No matter what

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It had been a horrible cycle of apathy and self-loathing for the rest of the week. Lucy kept calling me, but I continued to ignore her phone calls. I returned home that afternoon and striped the bed and didn't even bother to wash them, I just threw them away. This never happened. Camila would never need to know.

I hated myself for allowing myself to get that drunk. Yes I knew Lucy was my friend, kind of... Ugh, I'd never get Camila back if she found out. All I wanted was Camila. I stayed in bed the entire week... The next week I had to go back to work, so I just took my solitude and nurtured it.

Friday afternoon my doorbell rang. I looked around wildly. I wasn't expecting anyone. I walked to my door and looked through the peephole and froze. "What?" I whispered and I ran to the bedroom, and looked at myself in the mirror. "Oh god... think fast Lauren..." I said gaining a sheen of sweat on my forehead. I opened my active wear drawer and pulled on some shorts. I ran a brush through my hair and put it in a ponytail. I dabbed a bit of lip-gloss on my lips and I grabbed a towel slung it over my shoulder and headed to door and opened it just as Camila and Kamryn were heading back to the car.

"Finally!" Camila said a look of pure annoyance on her face.

"Hi Momma." Kamryn said, pushing past me into the house.

"Hey, not that I'm not happy that she's here? But what's up?"

"It's your weekend..." Camila said.

"I thought-" I started then changed my mind. I wasn't about to press my luck.

"What took you so long to answer the door?" she said hotly.

"I was doing a little yoga in the garden, I didn't hear the doorbell ring."

She laughed at that. "You don't do yoga."

"Camz, I'm twenty seven... I can't stay looking this hot without breaking a sweat."

She rolled her eyes and mumbled something about not having had the pleasure of being pregnant and having to work hard to keep the weight off. I sighed. I wasn't going to apologize for Kamryn. "Whatever. Next time you forget to get our daughter from school you loose your weekend."

"I thought we had swapped this weekend for last week!"

"It was your Birthday, Lauren! I wasn't going to keep her from you." She said, and then I remembered she wasn't really a bitch, I just made her that way.

I wanted to keep her here. I really did. I wanted to talk to her, and I wanted it to be like before, when everything was new. I wanted to tell her I still loved her, and wanted her and no one else but her. "Camz..." I started, and she turned to me. Her hostility back on her features. "Can we talk?"

"I can't, I'm meeting someone." She answered. "Maybe when you drop Kamryn back at home."

"You're meeting someone... Like on a date?"

"Yes Lauren, a date. I date. I'm single remember?" Camila said taking a protective stance.

"Oh..." I said annoyed. "Listen, I don't want Kamryn to be around your dates."

"Kamryn doesn't know anything about who I date, don't worry."

"Oh? So Shawn isn't your boyfriend now?" I said putting my hands on my hips. She blanched. She glanced into the house then back at me. "You might want to be a little more discrete about your intentions."

"My intentions are none of your business." She said opening her car door.

I ran towards her and stopped her from getting into the car. I pressed myself close to her. "Are you fucking him?"

"So what if I am?" she was trying to get into her car again. But I pressed my leg between hers and I leaned closer. "You can't stop me."

"Can't I?" I asked with a whisper in her ear. I felt the shiver go through her body. "The fact that you and I are still married doesn't bother you? I am not signing those papers. I never will."

She pushed me off of her angrily. "Fuck you, Lauren."

"Yes, please do." I answered as she climbed into her car and sped off. I frowned, I felt so much less confident than I sounded. I just wanted to go back to bed. So I did. After a couple of hours, Kamryn crawled into bed with me. "Did you eat before you got here?"

"Yes Momma." She answered and I buried my head under my pillows. "Who is my dad?"

I Looked at Kamryn. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, two girls can't make a baby, how was I made?"

"Kamryn, your mom and I made you." I said with a sigh. "I told you that before."


I always told her that she was a little bit of Camila and a little bit of me, which is why she looked like both of us. This time, however I had to explain the mutation to her. so I sat up and explained it. "So I'm kind of your dad, you know how your Mom and I always said you were special? I'm special too."

"Oh..." She looked down at her lap, then back up at me. "You have a dick too?"

"Do you swear like this in front of your Mom?" I said hugging her to my chest.

"I'm not stupid, Momma. I'd get the chancla if I swore in front of Mom." We snuggle together and she stares at my face. She reaches out and touches it. "Momma, you are so pretty. I wish I looked like you."

"Kamryn, you are so beautiful... just wait till you're allowed to date..."

She blushed a little, "When is that?"

"When you're thirty." I said with a chuckle, then I looked at her. "Do you like someone?"

"Well... kind of." She said, "there is this girl..." she told me about this girl that liked to chase her and sometimes she lets her catch her.

"What does she do once she catches you?" I asked quirking a brow.

"She teases me, or pulls my hair... I don't know It depends on her mood."

"Oh that's true love right there." I said with a chuckle. She blushes again and covers her head with her pillow.

I look over at the clock, and noticed it was only nine. My god I had been in bed for a long time my sense of time was off. Kamryn had been quiet for a long time so I thought maybe she had fallen asleep. I sighed and I shifted around to lay on my back. Then I thought I heard something. "Kamryn? Did you ask me something?"

"How did you know that Mom liked you?" I looked at her. What did she want me to tell her? Why did she want me to tell her? "It's just that, you guys seem so different. I don't see how you guys even got together."

"We were friends... well sort of... she was Dinah's shy best friend. "

"Shy?" She asked.

"Yeah," I answered. "I really liked your Mom, but I didn't know that she liked me, so I was just a little extra mean to her so she'd notice me. I still don't know how she never noticed me crushing on her. I just didn't want to get hurt. See a couple of nights before, your Mom had kissed me, that's when I had to tell her about, you know our little problems, and I didn't like what was happening to me. So I had become so much meaner. Your mom, took me being uncomfortable as if to say that I didn't like girls that way, when I really liked a girl a lot... her. I couldn't get her out of my head."

"Hey Camz..." I said softly. "Would you like to hang out with me after school tomorrow?"

She turned to face me and kind of smiled. "Like a date?"

I shrugged. "Yeah, as a date- only if you want it to be?" I answered

She laughed and nodded. "Sure Lamp." She said with a smile, "I'll be a perfect gentleman."

"Wait, Momma... I always wanted to ask why she always called you Lamp." I blushed slightly recalling the fact that it had been Camila's nickname for my penis.

"It's just a inside joke that your Mom and I had."

"Can I know the inside joke?"

"No way, your Mom would kill me." I answered tersely.

"Oh... Gross." Kamryn said, putting two and two together. "I shouldn't have asked that."

I chuckled a little. My thoughts turned inward for a little while. "I'm gonna try to fix this, Kamz..." The words slipped out of my mouth before I could stop them.


"I don't know," I said taking her in my arms. "But we will be just fine no matter what happens."

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