Episode 57

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"Jungkook-ah!," Hoseok yelled from across the hallway, running towards the younger and wrapping an arm around his shoulders, trapping him in a headlock smoothly.

The mid terms had officially started in their neighborhood high school. All students were pale, tired, under high level of stress, and wanted nothing more than to get their exams over with and finally enjoy some rest during the winter vacation.

Some of the luckier students, such as Hoseok, had finished their exams for the day and were free to go home or use the school's facilities to revise for their next exams, whereas others, such as Jimin and Jungkook, had multiple exams in one day, and had to wait around in the hallway for their assigned teacher to arrive. 

"How was your exam?" Hoseok asked, "do you have any more exams today?"

"It was... decent," Jungkook said, almost as if he were surprised of it himself.

Maybe his study dates with Jimin, despite not always being only studying, had paid off.

Jungkook effortlessly freed himself from Hoseok's headlock and shook his notes in front of the older's face,"I have chem next, don't bother me."

Both of them were standing around in front of Jungkook and Jimin's classroom, among the sea of students hastily reading over their notes again in the last few minutes before their midterms.

Hoseok scanned the hall for Jimin, standing on his tiptoes to look over some of the taller second years, until he finally found him standing right next to the door, looking down at his shoes and twirling strands of his long hair between his fingers.

"Jimin-ah!" He called, smiling widely as the boy looked up. 

The class had turned to look at them, initially surprised that Jungkook was being so touchy with someone outside of beating them up in a match, and now further shocked that he was letting a no-life like Jimin stand in his close vicinity.

People had been gossiping about that one incident when Jungkook had grabbed onto Jimin's wrist only for them to walk out of the classroom together. Jungkook genuinely seemed less terrifying: although reserved, he was polite with his teachers and his pears, never skipped cleaning duty and even helped people pick up the things they had dropped.

Yeongsu had always been one of the only members of the MCSC who was well liked by his classmates and maintained healthy friendships outside of the club, and overall the only person in the club that wasn't terrorizing anyone, but Jungkook was slowly starting to make it easier to approach him.

A girl from their class, urged by her two friends and pushed right in front of Jungkook and Hoseok, decided she just might as well give it a shot.

"Jeon Jungkook," Jieun said with a hesitant smile as Jimin finally made it next to Hoseok, "can I read over the notes with you?"

And a third wave of utter surprised and whispers washed over the class as they watched Jeon Jungkook, the captain of the MCSC lean down slightly and show his notes to his evidently shorter classmates without even glaring at her.

Jimin and Hoseok on the other hand, looked at each other with a soft, knowing smile, seeing very well that although Jungkook was trying to hide it, he was utterly ecstatic that someone had talked to him casually.

He had always hated being feared.

'Just like in the dramas,' Jungkook would probably say once they were in private.

"Jimin-ah you're not revising?" Hoseok asked as he let Jungkook and Jieun read over the notes together and turned to Jimin instead.

"I'm ready," Jimin simply answered with a relaxed smile.

Hoseok scoffed in disbelief, raising a hand to ruffle Jimin's hair and tease him for being a total nerd. As he looked at Jimin trying to smooth his haor over his piercings again and laughed with Hoseok, he was reminded of his conversation with Jungkook the previous weekend.

He still had a hard time processing the fact that his childhood friend was in a serious relationship.

He nudged Jungkook, not so subtlety winking at him and signaling towards Jimin, urging him to try all the tips Hoseok had shared with him.

"Fuck off hyung, let us concentrate," Jungkook said, blushing deeply as he kicked Hoseok away from him.

Hoseok laughed, walking away with his hands in his pockets after wishing both of his precious underclassmen good luck.

On the other side of the school, Namjoon, Yeongsu and the rest of their class were waiting to take their own mid term.

"Namjoon-Ah!" Yeongsu yelled, "please explain it to me, I promise I'll buy you some-"

"No, Yeongsu," Namjoon replied sternly, "I told you you had to study before this, you didn't listen to me, it's all your fault."

"But Namjoon..." Yeongsu whined. "Oh my god, everyone is going in, please let me copy."

"Not my problem if you get caught."

"I fucking love you Namjoon, you know that?"


A few days later

"All right everyone, pens down," the teacher said as she started walking down the rows of seats to collect the answer sheets.

Jungkook finally relaxed his shoulders, letting out a deep sigh as all the piled up stress of exams slowly faded. They had finally taken all of their exams, and had all the time they wanted to relax during winter break.

He looked over to the other side of the class, where Jimin was already packing his things.

The two had been very obviously awkward with each other since the library incident, to the point even Jaebyul, who was perhaps the purest one in their friend group, had also joined the boys in teasing them relentlessly.

Despite that, Jungkook was determined to spend time with Jimin. Maybe they could have a movie night with hot chocolate, or bake cookies together...

"Jungkook," Jieun called from her seat a few rows in front of him. "How was it?"

Jungkook smiled, a few people in front of him blinking a few times to make sure the exams hadn't made them hallucinate.

"Pretty good, my friend helped me study so...yeah" he trailed on, unsure of the right way to respond not to scare her away. "What about you?"

"Reading over your notes every time was really helpful," Jieun said. "Thanks a lot."

"Ah by the way," Hanyul, one of the boys from their class, asked hesitantly. "What did you write for the last equation?"

And again, to everyone surprise, Jungkook simply hummed in thought before answering casually.

"30 milligrams of sugar, I think," he said.

"See, I told you," Jieun said, a large smirk bloomin on her lips as she turned to Hanyul next to her.

"Argh, i'm fucked, I'll have to retake the exam," he whined, a few other classmates laughing around, and asking their own question to compare everyone's answers.

Jungkook chuckled, feeling thankful that he was finally having a normal high school experience.

"Just ask Jimin, he helped me out for chemistry, he's really-" he looked over to Jimin's seat, about to call him over only to notice he had already left. "Good."

"Jimin?" Jieun asked, "I thought you guys only picked on him to copy his homework."

"Ah," Jungkook scratched the back of his head. "Some of them do, but I don't."

"I don't know, Jimin is kind of weird though, he never talks and-" Hanyul began, but stopped as soon as he saw Jungkook's eyebrows knit.

"Jimin is a really good tutor, but suit yourself I guess," he shrugged. "I'll head out then, bye."

And with that he waved his classmates goodbye with a slight smile.

"Did we just..." Hanyul looked over to his best friend.

"Yup, we just talked to Jeon Jungkook casually," Jieun confirmed

"In what parallel universe have we landed."

"You tell me."


What did you guys think? I have a new laptop now and it's soooo much faster than my old one!! And it's powerful enough to do some video editing and stuff yehaaaw!

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