lucy standing by my car.

"How did it go?" She asked

"She wants to go to counseling."

"Oh! Well I guess she is ready to talk!" She said excited.

"Yeah I just want to go home."

"Okay, okay."

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