Episode 15

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"GAAAAAAH!" Jimin yelled as he punched the bag.

It tilted back, before swinging back in JImin's face, who only hit it stronger, yelling continuously.

He was angry, very angry.

Hanseol and Leemin getting away with hurting others, his notebooks that were now all crinkled from the time Hanseol had stolen his paper, not managing to land the new flip he was practicing, having to shut up at school, putting up with all the bullies, Jungkook's pretty face, the slander, the homophobic comments, the hits, the rubbers and paper balls at the back of his head...

Being alone.

He yelled, and yelled, and punched and punched.

Kicking the punching bag, kneeing it, punching it again and again, repeatedly.

He was definitely being stupid, ignoring everything his therapist had said, not warming up before starting to assault the punching bag, not wrapping his hands.

The yells hadn't stopped, neither did his punches and kicks. His lungs were on fire, his knuckles were red and bruised, having ripped his skin and bleeding freely, smudging on the bag and on the floor.

"Jimin!" His mother yelled as both his parents barged into the room, having heard the yells from up the stairs. "Jimin stop it."

She grabbed ahold of his shoulder, yanking him back but he turned around, face red and eyes blazing with fury as he swung his arm straight to her cheek.

Chanseol fell to the floor harshly, hitting the back of her head against the tatami.

"Jimin!" His father roared as he tried to restrict him, but the boy seemed enraged, throwing attacks at him as he yelled his throat out. "Jimin calm down!" Jaesung yelled over his son, knocking him to the floor and locking his arm behind his back, sitting on his lower back.

The boy trashed into his hold, yelling like he never had before and scaring his father. He'd never seen his son like this, even when they'd taken him away four years ago.

"Jimin! Calm down, you're dangerous right now." He said, looking at his wife worriedly as she didn't move, hair in her eyes.

"We need to take your mother to the hospital. Jimin! calm down."

Jaesung decided it was enough, knocking a harsh blow to Jimin's nape for him to fall limp under him, eyes clouded.

The last thing he saw through the tears building up in his eyes, was the figure of his father picking up his unconscious mother from the ground.

Then everything was dark.


Jimin woke up sitting in a place he was not familiar with, he was about to raised his hand to rub his eyes only to be restricted by something cold and hard, the sound of metal resonating in his still tired eyes.

He opened his eyes fully, noticing his hands were cuffed on his lap.

"If he ever gets out of control, restrict him so he doesn't hurt himself or anyone else."

Jimin's eyes watered as he looked at his bloody hands, he knew it was his that had dried up over his knuckles, but he felt the panic rise into his system nonetheless.

The image of his mother lying lifeless on the floor flashed before his eyes.

"It's okay." Said a voice next to him as a warm hand held his hand, interrupting his thoughts.

Jimin's head snapped to the side, seeing his father sitting next to him in the long white hallway lined with rooms, that he now noticed smelled of disinfectant.

He sobbed, resting his head on his father's shoulder as his other hands stroked his son's long hair.

"She'll be okay Jimin."

The boy sobbed.

"She got knocked out from the shock and has a small concussion, but some ice on the bruise and a lot of sleep will get her back on her feet in no time."

Jimin sobbed harder. He had failed. Failed his father, his mother, his therapist, himself, everyone...

"I'm sorry Dad." He said. "I broke my promise."

"Jimin-ah, you have to promise to change alright. Never hurt anyone, you hear me son? Never."

"Shhh." His father soothed him. "You made a mistake. That's fine, we'll just have to find a solution together, as a family."

Jimin raised his shackled hands to his father's shirt, clutching the fabric in his knuckles softly.

"Park Jaesung?" Called a nurse, clipboard in hand. "You can come in now."

Both of them shot up, Jaesung taking a hold of Jimin's arm and walking calmly to the room, ignoring the weird looks he got from the personel.

Chanseol was sitting in one of the beds in the room, the rest of them also filled with patients, though there were thin blue curtains to give them privacy.

She immediately smiled as she saw the two men and stood up. She had a bandage over her cheek and neck brace.

The sight made Jimin burst into tears again, taking a step back before his father tightened his grip on his forearm.

His mother came towards him, wrapping him in a gentle hug.

"There there, son." She said softly. "Cry it out."

Jimin was torn between the desperate want to wrap his arms around his mother and squeeze her in a tight embrace, or fear he would break her bones if he moved.

What had he done to deserve such a beautiful family?

He really did deserve everything that was happening at school in the end. He was just paying for all the pain he'd caused other people.

"Jimin." His father interrupted. "Let's go see Minjung."

His eyes filled with dread, but he nodded nonetheless.

The family walked out of the common room before taking the elevator to the private floor, knowing the way all too well.

Everything was silent, except for their footsteps and the metalic sound of JImin's hand cuffs.

A door opened, and suddenly his ears rung with the regular beeping of the life support. His head was bowed in shame as he entered the room.

The curtains were open, light shining on a bouquet of wilting flowers on the small tale next to the bed, their once colourful petals falling on the white surface, now a dark brown colour.

He stood next to the bed of an unconscious boy, mouth parted underneath an oxygen mask.

Memories flooded his mind as he got the sudden urge to vomit.

Yells and cries again, blood, a lot of blood. His hands soaked and dripping.

Hits, lots of hits, laughs and a boy under him, pleading to be spared.

That boy was in front of him now, in a hospital bed, in a coma he had inflicted almost four years ago.

800 reads yay!!
And the plot is finally unfolding :)
what did you think??

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