Episode 16

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"Yah! Jimin-ah! Did you see the game?" One of his friends asked in dialect as he swung his arms over his shoulders.

"Of course i did." Jimin answered, also in dialect.

Light clouds covered the sky as the boys strolled down the sore, between the tall buildings of the city of Busan and the gray sea.

"Hey look, it's that kid." The friend laughed as Jimin snickered along with him.

"Yah! trash boy!" The boy yelled as he ran up to him. "Earning money i see."

He tapped the company cap the boy was wearing, looking down at the flyers he had in his hands with a condescending smirk before slapping them out of his trembling hands.

"An audition?" Jimin asked as he picked up one of the flyers. "Are you a casting manager now?"

The friend snickered.

"No-.. I'm uh..." the boy stammered.

"You're what?" Jimin urged in a dark voice thick with dialect.

"I'm a trainee there." He said.

Jimin snorted.

"You?" He looked the boy up and down. "You were chosen? Damn they must be really desperate."

The friend snickered again, the boy looking down in slight shame.


"Yah! Jimin-ah! Check this out, trash boy is being a snitch." The friend said as he showed Jimin the video of an interview of a new idol group that had just debuted.

"I was really happy when he debuted. I- I was bullied, and it was very hard at times. My school has some bad people, but it made me happy to see all of you at our debut stage. Thank you all, f-"

Jimin glared at the screen of the phone he'd just shut down, standing up slowly from his seat in the classroom and cracking his knuckles as he walked out.

His eyes glared fiercely, throwing anyone off his track as he stomped to the class at the other end of the hall. He threw the sliding doors open.

"Yah! Trash boy." He roared, most of the class flinching.

The friend came in after him and closed the door behind him, standing in front of it.

Jimin looked around the class, a mad smile over his lips.

"The fuck you looking at?" He asked at a girl who only looked away with a small whimper.

"Don't mind us." He said as he looked around the room. "We're just sorting out the trash." His eyes narrowed at said boy.

"Yah Minjung-ah." His voice was deep a he stepped forward, kicking the table that was in his way. "Why're you being a little bitch?"

Said boy looked down, tears building up in his eyes.

"Who said you could snitch?"

The boy looked up to meet his daring eyes.

"I have the right to speak u-" A punch to his stomach.

"What right?" Jimin laughed. "You think trash boys deserve rights?"

And with that he punched the boy's nose, sending him flying to backwards to his the back wall of the classroom, knocking the air out of his lungs as he grasped for air.

"I'm a human being." The boy said.

"Yah..." Jimin growled, grabbing some of the boy's hair to pull his face up. "Shut up, trash boy."

And with that, the class watched as Park Jimin, popular bad boy of the school, thirteen year old boy, beat the absolute life out of his upperclassman. All of them too terrified to do anything to stop him and none being able to run away with his friend blocking the doorway.

They could only watch the gruesome scene.

Blood from his nose and wounds spilled on the floor and on Jimin's hands, both his eyes were bloated and shut closed by all the swelling and bruising around them, his lips was busted and blood trickled down his mouth and nose. Some more red stained his forehead from when Jimin had kicked his head into the lockers.

He laid there, unmoving, back against the bloody wall as Jimin stood straight up again, breathing heavily from the thrill in his veins.

"Yah, trash boy." He nudged the boy as he noticed he wasn't moving."Wake up."

But he didn't.

Jimin finally looked around.

Some had covered their ears as they cried, others hugging each other to shield themselves from the horror, others were looking at the body with wide, empty eyes, others were held fear or anger in their dark eyes.

Even the friend looked at him differently.

He looked down at the body, laying there, blood smeared on his face bruised and swelled, unrecognisable from the beautiful boy he used to be.

Jimin's ears were ringing, as if he were under water. He looked down at his red hands, some blood dripping on his white indoor shoes, just before they were pulled behind his back and cuffed.

"Monster!" He heard from a girl in teary eyes as she pointed an accusing finger at him.

He only had a glimpse of the paramedics crew coming in the class and gathering around the body before the police pulled him to face forward.

The back story we had all been waiting for!! (It's still missing some parts ofc)

I'm glad some of you said you liked the story line, hope it's still the case (:

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